Jie Huang


DimonGen: Diversified Generative Commonsense Reasoning for Explaining Concept Relationships
Chenzhengyi Liu | Jie Huang | Kerui Zhu | Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

In this paper, we propose DimonGen, which aims to generate diverse sentences describing concept relationships in various everyday scenarios. To support this, we first create a benchmark dataset for this task by adapting the existing CommonGen dataset. We then propose a two-stage model called MoREE to generate the target sentences. MoREE consists of a mixture of retrievers model that retrieves diverse context sentences related to the given concepts, and a mixture of generators model that generates diverse sentences based on the retrieved contexts. We conduct experiments on the DimonGen task and show that MoREE outperforms strong baselines in terms of both the quality and diversity of the generated sentences. Our results demonstrate that MoREE is able to generate diverse sentences that reflect different relationships between concepts, leading to a comprehensive understanding of concept relationships.

Can Language Models Be Specific? How?
Jie Huang | Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang | Jinjun Xiong | Wen-mei Hwu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

“He is a person”, “Paris is located on the earth”. Both statements are correct but meaningless - due to lack of specificity. In this paper, we propose to measure how specific the language of pre-trained language models (PLMs) is. To achieve this, we introduce a novel approach to build a benchmark for specificity testing by forming masked token prediction tasks with prompts. For instance, given “Toronto is located in [MASK].”, we want to test whether a more specific answer will be better filled in by PLMs, e.g., Ontario instead of Canada. From our evaluations, we show that existing PLMs have only a slight preference for more specific answers. We identify underlying factors affecting the specificity and design two prompt-based methods to improve the specificity. Results show that the specificity of the models can be improved by the proposed methods without additional training. We hope this work can bring to awareness the notion of specificity of language models and encourage the research community to further explore this important but understudied problem.

Towards Reasoning in Large Language Models: A Survey
Jie Huang | Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Reasoning is a fundamental aspect of human intelligence that plays a crucial role in activities such as problem solving, decision making, and critical thinking. In recent years, large language models (LLMs) have made significant progress in natural language processing, and there is observation that these models may exhibit reasoning abilities when they are sufficiently large. However, it is not yet clear to what extent LLMs are capable of reasoning. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of knowledge on reasoning in LLMs, including techniques for improving and eliciting reasoning in these models, methods and benchmarks for evaluating reasoning abilities, findings and implications of previous research in this field, and suggestions on future directions. Our aim is to provide a detailed and up-to-date review of this topic and stimulate meaningful discussion and future work.


Open Relation Modeling: Learning to Define Relations between Entities
Jie Huang | Kevin Chang | Jinjun Xiong | Wen-mei Hwu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2022

Relations between entities can be represented by different instances, e.g., a sentence containing both entities or a fact in a Knowledge Graph (KG). However, these instances may not well capture the general relations between entities, may be difficult to understand by humans, even may not be found due to the incompleteness of the knowledge source. In this paper, we introduce the Open Relation Modeling problem - given two entities, generate a coherent sentence describing the relation between them. To solve this problem, we propose to teach machines to generate definition-like relation descriptions by letting them learn from defining entities. Specifically, we fine-tune Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs) to produce definitions conditioned on extracted entity pairs. To help PLMs reason between entities and provide additional relational knowledge to PLMs for open relation modeling, we incorporate reasoning paths in KGs and include a reasoning path selection mechanism. Experimental results show that our model can generate concise but informative relation descriptions that capture the representative characteristics of entities.

Domain Representative Keywords Selection: A Probabilistic Approach
Pritom Saha Akash | Jie Huang | Kevin Chang | Yunyao Li | Lucian Popa | ChengXiang Zhai
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2022

We propose a probabilistic approach to select a subset of a target domain representative keywords from a candidate set, contrasting with a context domain. Such a task is crucial for many downstream tasks in natural language processing. To contrast the target domain and the context domain, we adapt the two-component mixture model concept to generate a distribution of candidate keywords. It provides more importance to the distinctive keywords of the target domain than common keywords contrasting with the context domain. To support the representativeness of the selected keywords towards the target domain, we introduce an optimization algorithm for selecting the subset from the generated candidate distribution. We have shown that the optimization algorithm can be efficiently implemented with a near-optimal approximation guarantee. Finally, extensive experiments on multiple domains demonstrate the superiority of our approach over other baselines for the tasks of keyword summary generation and trending keywords selection.

Are Large Pre-Trained Language Models Leaking Your Personal Information?
Jie Huang | Hanyin Shao | Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2022

Are Large Pre-Trained Language Models Leaking Your Personal Information? In this paper, we analyze whether Pre-Trained Language Models (PLMs) are prone to leaking personal information. Specifically, we query PLMs for email addresses with contexts of the email address or prompts containing the owner’s name. We find that PLMs do leak personal information due to memorization. However, since the models are weak at association, the risk of specific personal information being extracted by attackers is low. We hope this work could help the community to better understand the privacy risk of PLMs and bring new insights to make PLMs safe.

MetaASSIST: Robust Dialogue State Tracking with Meta Learning
Fanghua Ye | Xi Wang | Jie Huang | Shenghui Li | Samuel Stern | Emine Yilmaz
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Existing dialogue datasets contain lots of noise in their state annotations. Such noise can hurt model training and ultimately lead to poor generalization performance. A general framework named ASSIST has recently been proposed to train robust dialogue state tracking (DST) models. It introduces an auxiliary model to generate pseudo labels for the noisy training set. These pseudo labels are combined with vanilla labels by a common fixed weighting parameter to train the primary DST model. Notwithstanding the improvements of ASSIST on DST, tuning the weighting parameter is challenging. Moreover, a single parameter shared by all slots and all instances may be suboptimal. To overcome these limitations, we propose a meta learning-based framework MetaASSIST to adaptively learn the weighting parameter. Specifically, we propose three schemes with varying degrees of flexibility, ranging from slot-wise to both slot-wise and instance-wise, to convert the weighting parameter into learnable functions. These functions are trained in a meta-learning manner by taking the validation set as meta data. Experimental results demonstrate that all three schemes can achieve competitive performance. Most impressively, we achieve a state-of-the-art joint goal accuracy of 80.10% on MultiWOZ 2.4.

Understanding Jargon: Combining Extraction and Generation for Definition Modeling
Jie Huang | Hanyin Shao | Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang | Jinjun Xiong | Wen-mei Hwu
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Can machines know what twin prime is? From the composition of this phrase, machines may guess twin prime is a certain kind of prime, but it is still difficult to deduce exactly what twin stands for without additional knowledge. Here, twin prime is a jargon - a specialized term used by experts in a particular field. Explaining jargon is challenging since it usually requires domain knowledge to understand. Recently, there is an increasing interest in extracting and generating definitions of words automatically. However, existing approaches, either extraction or generation, perform poorly on jargon. In this paper, we propose to combine extraction and generation for jargon definition modeling: first extract self- and correlative definitional information of target jargon from the Web and then generate the final definitions by incorporating the extracted definitional information. Our framework is remarkably simple but effective: experiments demonstrate our method can generate high-quality definitions for jargon and outperform state-of-the-art models significantly, e.g., BLEU score from 8.76 to 22.66 and human-annotated score from 2.34 to 4.04.

DEER: Descriptive Knowledge Graph for Explaining Entity Relationships
Jie Huang | Kerui Zhu | Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang | Jinjun Xiong | Wen-mei Hwu
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

We propose DEER (Descriptive Knowledge Graph for Explaining Entity Relationships) - an open and informative form of modeling entity relationships. In DEER, relationships between entities are represented by free-text relation descriptions. For instance, the relationship between entities of machine learning and algorithm can be represented as “Machine learning explores the study and construction of algorithms that can learn from and make predictions on data.” To construct DEER, we propose a self-supervised learning method to extract relation descriptions with the analysis of dependency patterns and generate relation descriptions with a transformer-based relation description synthesizing model, where no human labeling is required. Experiments demonstrate that our system can extract and generate high-quality relation descriptions for explaining entity relationships. The results suggest that we can build an open and informative knowledge graph without human annotation.

Coordinated Topic Modeling
Pritom Saha Akash | Jie Huang | Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

We propose a new problem called coordinated topic modeling that imitates human behavior while describing a text corpus. It considers a set of well-defined topics like the axes of a semantic space with a reference representation. It then uses the axes to model a corpus for easily understandable representation. This new task helps represent a corpus more interpretably by reusing existing knowledge and benefits the corpora comparison task. We design ECTM, an embedding-based coordinated topic model that effectively uses the reference representation to capture the target corpus-specific aspects while maintaining each topic’s global semantics. In ECTM, we introduce the topic- and document-level supervision with a self-training mechanism to solve the problem. Finally, extensive experiments on multiple domains show the superiority of our model over other baselines.


Measuring Fine-Grained Domain Relevance of Terms: A Hierarchical Core-Fringe Approach
Jie Huang | Kevin Chang | JinJun Xiong | Wen-mei Hwu
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

We propose to measure fine-grained domain relevance– the degree that a term is relevant to a broad (e.g., computer science) or narrow (e.g., deep learning) domain. Such measurement is crucial for many downstream tasks in natural language processing. To handle long-tail terms, we build a core-anchored semantic graph, which uses core terms with rich description information to bridge the vast remaining fringe terms semantically. To support a fine-grained domain without relying on a matching corpus for supervision, we develop hierarchical core-fringe learning, which learns core and fringe terms jointly in a semi-supervised manner contextualized in the hierarchy of the domain. To reduce expensive human efforts, we employ automatic annotation and hierarchical positive-unlabeled learning. Our approach applies to big or small domains, covers head or tail terms, and requires little human effort. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our methods outperform strong baselines and even surpass professional human performance.


Exploring Semantic Capacity of Terms
Jie Huang | Zilong Wang | Kevin Chang | Wen-mei Hwu | JinJun Xiong
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)

We introduce and study semantic capacity of terms. For example, the semantic capacity of artificial intelligence is higher than that of linear regression since artificial intelligence possesses a broader meaning scope. Understanding semantic capacity of terms will help many downstream tasks in natural language processing. For this purpose, we propose a two-step model to investigate semantic capacity of terms, which takes a large text corpus as input and can evaluate semantic capacity of terms if the text corpus can provide enough co-occurrence information of terms. Extensive experiments in three fields demonstrate the effectiveness and rationality of our model compared with well-designed baselines and human-level evaluations.