Proceedings of the 2nd Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 12th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 2: Short Papers)

Yulan He, Heng Ji, Sujian Li, Yang Liu, Chua-Hui Chang (Editors)

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Association for Computational Linguistics
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Proceedings of the 2nd Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 12th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 2: Short Papers)
Yulan He | Heng Ji | Sujian Li | Yang Liu | Chua-Hui Chang

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Transfer Learning for Humor Detection by Twin Masked Yellow Muppets
Aseem Arora | Gaël Dias | Adam Jatowt | Asif Ekbal

Humorous texts can be of different forms such as punchlines, puns, or funny stories. Existing humor classification systems have been dealing with such diverse forms by treating them independently. In this paper, we argue that different forms of humor share a common background either in terms of vocabulary or constructs. As a consequence, it is likely that classification performance can be improved by jointly tackling different humor types. Hence, we design a shared-private multitask architecture following a transfer learning paradigm and perform experiments over four gold standard datasets. Empirical results steadily confirm our hypothesis by demonstrating statistically-significant improvements over baselines and accounting for new state-of-the-art figures for two datasets.

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A Unified Model for Reverse Dictionary and Definition Modelling
Pinzhen Chen | Zheng Zhao

We build a dual-way neural dictionary to retrieve words given definitions, and produce definitions for queried words. The model learns the two tasks simultaneously and handles unknown words via embeddings. It casts a word or a definition to the same representation space through a shared layer, then generates the other form in a multi-task fashion. Our method achieves promising automatic scores on previous benchmarks without extra resources. Human annotators prefer the model’s outputs in both reference-less and reference-based evaluation, indicating its practicality. Analysis suggests that multiple objectives benefit learning.

Benchmarking the Covariate Shift Robustness of Open-world Intent Classification Approaches
Sopan Khosla | Rashmi Gangadharaiah

Task-oriented dialog systems deployed in real-world applications are often challenged by out-of-distribution queries. These systems should not only reliably detect utterances with unsupported intents (semantic shift), but also generalize to covariate shift (supported intents from unseen distributions). However, none of the existing benchmarks for open-world intent classification focus on the second aspect, thus only performing a partial evaluation of intent detection techniques. In this work, we propose two new datasets ( and ) that include utterances useful for evaluating the robustness of open-world models to covariate shift. Along with the i.i.d. test set, both datasets contain a new cov-test set that, along with out-of-scope utterances, contains in-scope utterances sampled from different distributions not seen during training. This setting better mimics the challenges faced in real-world applications. Evaluating several open-world classifiers on the new datasets reveals that models that perform well on the test set struggle to generalize to the cov-test. Our datasets fill an important gap in the field, offering a more realistic evaluation scenario for intent classification in task-oriented dialog systems.

Number Theory Meets Linguistics: Modelling Noun Pluralisation Across 1497 Languages Using 2-adic Metrics
Gregory Baker | Diego Molla

A simple machine learning model of pluralisation as a linear regression problem minimising a p-adic metric substantially outperforms even the most robust of Euclidean-space regressors on languages in the Indo-European, Austronesian, Trans New-Guinea, Sino-Tibetan, Nilo-Saharan, Oto-Meanguean and Atlantic-Congo language families. There is insufficient evidence to support modelling distinct noun declensions as a p-adic neighbourhood even in Indo-European languages.

CLIP4IDC: CLIP for Image Difference Captioning
Zixin Guo | Tzu-Jui Wang | Jorma Laaksonen

Image Difference Captioning (IDC) aims at generating sentences to describe differences between two similar-looking images. Conventional approaches learn an IDC model with a pre-trained and usually frozen visual feature extractor. Accordingly, two major issues may arise: (1) a large domain gap usually exists between the pre-training datasets used for training such a visual encoder and that of the downstream IDC task, and (2) the visual feature extractor, when separately encoding two images, often does not effectively encode the visual changes between two images. Due to the excellent zero-shot performance of the recently proposed CLIP, we thus propose CLIP4IDC to transfer a CLIP model for the IDC task to address those issues. Different from directly fine-tuning CLIP to generate sentences, we introduce an adaptation training process to adapt CLIP’s visual encoder to capture and align differences in image pairs based on the textual descriptions. Experiments on three IDC benchmark datasets, CLEVR-Change, Spot-the-Diff, and Image-Editing-Request, demonstrate the effectiveness of CLIP4IDC.

Towards Modeling Role-Aware Centrality for Dialogue Summarization
Xinnian Liang | Chao Bian | Shuangzhi Wu | Zhoujun Li

Role-oriented dialogue summarization generates summaries for different roles in dialogue (e.g. doctor and patient). Existing methods consider roles separately where interactions among different roles are not fully explored. In this paper, we propose a novel Role-Aware Centrality (RAC) model to capture role interactions, which can be easily applied to any seq2seq models. The RAC assigns each role a specific sentence-level centrality score by involving role prompts to control what kind of summary to generate. The RAC measures both the importance of utterances and the relevance between roles and utterances. Then we use RAC to re-weight context representations, which are used by the decoder to generate role summaries. We verify RAC on two public benchmark datasets, CSDS and MC. Experimental results show that the proposed method achieves new state-of-the-art results on the two datasets. Extensive analyses have demonstrated that the role-aware centrality helps generate summaries more precisely.

Robust Hate Speech Detection via Mitigating Spurious Correlations
Kshitiz Tiwari | Shuhan Yuan | Lu Zhang

We develop a novel robust hate speech detection model that can defend against both word- and character-level adversarial attacks. We identify the essential factor that vanilla detection models are vulnerable to adversarial attacks is the spurious correlation between certain target words in the text and the prediction label. To mitigate such spurious correlation, we describe the process of hate speech detection by a causal graph. Then, we employ the causal strength to quantify the spurious correlation and formulate a regularized entropy loss function. We show that our method generalizes the backdoor adjustment technique in causal inference. Finally, the empirical evaluation shows the efficacy of our method.

FAD-X: Fusing Adapters for Cross-lingual Transfer to Low-Resource Languages
Jaeseong Lee | Seung-won Hwang | Taesup Kim

Adapter-based tuning, by adding light-weight adapters to multilingual pretrained language models (mPLMs), selectively updates language-specific parameters to adapt to a new language, instead of finetuning all shared weights. This paper explores an effective way to leverage a public pool of pretrained language adapters, to overcome resource imbalances for low-resource languages (LRLs). Specifically, our research questions are, whether pretrained adapters can be composed, to complement or replace LRL adapters. While composing adapters for multi-task learning setting has been studied, the same question for LRLs has remained largely unanswered. To answer this question, we study how to fuse adapters across languages and tasks, then validate how our proposed fusion adapter, namely FAD-X, can enhance a cross-lingual transfer from pretrained adapters, for well-known named entity recognition and classification benchmarks.

Combining Argumentation Structure and Language Model for Generating Natural Argumentative Dialogue
Koh Mitsuda | Ryuichiro Higashinaka | Kuniko Saito

Argumentative dialogue is an important process where speakers discuss a specific theme for consensus building or decision making. In previous studies for generating consistent argumentative dialogue, retrieval-based methods with hand-crafted argumentation structures have been used. In this study, we propose a method to generate natural argumentative dialogues by combining an argumentation structure and language model. We trained the language model to rewrite a proposition of an argumentation structure on the basis of its information, such as keywords and stance, into the next utterance while considering its context, and we used the model to rewrite propositions in the argumentation structure. We manually evaluated the generated dialogues and found that the proposed method significantly improved the naturalness of dialogues without losing consistency of argumentation.

Every word counts: A multilingual analysis of individual human alignment with model attention
Stephanie Brandl | Nora Hollenstein

Human fixation patterns have been shown to correlate strongly with Transformer-based attention. Those correlation analyses are usually carried out without taking into account individual differences between participants and are mostly done on monolingual datasets making it difficult to generalise findings. In this paper, we analyse eye-tracking data from speakers of 13 different languages reading both in their native language (L1) and in English as language learners (L2). We find considerable differences between languages but also that individual reading behaviour such as skipping rate, total reading time and vocabulary knowledge (LexTALE) influence the alignment between humans and models to an extent that should be considered in future studies.

Analyzing Biases to Spurious Correlations in Text Classification Tasks
Adian Liusie | Vatsal Raina | Vyas Raina | Mark Gales

Machine learning systems have shown impressive performance across a range of natural language tasks. However, it has been hypothesized that these systems are prone to learning spurious correlations that may be present in the training data. Though these correlations will not impact in-domain performance, they are unlikely to generalize well to out-of-domain data, limiting the applicability of systems. This work examines this phenomenon on text classification tasks. Rather than artificially injecting features into the data, we demonstrate that real spurious correlations can be exploited by current state-of-the-art deep-learning systems. Specifically, we show that even when only ‘stop’ words are available at the input stage, it is possible to predict the class significantly better than random. Though it is shown that these stop words are not required for good in-domain performance, they can degrade the ability of the system to generalize well to out-of-domain data.

BERTSeg: BERT Based Unsupervised Subword Segmentation for Neural Machine Translation
Haiyue Song | Raj Dabre | Zhuoyuan Mao | Chenhui Chu | Sadao Kurohashi

Existing subword segmenters are either 1) frequency-based without semantics information or 2) neural-based but trained on parallel corpora. To address this, we present BERTSeg, an unsupervised neural subword segmenter for neural machine translation, which utilizes the contextualized semantic embeddings of words from characterBERT and maximizes the generation probability of subword segmentations. Furthermore, we propose a generation probability-based regularization method that enables BERTSeg to produce multiple segmentations for one word to improve the robustness of neural machine translation. Experimental results show that BERTSeg with regularization achieves up to 8 BLEU points improvement in 9 translation directions on ALT, IWSLT15 Vi->En, WMT16 Ro->En, and WMT15 Fi->En datasets compared with BPE. In addition, BERTSeg is efficient, needing up to 5 minutes for training.

NERDz: A Preliminary Dataset of Named Entities for Algerian
Samia Touileb

This paper introduces a first step towards creating the NERDz dataset. A manually annotated dataset of named entities for the Algerian vernacular dialect. The annotations are built on top of a recent extension to the Algerian NArabizi Treebank, comprizing NArabizi sentences with manual transliterations into Arabic and code-switched scripts. NERDz is therefore not only the first dataset of named entities for Algerian, but it also comprises parallel entities written in Latin, Arabic, and code-switched scripts. We present a detailed overview of our annotations, inter-annotator agreement measures, and define two preliminary baselines using a neural sequence labeling approach and an Algerian BERT model. We also make the annotation guidelines and the annotations available for future work

An Effective Post-training Embedding Binarization Approach for Fast Online Top-K Passage Matching
Yankai Chen | Yifei Zhang | Huifeng Guo | Ruiming Tang | Irwin King

With the rapid development of Natural Language Understanding for information retrieval, fine-tuned deep language models, e.g., BERT-based, perform remarkably effective in passage searching tasks. To lower the architecture complexity, the recent state-of-the-art model ColBERT employs Contextualized Late Interaction paradigm to independently learn fine-grained query-passage representations. Apart from the architecture simplification, embedding binarization, as another promising branch in model compression, further specializes in the reduction of memory and computation overheads. In this concise paper, we propose an effective post-training embedding binarization approach over ColBERT, achieving both architecture-level and embedding-level optimization for online inference. The empirical results demonstrate the efficaciousness of our proposed approach, empowering it to perform online query-passage matching acceleration.

Addressing Segmentation Ambiguity in Neural Linguistic Steganography
Jumon Nozaki | Yugo Murawaki

Previous studies on neural linguistic steganography, except Ueoka et al. (2021), overlook the fact that the sender must detokenize cover texts to avoid arousing the eavesdropper’s suspicion. In this paper, we demonstrate that segmentation ambiguity indeed causes occasional decoding failures at the receiver’s side. With the near-ubiquity of subwords, this problem now affects any language. We propose simple tricks to overcome this problem, which are even applicable to languages without explicit word boundaries.

Parsing linearizations appreciate PoS tags - but some are fussy about errors
Alberto Muñoz-Ortiz | Mark Anderson | David Vilares | Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez

PoS tags, once taken for granted as a useful resource for syntactic parsing, have become more situational with the popularization of deep learning. Recent work on the impact of PoS tags on graph- and transition-based parsers suggests that they are only useful when tagging accuracy is prohibitively high, or in low-resource scenarios. However, such an analysis is lacking for the emerging sequence labeling parsing paradigm, where it is especially relevant as some models explicitly use PoS tags for encoding and decoding. We undertake a study and uncover some trends. Among them, PoS tags are generally more useful for sequence labeling parsers than for other paradigms, but the impact of their accuracy is highly encoding-dependent, with the PoS-based head-selection encoding being best only when both tagging accuracy and resource availability are high.

EmoNoBa: A Dataset for Analyzing Fine-Grained Emotions on Noisy Bangla Texts
Khondoker Ittehadul Islam | Tanvir Yuvraz | Md Saiful Islam | Enamul Hassan

For low-resourced Bangla language, works on detecting emotions on textual data suffer from size and cross-domain adaptability. In our paper, we propose a manually annotated dataset of 22,698 Bangla public comments from social media sites covering 12 different domains such as Personal, Politics, and Health, labeled for 6 fine-grained emotion categories of the Junto Emotion Wheel. We invest efforts in the data preparation to 1) preserve the linguistic richness and 2) challenge any classification model. Our experiments to develop a benchmark classification system show that random baselines perform better than neural networks and pre-trained language models as hand-crafted features provide superior performance.

Exploring Universal Sentence Encoders for Zero-shot Text Classification
Souvika Sarkar | Dongji Feng | Shubhra Kanti Karmaker Santu

Universal Sentence Encoder (USE) has gained much popularity recently as a general-purpose sentence encoding technique. As the name suggests, USE is designed to be fairly general and has indeed been shown to achieve superior performances for many downstream NLP tasks. In this paper, we present an interesting “negative” result on USE in the context of zero-shot text classification, a challenging task, which has recently gained much attraction. More specifically, we found some interesting cases of zero-shot text classification, where topic based inference outperformed USE-based inference in terms of F1 score. Further investigation revealed that USE struggles to perform well on data-sets with a large number of labels with high semantic overlaps, while topic-based classification works well for the same.

The Effects of Language Token Prefixing for Multilingual Machine Translation
Rachel Wicks | Kevin Duh

Machine translation traditionally refers to translating from a single source language into a single target language. In recent years, the field has moved towards large neural models either translating from or into many languages. The model must be correctly cued to translate into the correct target language. This is typically done by prefixing language tokens onto the source or target sequence. The location and content of the prefix can vary and many use different approaches without much justification towards one approach or another. As a guidance to future researchers and directions for future work, we present a series of experiments that show how the positioning and type of a target language prefix token effects translation performance. We show that source side prefixes improve performance. Further, we find that the best language information to denote via tokens depends on the supported language set.

How Relevant is Selective Memory Population in Lifelong Language Learning?
Vladimir Araujo | Helena Balabin | Julio Hurtado | Alvaro Soto | Marie-Francine Moens

Lifelong language learning seeks to have models continuously learn multiple tasks in a sequential order without suffering from catastrophic forgetting. State-of-the-art approaches rely on sparse experience replay as the primary approach to prevent forgetting. Experience replay usually adopts sampling methods for the memory population; however, the effect of the chosen sampling strategy on model performance has not yet been studied. In this paper, we investigate how relevant the selective memory population is in the lifelong learning process of text classification and question-answering tasks. We found that methods that randomly store a uniform number of samples from the entire data stream lead to high performances, especially for low memory size, which is consistent with computer vision studies.

An Improved Baseline for Sentence-level Relation Extraction
Wenxuan Zhou | Muhao Chen

Sentence-level relation extraction (RE) aims at identifying the relationship between two entities in a sentence. Many efforts have been devoted to this problem, while the best performing methods are still far from perfect. In this paper, we revisit two problems that affect the performance of existing RE models, namely entity representation and noisy or ill-defined labels. Our improved RE baseline, incorporated with entity representations with typed markers, achieves an F1 of 74.6% on TACRED, significantly outperforms previous SOTA methods. Furthermore, the presented new baseline achieves an F1 of 91.1% on the refined Re-TACRED dataset, demonstrating that the pretrained language models (PLMs) achieve high performance on this task. We release our code to the community for future research.

Multi-Type Conversational Question-Answer Generation with Closed-ended and Unanswerable Questions
Seonjeong Hwang | Yunsu Kim | Gary Geunbae Lee

Conversational question answering (CQA) facilitates an incremental and interactive understanding of a given context, but building a CQA system is difficult for many domains due to the problem of data scarcity. In this paper, we introduce a novel method to synthesize data for CQA with various question types, including open-ended, closed-ended, and unanswerable questions. We design a different generation flow for each question type and effectively combine them in a single, shared framework. Moreover, we devise a hierarchical answerability classification (hierarchical AC) module that improves quality of the synthetic data while acquiring unanswerable questions. Manual inspections show that synthetic data generated with our framework have characteristics very similar to those of human-generated conversations. Across four domains, CQA systems trained on our synthetic data indeed show good performance close to the systems trained on human-annotated data.

Improving Chinese Story Generation via Awareness of Syntactic Dependencies and Semantics
Henglin Huang | Chen Tang | Tyler Loakman | Frank Guerin | Chenghua Lin

Story generation aims to generate a long narrative conditioned on a given input. In spite of the success of prior works with the application of pre-trained models, current neural models for Chinese stories still struggle to generate high-quality long text narratives. We hypothesise that this stems from ambiguity in syntactically parsing the Chinese language, which does not have explicit delimiters for word segmentation. Consequently, neural models suffer from the inefficient capturing of features in Chinese narratives. In this paper, we present a new generation framework that enhances the feature capturing mechanism by informing the generation model of dependencies between words and additionally augmenting the semantic representation learning through synonym denoising training. We conduct a range of experiments, and the results demonstrate that our framework outperforms the state-of-the-art Chinese generation models on all evaluation metrics, demonstrating the benefits of enhanced dependency and semantic representation learning.

NGEP: A Graph-based Event Planning Framework for Story Generation
Chen Tang | Zhihao Zhang | Tyler Loakman | Chenghua Lin | Frank Guerin

To improve the performance of long text generation, recent studies have leveraged automatically planned event structures (i.e. storylines) to guide story generation. Such prior works mostly employ end-to-end neural generation models to predict event sequences for a story. However, such generation models struggle to guarantee the narrative coherence of separate events due to the hallucination problem, and additionally the generated event sequences are often hard to control due to the end-to-end nature of the models. To address these challenges, we propose NGEP, an novel event planning framework which generates an event sequence by performing inference on an automatically constructed event graph and enhances generalisation ability through a neural event advisor. We conduct a range of experiments on multiple criteria, and the results demonstrate that our graph-based neural framework outperforms the state-of-the-art (SOTA) event planning approaches, considering both the performance of event sequence generation and the effectiveness on the downstream task of story generation.

A Simple Yet Effective Hybrid Pre-trained Language Model for Unsupervised Sentence Acceptability Prediction
Yang Zhao | Issei Yoshida

Sentence acceptability judgment assesses to what degree a sentence is acceptable to native speakers of the language. Most unsupervised prediction approaches rely on a language model to obtain the likelihood of a sentence that reflects acceptability. However, two problems exist: first, low-frequency words would have a significant negative impact on the sentence likelihood derived from the language model; second, when it comes to multiple domains, the language model needs to be trained on domain-specific text for domain adaptation. To address both problems, we propose a simple method that substitutes Part-of-Speech (POS) tags for low-frequency words in sentences used for continual training of masked language models. Experimental results show that our word-tag-hybrid BERT model brings improvement on both a sentence acceptability benchmark and a cross-domain sentence acceptability evaluation corpus. Furthermore, our annotated cross-domain sentence acceptability evaluation corpus would benefit future research.

Post-Training with Interrogative Sentences for Enhancing BART-based Korean Question Generator
Gyu-Min Park | Seong-Eun Hong | Seong-Bae Park

The pre-trained language models such as KoBART often fail in generating perfect interrogative sentences when they are applied to Korean question generation. This is mainly due to the fact that the language models are much experienced with declarative sentences, but not with interrogative sentences. Therefore, this paper proposes a novel post-training of KoBART to enhance it for Korean question generation. The enhancement of KoBART is accomplished in three ways: (i) introduction of question infilling objective to KoBART to enforce it to focus more on the structure of interrogative sentences, (ii) augmentation of training data for question generation with another data set to cope with the lack of training instances for post-training, (iii) introduction of Korean spacing objective to make KoBART understand the linguistic features of Korean. Since there is no standard data set for Korean question generation, this paper also proposes KorQuAD-QG, a new data set for this task, to verify the performance of the proposed post-training. Our code are publicly available at

Do ever larger octopi still amplify reporting biases? Evidence from judgments of typical colour
Fangyu Liu | Julian Eisenschlos | Jeremy Cole | Nigel Collier

Language models (LMs) trained on raw texts have no direct access to the physical world. Gordon and Van Durme (2013) point out that LMs can thus suffer from reporting bias: texts rarely report on common facts, instead focusing on the unusual aspects of a situation. If LMs are only trained on text corpora and naively memorise local co-occurrence statistics, they thus naturally would learn a biased view of the physical world. While prior studies have repeatedly verified that LMs of smaller scales (e.g., RoBERTa, GPT-2) amplify reporting bias, it remains unknown whether such trends continue when models are scaled up. We investigate reporting bias from the perspective of colour in larger language models (LLMs) such as PaLM and GPT-3. Specifically, we query LLMs for the typical colour of objects, which is one simple type of perceptually grounded physical common sense. Surprisingly, we find that LLMs significantly outperform smaller LMs in determining an object’s typical colour and more closely track human judgments, instead of overfitting to surface patterns stored in texts. This suggests that very large models of language alone are able to overcome certain types of reporting bias that are characterized by local co-occurrences.

Adversarially Improving NMT Robustness to ASR Errors with Confusion Sets
Shuaibo Wang | Yufeng Chen | Songming Zhang | Deyi Xiong | Jinan Xu

Neural machine translation (NMT) models are known to be fragile to noisy inputs from automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems. Existing methods are usually tailored for robustness against only homophone errors which account for a small portion of realistic ASR errors. In this paper, we propose an adversarial example generation method based on confusion sets that contain words easily confusable with a target word by ASR to conduct adversarial training for NMT models. Specifically, an adversarial example is generated from the perspective of acoustic relations instead of the traditional uniform or unigram sampling from the confusion sets. Experiments on different test sets with hand-crafted and real-world noise demonstrate the effectiveness of our method over previous methods. Moreover, our approach can achieve improvements on the clean test set.

Improving Graph-Based Text Representations with Character and Word Level N-grams
Wenzhe Li | Nikolaos Aletras

Graph-based text representation focuses on how text documents are represented as graphs for exploiting dependency information between tokens and documents within a corpus. Despite the increasing interest in graph representation learning, there is limited research in exploring new ways for graph-based text representation, which is important in downstream natural language processing tasks. In this paper, we first propose a new heterogeneous word-character text graph that combines word and character n-gram nodes together with document nodes, allowing us to better learn dependencies among these entities. Additionally, we propose two new graph-based neural models, WCTextGCN and WCTextGAT, for modeling our proposed text graph. Extensive experiments in text classification and automatic text summarization benchmarks demonstrate that our proposed models consistently outperform competitive baselines and state-of-the-art graph-based models.

Risk-graded Safety for Handling Medical Queries in Conversational AI
Gavin Abercrombie | Verena Rieser

Conversational AI systems can engage in unsafe behaviour when handling users’ medical queries that may have severe consequences and could even lead to deaths. Systems therefore need to be capable of both recognising the seriousness of medical inputs and producing responses with appropriate levels of risk. We create a corpus of human written English language medical queries and the responses of different types of systems. We label these with both crowdsourced and expert annotations. While individual crowdworkers may be unreliable at grading the seriousness of the prompts, their aggregated labels tend to agree with professional opinion to a greater extent on identifying the medical queries and recognising the risk types posed by the responses. Results of classification experiments suggest that, while these tasks can be automated, caution should be exercised, as errors can potentially be very serious.

Performance-Efficiency Trade-Offs in Adapting Language Models to Text Classification Tasks
Laura Aina | Nikos Voskarides | Roi Blanco

Pre-trained language models (LMs) obtain state-of-the-art performance when adapted to text classification tasks. However, when using such models in real world applications, efficiency considerations are paramount. In this paper, we study how different training procedures that adapt LMs to text classification perform, as we vary model and train set size. More specifically, we compare standard fine-tuning, prompting, and knowledge distillation (KD) when the teacher was trained with either fine-tuning or prompting. Our findings suggest that even though fine-tuning and prompting work well to train large LMs on large train sets, there are more efficient alternatives that can reduce compute or data cost. Interestingly, we find that prompting combined with KD can reduce compute and data cost at the same time.

Seeking Diverse Reasoning Logic: Controlled Equation Expression Generation for Solving Math Word Problems
Yibin Shen | Qianying Liu | Zhuoyuan Mao | Zhen Wan | Fei Cheng | Sadao Kurohashi

To solve Math Word Problems, human students leverage diverse reasoning logic that reaches different possible equation solutions. However, the mainstream sequence-to-sequence approach of automatic solvers aims to decode a fixed solution equation supervised by human annotation. In this paper, we propose a controlled equation generation solver by leveraging a set of control codes to guide the model to consider certain reasoning logic and decode the corresponding equations expressions transformed from the human reference. The empirical results suggest that our method universally improves the performance on single-unknown (Math23K) and multiple-unknown (DRAW1K, HMWP) benchmarks, with substantial improvements up to 13.2% accuracy on the challenging multiple-unknown datasets.

BanglaParaphrase: A High-Quality Bangla Paraphrase Dataset
Ajwad Akil | Najrin Sultana | Abhik Bhattacharjee | Rifat Shahriyar

In this work, we present BanglaParaphrase, a high-quality synthetic Bangla Paraphrase dataset curated by a novel filtering pipeline. We aim to take a step towards alleviating the low resource status of the Bangla language in the NLP domain through the introduction of BanglaParaphrase, which ensures quality by preserving both semantics and diversity, making it particularly useful to enhance other Bangla datasets. We show a detailed comparative analysis between our dataset and models trained on it with other existing works to establish the viability of our synthetic paraphrase data generation pipeline. We are making the dataset and models publicly available at to further the state of Bangla NLP.

NepBERTa: Nepali Language Model Trained in a Large Corpus
Sulav Timilsina | Milan Gautam | Binod Bhattarai

Nepali is a low-resource language with more than 40 million speakers worldwide. It is written in Devnagari script and has rich semantics and complex grammatical structure. To this date, multilingual models such as Multilingual BERT, XLM and XLM-RoBERTa haven’t been able to achieve promising results in Nepali NLP tasks, and there does not exist any such a large-scale monolingual corpus. This study presents NepBERTa, a BERT-based Natural Language Understanding (NLU) model trained on the most extensive monolingual Nepali corpus ever. We collected a dataset of 0.8B words from 36 different popular news sites in Nepal and introduced the model. This data set is 3 folds times larger than the previous publicly available corpus. We evaluated the performance of NepBERTa in multiple Nepali-specific NLP tasks, including Named-Entity Recognition, Content Classification, POS Tagging, and Sequence Pair Similarity. We also introduce two different datasets for two new downstream tasks and benchmark four diverse NLU tasks altogether. We bring all these four tasks under the first-ever Nepali Language Understanding Evaluation (Nep-gLUE) benchmark. We will make Nep-gLUE along with the pre-trained model and data sets publicly available for research.

Local Structure Matters Most in Most Languages
Louis Clouatre | Prasanna Parthasarathi | Amal Zouaq | Sarath Chandar

Many recent perturbation studies have found unintuitive results on what does and does not matter when performing Natural Language Understanding (NLU) tasks in English. Coding properties, such as the order of words, can often be removed through shuffling without impacting downstream performances. Such insight may be used to direct future research into English NLP models. As many improvements in multilingual settings consist of wholesale adaptation of English approaches, it is important to verify whether those studies replicate or not in multilingual settings. In this work, we replicate a study on the importance of local structure, and the relative unimportance of global structure, in a multilingual setting. We find that the phenomenon observed on the English language broadly translates to over 120 languages, with a few caveats.

Transformer-based Localization from Embodied Dialog with Large-scale Pre-training
Meera Hahn | James M. Rehg

We address the challenging task of Localization via Embodied Dialog (LED). Given a dialog from two agents, an Observer navigating through an unknown environment and a Locator who is attempting to identify the Observer’s location, the goal is to predict the Observer’s final location in a map. We develop a novel LED-Bert architecture and present an effective pretraining strategy. We show that a graph-based scene representation is more effective than the top-down 2D maps used in prior works. Our approach outperforms previous baselines.

CSS: Combining Self-training and Self-supervised Learning for Few-shot Dialogue State Tracking
Haoning Zhang | Junwei Bao | Haipeng Sun | Huaishao Luo | Wenye Li | Shuguang Cui

Few-shot dialogue state tracking (DST) is a realistic problem that trains the DST model with limited labeled data. Existing few-shot methods mainly transfer knowledge learned from external labeled dialogue data (e.g., from question answering, dialogue summarization, machine reading comprehension tasks, etc.) into DST, whereas collecting a large amount of external labeled data is laborious, and the external data may not effectively contribute to the DST-specific task. In this paper, we propose a few-shot DST framework called CSS, which Combines Self-training and Self-supervised learning methods. The unlabeled data of the DST task is incorporated into the self-training iterations, where the pseudo labels are predicted by a DST model trained on limited labeled data in advance. Besides, a contrastive self-supervised method is used to learn better representations, where the data is augmented by the dropout operation to train the model. Experimental results on the MultiWOZ dataset show that our proposed CSS achieves competitive performance in several few-shot scenarios.

Demographic-Aware Language Model Fine-tuning as a Bias Mitigation Technique
Aparna Garimella | Rada Mihalcea | Akhash Amarnath

BERT-like language models (LMs), when exposed to large unstructured datasets, are known to learn and sometimes even amplify the biases present in such data. These biases generally reflect social stereotypes with respect to gender, race, age, and others. In this paper, we analyze the variations in gender and racial biases in BERT, a large pre-trained LM, when exposed to different demographic groups. Specifically, we investigate the effect of fine-tuning BERT on text authored by historically disadvantaged demographic groups in comparison to that by advantaged groups. We show that simply by fine-tuning BERT-like LMs on text authored by certain demographic groups can result in the mitigation of social biases in these LMs against various target groups.

Towards Simple and Efficient Task-Adaptive Pre-training for Text Classification
Arnav Ladkat | Aamir Miyajiwala | Samiksha Jagadale | Rekha A. Kulkarni | Raviraj Joshi

Language models are pre-trained using large corpora of generic data like book corpus, com- mon crawl and Wikipedia, which is essential for the model to understand the linguistic characteristics of the language. New studies suggest using Domain Adaptive Pre-training (DAPT) and Task-Adaptive Pre-training (TAPT) as an intermediate step before the final finetuning task. This step helps cover the target domain vocabulary and improves the model performance on the downstream task. In this work, we study the impact of training only the embedding layer on the model’s performance during TAPT and task-specific finetuning. Based on our study, we propose a simple approach to make the in- termediate step of TAPT for BERT-based mod- els more efficient by performing selective pre-training of BERT layers. We show that training only the BERT embedding layer during TAPT is sufficient to adapt to the vocabulary of the target domain and achieve comparable performance. Our approach is computationally efficient, with 78% fewer parameters trained during TAPT. The proposed embedding layer finetuning approach can also be an efficient domain adaptation technique.

Extractive Entity-Centric Summarization as Sentence Selection using Bi-Encoders
Ella Hofmann-Coyle | Mayank Kulkarni | Lingjue Xie | Mounica Maddela | Daniel Preotiuc-Pietro

Entity-centric summarization is a type of controllable summarization that aims to produce a summary of a document that is specific to a given target entity. Extractive summaries possess multiple advantages over abstractive ones such as preserving factuality and can be directly used in downstream tasks like target-based sentiment analysis or incorporated into search applications. In this paper, we explore methods to solve this task by recasting it as a sentence selection task, as supported by the EntSUM data set. We use methods inspired by information retrieval, where the input to the model is a pair representing a sentence from the original document and the target entity, in place of the query. We explore different architecture variants and loss functions in this framework with results showing an up to 5.8 F1 improvement over past state-of-the-art and outperforming the competitive entity-centric Lead 3 heuristic by 1.1 F1. In addition, we also demonstrate similarly strong results on the related task of salient sentence selection for an entity.

Towards Unsupervised Morphological Analysis of Polysynthetic Languages
Sujay Khandagale | Yoann Léveillé | Samuel Miller | Derek Pham | Ramy Eskander | Cass Lowry | Richard Compton | Judith Klavans | Maria Polinsky | Smaranda Muresan

Polysynthetic languages present a challenge for morphological analysis due to the complexity of their words and the lack of high-quality annotated datasets needed to build and/or evaluate computational models. The contribution of this work is twofold. First, using linguists’ help, we generate and contribute high-quality annotated data for two low-resource polysynthetic languages for two tasks: morphological segmentation and part-of-speech (POS) tagging. Second, we present the results of state-of-the-art unsupervised approaches for these two tasks on Adyghe and Inuktitut. Our findings show that for these polysynthetic languages, using linguistic priors helps the task of morphological segmentation and that using stems rather than words as the core unit of abstraction leads to superior performance on POS tagging.

Self-Repetition in Abstractive Neural Summarizers
Nikita Salkar | Thomas Trikalinos | Byron Wallace | Ani Nenkova

We provide a quantitative and qualitative analysis of self-repetition in the output of neural summarizers. We measure self-repetition as the number of n-grams of length four or longer that appear in multiple outputs of the same system. We analyze the behavior of three popular architectures (BART, T5, and Pegasus), fine-tuned on five datasets. In a regression analysis, we find that the three architectures have different propensities for repeating content across output summaries for inputs, with BART being particularly prone to self-repetition. Fine-tuning on more abstractive data, and on data featuring formulaic language is associated with a higher rate of self-repetition. In qualitative analysis, we find systems produce artefacts such as ads and disclaimers unrelated to the content being summarized, as well as formulaic phrases common in the fine-tuning domain. Our approach to corpus-level analysis of self-repetition may help practitioners clean up training data for summarizers and ultimately support methods for minimizing the amount of self-repetition.

Domain Specific Sub-network for Multi-Domain Neural Machine Translation
Amr Hendy | Mohamed Abdelghaffar | Mohamed Afify | Ahmed Y. Tawfik

This paper presents Domain-Specific Sub-network (DoSS). It uses a set of masks obtained through pruning to define a sub-network for each domain and finetunes the sub-network parameters on domain data. This performs very closely and drastically reduces the number of parameters compared to finetuning the whole network on each domain. Also a method to make masks unique per domain is proposed and shown to greatly improve the generalization to unseen domains. In our experiments on German to English machine translation the proposed method outperforms the strong baseline of continue training on multi-domain (medical, tech and religion) data by 1.47 BLEU points. Also continue training DoSS on new domain (legal) outperforms the multi-domain (medical, tech, religion, legal) baseline by 1.52 BLEU points.

Modeling Document-level Temporal Structures for Building Temporal Dependency Graphs
Prafulla Kumar Choubey | Ruihong Huang

We propose to leverage news discourse profiling to model document-level temporal structures for building temporal dependency graphs. Our key observation is that the functional roles of sentences used for profiling news discourse signify different time frames relevant to a news story and can, therefore, help to recover the global temporal structure of a document. Our analyses and experiments with the widely used knowledge distillation technique show that discourse profiling effectively identifies distant inter-sentence event and (or) time expression pairs that are temporally related and otherwise difficult to locate.

Evaluating Pre-Trained Sentence-BERT with Class Embeddings in Active Learning for Multi-Label Text Classification
Lukas Wertz | Jasmina Bogojeska | Katsiaryna Mirylenka | Jonas Kuhn

The Transformer Language Model is a powerful tool that has been shown to excel at various NLP tasks and has become the de-facto standard solution thanks to its versatility. In this study, we employ pre-trained document embeddings in an Active Learning task to group samples with the same labels in the embedding space on a legal document corpus. We find that the calculated class embeddings are not close to the respective samples and consequently do not partition the embedding space in a meaningful way. In addition, we explore using the class embeddings as an Active Learning strategy with dramatically reduced results compared to all baselines.

MiQA: A Benchmark for Inference on Metaphorical Questions
Iulia Comșa | Julian Eisenschlos | Srini Narayanan

We propose a benchmark to assess the capability of large language models to reason with conventional metaphors. Our benchmark combines the previously isolated topics of metaphor detection and commonsense reasoning into a single task that requires a model to make inferences by accurately selecting between the literal and metaphorical register. We examine the performance of state-of-the-art pre-trained models on binary-choice tasks and find a large discrepancy between the performance of small and very large models, going from chance to near-human level. We also analyse the largest model in a generative setting and find that although human performance is approached, careful multiple-shot prompting is required.

GCDT: A Chinese RST Treebank for Multigenre and Multilingual Discourse Parsing
Siyao Peng | Yang Janet Liu | Amir Zeldes

A lack of large-scale human-annotated data has hampered the hierarchical discourse parsing of Chinese. In this paper, we present GCDT, the largest hierarchical discourse treebank for Mandarin Chinese in the framework of Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST). GCDT covers over 60K tokens across five genres of freely available text, using the same relation inventory as contemporary RST treebanks for English. We also report on this dataset’s parsing experiments, including state-of-the-art (SOTA) scores for Chinese RST parsing and RST parsing on the English GUM dataset, using cross-lingual training in Chinese and English with multilingual embeddings.

Assessing Combinational Generalization of Language Models in Biased Scenarios
Yanbo Fang | Zuohui Fu | Xin Dong | Yongfeng Zhang | Gerard de Melo

In light of the prominence of Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs) across numerous downstream tasks, shedding light on what they learn is an important endeavor. Whereas previous work focuses on assessing in-domain knowledge, we evaluate the generalization ability in biased scenarios through component combinations where it could be easy for the PLMs to learn shortcuts from the training corpus. This would lead to poor performance on the testing corpus, which is combinationally reconstructed from the training components. The results show that PLMs are able to overcome such distribution shifts for specific tasks and with sufficient data. We further find that overfitting can lead the models to depend more on biases for prediction, thus hurting the combinational generalization ability of PLMs.

Controllable Text Simplification with Deep Reinforcement Learning
Daiki Yanamoto | Tomoki Ikawa | Tomoyuki Kajiwara | Takashi Ninomiya | Satoru Uchida | Yuki Arase

We propose a method for controlling the difficulty of a sentence based on deep reinforcement learning. Although existing models are trained based on the word-level difficulty, the sentence-level difficulty has not been taken into account in the loss function. Our proposed method generates sentences of appropriate difficulty for the target audience through reinforcement learning using a reward calculated based on the difference between the difficulty of the output sentence and the target difficulty. Experimental results of English text simplification show that the proposed method achieves a higher performance than existing approaches. Compared to previous studies, the proposed method can generate sentences whose grade-levels are closer to those of human references estimated using a fine-tuned pre-trained model.

Vector Space Interpolation for Query Expansion
Deepanway Ghosal | Somak Aditya | Sandipan Dandapat | Monojit Choudhury

Topic-sensitive query set expansion is an important area of research that aims to improve search results for information retrieval. It is particularly crucial for queries related to sensitive and emerging topics. In this work, we describe a method for query set expansion about emerging topics using vector space interpolation. We use a transformer model called OPTIMUS, which is suitable for vector space manipulation due to its variational autoencoder nature. One of our proposed methods – Dirichlet interpolation shows promising results for query expansion. Our methods effectively generate new queries about the sensitive topic by incorporating set-level diversity, which is not captured by traditional sentence-level augmentation methods such as paraphrasing or back-translation.

SchAman: Spell-Checking Resources and Benchmark for Endangered Languages from Amazonia
Arturo Oncevay | Gerardo Cardoso | Carlo Alva | César Lara Ávila | Jovita Vásquez Balarezo | Saúl Escobar Rodríguez | Delio Siticonatzi Camaiteri | Esaú Zumaeta Rojas | Didier López Francis | Juan López Bautista | Nimia Acho Rios | Remigio Zapata Cesareo | Héctor Erasmo Gómez Montoya | Roberto Zariquiey

Spell-checkers are core applications in language learning and normalisation, which may enormously contribute to language revitalisation and language teaching in the context of indigenous communities. Spell-checking as a generation task, however, requires large amount of data, which is not feasible for endangered languages, such as the languages spoken in Peruvian Amazonia. We propose here augmentation methods for various misspelling types as a strategy to train neural spell-checking models and we create an evaluation resource for four indigenous languages of Peru: Shipibo-Konibo, Asháninka, Yánesha, Yine. We focus on special errors that are significant for learning these languages, such as phoneme-to-grapheme ambiguity, grammatical errors (gender, tense, number, among others), accentuation, punctuation and normalisation in contexts where two or more writing traditions co-exist. We found that an ensemble model, trained with augmented data from various types of error achieves overall better scores in most of the error types and languages. Finally, we released our spell-checkers as a web service to be used by indigenous communities and organisations to develop future language materials.

CoFE: A New Dataset of Intra-Multilingual Multi-target Stance Classification from an Online European Participatory Democracy Platform
Valentin Barriere | Guillaume Guillaume Jacquet | Leo Hemamou

Stance Recognition over proposals is the task of automatically detecting whether a comment on a specific proposal is in favor of this proposal, against this proposal or that neither inference is likely. The dataset that we propose to use is an online debating platform inaugurated in 2021, where users can submit proposals and comment over proposals or over other comments. It contains 4.2k proposals and 20k comments focused on various topics. Every comment and proposal can come written in another language, with more than 40% of the proposal/comment pairs containing at least two languages, creating a unique intra-multilingual setting. A portion of the data (more than 7k comment/proposal pairs, in 26 languages) was annotated by the writers with a self-tag assessing whether they are in favor or against the proposal. Another part of the data (without self-tag) has been manually annotated: 1206 comments in 6 morphologically different languages (fr, de, en, el, it, hu) were tagged, leading to a Krippendorff’s α of 0.69. This setting allows defining an intra-multilingual and multi-target stance classification task over online debates.

Exploring the Effects of Negation and Grammatical Tense on Bias Probes
Samia Touileb

We investigate in this paper how correlations between occupations and gendered-pronouns can be affected and changed by adding negation in bias probes, or changing the grammatical tense of the verbs in the probes. We use a set of simple bias probes in Norwegian and English, and perform 16 different probing analysis, using four Norwegian and four English pre-trained language models. We show that adding negation to probes does not have a considerable effect on the correlations between gendered-pronouns and occupations, supporting other works on negation in language models. We also show that altering the grammatical tense of verbs in bias probes do have some interesting effects on models’ behaviours and correlations. We argue that we should take grammatical tense into account when choosing bias probes, and aggregating results across tenses might be a better representation of the existing correlations.

Promoting Pre-trained LM with Linguistic Features on Automatic Readability Assessment
Shudi Hou | Simin Rao | Yu Xia | Sujian Li

Automatic readability assessment (ARA) aims at classifying the readability level of a passage automatically. In the past, manually selected linguistic features are used to classify the passages. However, as the use of deep neural network surges, there is less work focusing on these linguistic features. Recently, many works integrate linguistic features with pre-trained language model (PLM) to make up for the information that PLMs are not good at capturing. Despite their initial success, insufficient analysis of the long passage characteristic of ARA has been done before. To further investigate the promotion of linguistic features on PLMs in ARA from the perspective of passage length, with commonly used linguistic features and abundant experiments, we find that: (1) Linguistic features promote PLMs in ARA mainly on long passages. (2) The promotion of the features on PLMs becomes less significant when the dataset size exceeds 750 passages. (3) By analyzing commonly used ARA datasets, we find Newsela is actually not suitable for ARA. Our code is available at

An Empirical Study of Pipeline vs. Joint approaches to Entity and Relation Extraction
Zhaohui Yan | Zixia Jia | Kewei Tu

The Entity and Relation Extraction (ERE) task includes two basic sub-tasks: Named Entity Recognition and Relation Extraction. In the last several years, much work focused on joint approaches for the common perception that the pipeline approach suffers from the error propagation problem. Recent work reconsiders the pipeline scheme and shows that it can produce comparable results. To systematically study the pros and cons of these two schemes. We design and test eight pipeline and joint approaches to the ERE task. We find that with the same span representation methods, the best joint approach still outperforms the best pipeline model, but improperly designed joint approaches may have poor performance. We hope our work could shed some light on the pipeline-vs-joint debate of the ERE task and inspire further research.

CLASP: Few-Shot Cross-Lingual Data Augmentation for Semantic Parsing
Andy Rosenbaum | Saleh Soltan | Wael Hamza | Marco Damonte | Isabel Groves | Amir Saffari

A bottleneck to developing Semantic Parsing (SP) models is the need for a large volume of human-labeled training data. Given the complexity and cost of human annotation for SP, labeled data is often scarce, particularly in multilingual settings. Large Language Models (LLMs) excel at SP given only a few examples, however LLMs are unsuitable for runtime systems which require low latency. In this work, we propose CLASP, a simple method to improve low-resource SP for moderate-sized models: we generate synthetic data from AlexaTM 20B to augment the training set for a model 40x smaller (500M parameters). We evaluate on two datasets in low-resource settings: English PIZZA, containing either 348 or 16 real examples, and mTOP cross-lingual zero-shot, where training data is available only in English, and the model must generalize to four new languages. On both datasets, we show significant improvements over strong baseline methods.

Plug and Play Knowledge Distillation for kNN-LM with External Logits
Xuyang Jin | Tao Ge | Furu Wei

Despite the promising evaluation results by knowledge distillation (KD) in natural language understanding (NLU) and sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) tasks, KD for causal language modeling (LM) remains a challenge. In this paper, we present a novel perspective of knowledge distillation by proposing plug and play knowledge distillation (PP-KD) to improve a (student) kNN-LM that is the state-of-the-art in causal language modeling by leveraging external logits from either a powerful or a heterogeneous (teacher) LM. Unlike conventional logit-based KD where the teacher’s knowledge is built-in during training, PP-KD is plug and play: it stores the teacher’s knowledge (i.e., logits) externally and uses the teacher’s logits of the retrieved k-nearest neighbors during kNN-LM inference at test time. In contrast to marginal perplexity improvement by logit-based KD in conventional neural (causal) LM, PP-KD achieves a significant improvement, enhancing the kNN-LMs in multiple language modeling datasets, showing a novel and promising perspective for causal LM distillation.

How Well Do Multi-hop Reading Comprehension Models Understand Date Information?
Xanh Ho | Saku Sugawara | Akiko Aizawa

Several multi-hop reading comprehension datasets have been proposed to resolve the issue of reasoning shortcuts by which questions can be answered without performing multi-hop reasoning. However, the ability of multi-hop models to perform step-by-step reasoning when finding an answer to a comparison question remains unclear. It is also unclear how questions about the internal reasoning process are useful for training and evaluating question-answering (QA) systems. To evaluate the model precisely in a hierarchical manner, we first propose a dataset, HieraDate, with three probing tasks in addition to the main question: extraction, reasoning, and robustness. Our dataset is created by enhancing two previous multi-hop datasets, HotpotQA and 2WikiMultiHopQA, focusing on multi-hop questions on date information that involve both comparison and numerical reasoning. We then evaluate the ability of existing models to understand date information. Our experimental results reveal that the multi-hop models do not have the ability to subtract two dates even when they perform well in date comparison and number subtraction tasks. Other results reveal that our probing questions can help to improve the performance of the models (e.g., by +10.3 F1) on the main QA task and our dataset can be used for data augmentation to improve the robustness of the models.

Dodging the Data Bottleneck: Automatic Subtitling with Automatically Segmented ST Corpora
Sara Papi | Alina Karakanta | Matteo Negri | Marco Turchi

Speech translation for subtitling (SubST) is the task of automatically translating speech data into well-formed subtitles by inserting subtitle breaks compliant to specific displaying guidelines. Similar to speech translation (ST), model training requires parallel data comprising audio inputs paired with their textual translations. In SubST, however, the text has to be also annotated with subtitle breaks. So far, this requirement has represented a bottleneck for system development, as confirmed by the dearth of publicly available SubST corpora. To fill this gap, we propose a method to convert existing ST corpora into SubST resources without human intervention. We build a segmenter model that automatically segments texts into proper subtitles by exploiting audio and text in a multimodal fashion, achieving high segmentation quality in zero-shot conditions. Comparative experiments with SubST systems respectively trained on manual and automatic segmentations result in similar performance, showing the effectiveness of our approach.

How to tackle an emerging topic? Combining strong and weak labels for Covid news NER
Aleksander Ficek | Fangyu Liu | Nigel Collier

Being able to train Named Entity Recognition (NER) models for emerging topics is crucial for many real-world applications especially in the medical domain where new topics are continuously evolving out of the scope of existing models and datasets. For a realistic evaluation setup, we introduce a novel COVID-19 news NER dataset (COVIDNEWS-NER) and release 3000 entries of hand annotated strongly labelled sentences and 13000 auto-generated weakly labelled sentences. Besides the dataset, we propose CONTROSTER, a recipe to strategically combine weak and strong labels in improving NER in an emerging topic through transfer learning. We show the effectiveness of CONTROSTER on COVIDNEWS-NER while providing analysis on combining weak and strong labels for training. Our key findings are: (1) Using weak data to formulate an initial backbone before tuning on strong data outperforms methods trained on only strong or weak data. (2) A combination of out-of-domain and in-domain weak label training is crucial and can overcome saturation when being training on weak labels from a single source.