Antoine Nzeyimana


KINLP at SemEval-2023 Task 12: Kinyarwanda Tweet Sentiment Analysis
Antoine Nzeyimana
Proceedings of the The 17th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2023)

This paper describes the system entered by the author to the SemEval-2023 Task 12: Sentiment analysis for African languages. The system focuses on the Kinyarwanda language and uses a language-specific model. Kinyarwanda morphology is modeled in a two tier transformer architecture and the transformer model is pre-trained on a large text corpus using multi-task masked morphology prediction. The model is deployed on an experimental platform that allows users to experiment with the pre-trained language model fine-tuning without the need to write machine learning code. Our final submission to the shared task achieves second ranking out of 34 teams in the competition, achieving 72.50% weighted F1 score. Our analysis of the evaluation results highlights challenges in achieving high accuracy on the task and identifies areas for improvement.


KinyaBERT: a Morphology-aware Kinyarwanda Language Model
Antoine Nzeyimana | Andre Niyongabo Rubungo
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Pre-trained language models such as BERT have been successful at tackling many natural language processing tasks. However, the unsupervised sub-word tokenization methods commonly used in these models (e.g., byte-pair encoding - BPE) are sub-optimal at handling morphologically rich languages. Even given a morphological analyzer, naive sequencing of morphemes into a standard BERT architecture is inefficient at capturing morphological compositionality and expressing word-relative syntactic regularities. We address these challenges by proposing a simple yet effective two-tier BERT architecture that leverages a morphological analyzer and explicitly represents morphological compositionality.Despite the success of BERT, most of its evaluations have been conducted on high-resource languages, obscuring its applicability on low-resource languages. We evaluate our proposed method on the low-resource morphologically rich Kinyarwanda language, naming the proposed model architecture KinyaBERT. A robust set of experimental results reveal that KinyaBERT outperforms solid baselines by 2% in F1 score on a named entity recognition task and by 4.3% in average score of a machine-translated GLUE benchmark. KinyaBERT fine-tuning has better convergence and achieves more robust results on multiple tasks even in the presence of translation noise.


Morphological disambiguation from stemming data
Antoine Nzeyimana
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Morphological analysis and disambiguation is an important task and a crucial preprocessing step in natural language processing of morphologically rich languages. Kinyarwanda, a morphologically rich language, currently lacks tools for automated morphological analysis. While linguistically curated finite state tools can be easily developed for morphological analysis, the morphological richness of the language allows many ambiguous analyses to be produced, requiring effective disambiguation. In this paper, we propose learning to morphologically disambiguate Kinyarwanda verbal forms from a new stemming dataset collected through crowd-sourcing. Using feature engineering and a feed-forward neural network based classifier, we achieve about 89% non-contextualized disambiguation accuracy. Our experiments reveal that inflectional properties of stems and morpheme association rules are the most discriminative features for disambiguation.