Joan-Andreu Sánchez
Also published as: Joan Andreu Sánchez, Joan-Andreu Sanchez
On the Derivational Entropy of Left-to-Right Probabilistic Finite-State Automata and Hidden Markov Models
Joan Andreu Sánchez
Martha Alicia Rocha
Verónica Romero
Mauricio Villegas
Computational Linguistics, Volume 44, Issue 1 - April 2018
Towards the Supervised Machine Translation: Real Word Alignments and Translations in a Multi-task Active Learning process
Martha-Alicia Rocha
Joan-Andreu Sanchez
Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit XIV: Posters
Handwritten Text Recognition for Historical Documents
Verónica Romero
Nicolás Serrano
Alejandro H. Toselli
Joan Andreu Sánchez
Enrique Vidal
Proceedings of the Workshop on Language Technologies for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage
Confidence Measures for Error Discrimination in an Interactive Predictive Parsing Framework
Ricardo Sánchez-Sáez
Joan Andreu Sánchez
José Miguel Benedí
Coling 2010: Posters
Enlarged Search Space for SITG Parsing
Guillem Gascó
Joan-Andreu Sánchez
José-Miguel Benedí
Human Language Technologies: The 2010 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Interactive Predictive Parsing using a Web-based Architecture
Ricardo Sánchez-Sáez
Luis A. Leiva
Joan-Andreu Sánchez
José-Miguel Benedí
Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Demonstration Session
UPV-PRHLT English–Spanish System for WMT10
Germán Sanchis-Trilles
Jesús Andrés-Ferrer
Guillem Gascó
Jesús González-Rubio
Pascual Martínez-Gómez
Martha-Alicia Rocha
Joan-Andreu Sánchez
Francisco Casacuberta
Proceedings of the Joint Fifth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation and MetricsMATR
The UPV-PRHLT Combination System for WMT 2010
Jesús González-Rubio
Germán Sanchis-Trilles
Joan-Andreu Sánchez
Jesús Andrés-Ferrer
Guillem Gascó
Pascual Martínez-Gómez
Martha-Alicia Rocha
Francisco Casacuberta
Proceedings of the Joint Fifth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation and MetricsMATR
ITI-UPV machine translation system for IWSLT 2010
Guillem Gascó
Vicent Alabau
Jesús-Andrés Ferrer
Jesús González-Rubio
Martha-Alicia Rocha
Germán Sanchis-Trilles
Francisco Casacuberta
Jorge González
Joan-Andreu Sánchez
Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation: Evaluation Campaign
UPV translation system for IWSLT 2009
Guillem Gascó
Joan Andreu Sánchez
Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation: Evaluation Campaign
Statistical Confidence Measures for Probabilistic Parsing
Ricardo Sánchez-Sáez
Joan-Andreu Sánchez
José-Miguel Benedí Ruíz
Proceedings of the International Conference RANLP-2009
Interactive Predictive Parsing
Ricardo Sánchez-Sáez
Joan-Andreu Sánchez
José-Miguel Benedí
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Parsing Technologies (IWPT’09)
Using Parsed Corpora for Estimating Stochastic Inversion Transduction Grammars
Germán Sanchis
Joan Andreu Sánchez
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'08)
Stochastic Inversion Transduction Grammars for Obtaining Word Phrases for Phrase-based Statistical Machine Translation
Joan Andreu Sánchez
José Miguel Benedí
Proceedings on the Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation
Combination of N-Grams and Stochastic Context-Free Grammars for Language Modeling
Jose-Miguel Benedi
Joan-Andreu Sanchez
COLING 2000 Volume 1: The 18th International Conference on Computational Linguistics