Huiqiang Jiang


CoLaDa: A Collaborative Label Denoising Framework for Cross-lingual Named Entity Recognition
Tingting Ma | Qianhui Wu | Huiqiang Jiang | Börje Karlsson | Tiejun Zhao | Chin-Yew Lin
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Cross-lingual named entity recognition (NER) aims to train an NER system that generalizes well to a target language by leveraging labeled data in a given source language. Previous work alleviates the data scarcity problem by translating source-language labeled data or performing knowledge distillation on target-language unlabeled data. However, these methods may suffer from label noise due to the automatic labeling process. In this paper, we propose CoLaDa, a Collaborative Label Denoising Framework, to address this problem. Specifically, we first explore a model-collaboration-based denoising scheme that enables models trained on different data sources to collaboratively denoise pseudo labels used by each other. We then present an instance-collaboration-based strategy that considers the label consistency of each token’s neighborhood in the representation space for denoising. Experiments on different benchmark datasets show that the proposed CoLaDa achieves superior results compared to previous methods, especially when generalizing to distant languages.

Multi-Level Knowledge Distillation for Out-of-Distribution Detection in Text
Qianhui Wu | Huiqiang Jiang | Haonan Yin | Börje Karlsson | Chin-Yew Lin
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Self-supervised representation learning has proved to be a valuable component for out-of-distribution (OoD) detection with only the texts of in-distribution (ID) examples. These approaches either train a language model from scratch or fine-tune a pre-trained language model using ID examples, and then take the perplexity output by the language model as OoD scores. In this paper, we analyze the complementary characteristic of both methods and propose a multi-level knowledge distillation approach that integrates their strengths while mitigating their limitations. Specifically, we use a fine-tuned model as the teacher to teach a randomly initialized student model on the ID examples. Besides the prediction layer distillation, we present a similarity-based intermediate layer distillation method to thoroughly explore the representation space of the teacher model. In this way, the learned student can better represent the ID data manifold while gaining a stronger ability to map OoD examples outside the ID data manifold with the regularization inherited from pre-training. Besides, the student model sees only ID examples during parameter learning, further promoting more distinguishable features for OoD detection. We conduct extensive experiments over multiple benchmark datasets, i.e., CLINC150, SST, ROSTD, 20 NewsGroups, and AG News; showing that the proposed method yields new state-of-the-art performance. We also explore its application as an AIGC detector to distinguish answers generated by ChatGPT and human experts. It is observed that our model exceeds human evaluators in the pair-expert task on the Human ChatGPT Comparison Corpus.


Decomposed Meta-Learning for Few-Shot Named Entity Recognition
Tingting Ma | Huiqiang Jiang | Qianhui Wu | Tiejun Zhao | Chin-Yew Lin
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2022

Few-shot named entity recognition (NER) systems aim at recognizing novel-class named entities based on only a few labeled examples. In this paper, we present a decomposed meta-learning approach which addresses the problem of few-shot NER by sequentially tackling few-shot span detection and few-shot entity typing using meta-learning. In particular, we take the few-shot span detection as a sequence labeling problem and train the span detector by introducing the model-agnostic meta-learning (MAML) algorithm to find a good model parameter initialization that could fast adapt to new entity classes. For few-shot entity typing, we propose MAML-ProtoNet, i.e., MAML-enhanced prototypical networks to find a good embedding space that can better distinguish text span representations from different entity classes. Extensive experiments on various benchmarks show that our approach achieves superior performance over prior methods.


AdvPicker: Effectively Leveraging Unlabeled Data via Adversarial Discriminator for Cross-Lingual NER
Weile Chen | Huiqiang Jiang | Qianhui Wu | Börje Karlsson | Yi Guan
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Neural methods have been shown to achieve high performance in Named Entity Recognition (NER), but rely on costly high-quality labeled data for training, which is not always available across languages. While previous works have shown that unlabeled data in a target language can be used to improve cross-lingual model performance, we propose a novel adversarial approach (AdvPicker) to better leverage such data and further improve results. We design an adversarial learning framework in which an encoder learns entity domain knowledge from labeled source-language data and better shared features are captured via adversarial training - where a discriminator selects less language-dependent target-language data via similarity to the source language. Experimental results on standard benchmark datasets well demonstrate that the proposed method benefits strongly from this data selection process and outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods; without requiring any additional external resources (e.g., gazetteers or via machine translation).