TermITH-Eval: a French Standard-Based Resource for Keyphrase Extraction Evaluation
Adrien Bougouin
Sabine Barreaux
Laurent Romary
Florian Boudin
Béatrice Daille
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'16)
Keyphrase extraction is the task of finding phrases that represent the important content of a document. The main aim of keyphrase extraction is to propose textual units that represent the most important topics developed in a document. The output keyphrases of automatic keyphrase extraction methods for test documents are typically evaluated by comparing them to manually assigned reference keyphrases. Each output keyphrase is considered correct if it matches one of the reference keyphrases. However, the choice of the appropriate textual unit (keyphrase) for a topic is sometimes subjective and evaluating by exact matching underestimates the performance. This paper presents a dataset of evaluation scores assigned to automatically extracted keyphrases by human evaluators. Along with the reference keyphrases, the manual evaluations can be used to validate new evaluation measures. Indeed, an evaluation measure that is highly correlated to the manual evaluation is appropriate for the evaluation of automatic keyphrase extraction methods.
Modélisation unifiée du document et de son domaine pour une indexation par termes-clés libre et contrôlée (Unified document and domain-specific model for keyphrase extraction and assignment )
Adrien Bougouin
Florian Boudin
Beatrice Daille
Actes de la conférence conjointe JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2016. volume 2 : TALN (Articles longs)
Dans cet article, nous nous intéressons à l’indexation de documents de domaines de spécialité par l’intermédiaire de leurs termes-clés. Plus particulièrement, nous nous intéressons à l’indexation telle qu’elle est réalisée par les documentalistes de bibliothèques numériques. Après analyse de la méthodologie de ces indexeurs professionnels, nous proposons une méthode à base de graphe combinant les informations présentes dans le document et la connaissance du domaine pour réaliser une indexation (hybride) libre et contrôlée. Notre méthode permet de proposer des termes-clés ne se trouvant pas nécessairement dans le document. Nos expériences montrent aussi que notre méthode surpasse significativement l’approche à base de graphe état de l’art.
Keyphrase Annotation with Graph Co-Ranking
Adrien Bougouin
Florian Boudin
Béatrice Daille
Proceedings of COLING 2016, the 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics: Technical Papers
Keyphrase annotation is the task of identifying textual units that represent the main content of a document. Keyphrase annotation is either carried out by extracting the most important phrases from a document, keyphrase extraction, or by assigning entries from a controlled domain-specific vocabulary, keyphrase assignment. Assignment methods are generally more reliable. They provide better-formed keyphrases, as well as keyphrases that do not occur in the document. But they are often silent on the contrary of extraction methods that do not depend on manually built resources. This paper proposes a new method to perform both keyphrase extraction and keyphrase assignment in an integrated and mutual reinforcing manner. Experiments have been carried out on datasets covering different domains of humanities and social sciences. They show statistically significant improvements compared to both keyphrase extraction and keyphrase assignment state-of-the art methods.
The impact of domains for Keyphrase extraction (Influence des domaines de spécialité dans l’extraction de termes-clés) [in French]
Adrien Bougouin
Florian Boudin
Béatrice Daille
Proceedings of TALN 2014 (Volume 1: Long Papers)
State of the Art of Automatic Keyphrase Extraction Methods (État de l’art des méthodes d’extraction automatique de termes-clés) [in French]
Adrien Bougouin
Proceedings of RECITAL 2013
TopicRank: Graph-Based Topic Ranking for Keyphrase Extraction
Adrien Bougouin
Florian Boudin
Béatrice Daille
Proceedings of the Sixth International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing