Yuhan Chen


FlexiQA: Leveraging LLM’s Evaluation Capabilities for Flexible Knowledge Selection in Open-domain Question Answering
Yuhan Chen | Shuqi Li | Rui Yan
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EACL 2024

Nowadays, large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated their ability to be a powerful knowledge generator of generate-then-read paradigm for open-domain question answering (ODQA). However this new paradigm mainly suffers from the “hallucination” and struggles to handle time-sensitive issue because of its expensive knowledge update costs. On the other hand, retrieve-then-read, as a traditional paradigm, is more limited by the relevance of acquired knowledge to the given question. In order to combine the strengths of both paradigms, and overcome their respective shortcomings, we design a new pipeline called “FlexiQA”, in which we utilize the diverse evaluation capabilities of LLMs to select knowledge effectively and flexibly. First, given a question, we prompt a LLM as a discriminator to identify whether it is time-sensitive. For time-sensitive questions, we follow the retrieve-then-read paradigm to obtain the answer. For the non time-sensitive questions, we further prompt the LLM as an evaluator to select a better document from two perspectives: factuality and relevance. Based on the selected document, we leverage a reader to get the final answer. We conduct extensive experiments on three widely-used ODQA benchmarks, the experimental results fully confirm the effectiveness of our approach.

AS-ES Learning: Towards efficient CoT learning in small models
Nuwa Xi | Yuhan Chen | Sendong Zhao | Haochun Wang | GongZhang GongZhang | Bing Qin | Ting Liu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Chain-of-Thought (CoT) serves as a critical emerging ability in LLMs, especially when it comes to logical reasoning. Attempts have been made to induce such ability in small models as well by distilling from the data with CoT generated by Large Language Models (LLMs). However, existing methods often simply generate and incorporate more data from LLMs and fail to note the importance of efficiently utilizing existing CoT data. We here propose a new training paradigm AS-ES (Abstractive Segments - Extractive Segments) learning, which exploits the inherent information in CoT for iterative generation. Experiments show that our methods surpass the direct seq2seq training on CoT-extensive tasks like MWP and PET summarization, without data augmentation or altering the model itself. Furthermore, we explore the reason behind the inefficiency of small models in learning CoT and provide an explanation of why AS-ES learning works, giving insights into the underlying mechanism of CoT.

Batch-ICL: Effective, Efficient, and Order-Agnostic In-Context Learning
Kaiyi Zhang | Ang Lv | Yuhan Chen | Hansen Ha | Tao Xu | Rui Yan
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

In this paper, by treating in-context learning (ICL) as a meta-optimization process, we explain why LLMs are sensitive to the order of ICL examples. This understanding leads us to the development of Batch-ICL, an effective, efficient, and order-agnostic inference algorithm for ICL. Differing from the standard N-shot learning approach, Batch-ICL employs N separate 1-shot forward computations and aggregates the resulting meta-gradients. These aggregated meta-gradients are then applied to the forward computation of a zero-shot query to generate the final prediction. This batch processing approach renders the LLM agnostic to the order of ICL examples. Through extensive experiments and analysis, we demonstrate that Batch-ICL consistently outperforms most permutations of ICL examples. In some cases, it even exceeds the performance of the best order for standard ICL, all while reducing the computational resources required. Furthermore, we develop a novel variant of Batch-ICL featuring multiple “epochs” of meta-optimization. This variant implicitly explores permutations of ICL examples, further enhancing ICL performance.

Fortify the Shortest Stave in Attention: Enhancing Context Awareness of Large Language Models for Effective Tool Use
Yuhan Chen | Ang Lv | Ting-En Lin | Changyu Chen | Yuchuan Wu | Fei Huang | Yongbin Li | Rui Yan
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

In this paper, we demonstrate that an inherent waveform pattern in the attention allocation of large language models (LLMs) significantly affects their performance in tasks demanding a high degree of context awareness, such as utilizing LLMs for tool-use. Specifically, the crucial information in the context will be potentially overlooked by model when it is positioned in the trough zone of the attention waveform, leading to decreased performance. To address this issue, we propose a novel inference method named Attention Buckets. It allows LLMs to process their input through multiple parallel processes. Each process utilizes a distinct base angle for the rotary position embedding, thereby creating a unique attention waveform. By compensating an attention trough of a particular process with an attention peak of another process, our approach enhances LLM’s awareness to various contextual positions, thus mitigating the risk of overlooking crucial information. In the largest tool-use benchmark, our method elevates a 7B model to achieve state-of-the-art performance, comparable to that of GPT-4. On other benchmarks and some RAG tasks, which also demand a thorough understanding of contextual content, Attention Buckets also exhibited notable enhancements in performance.


Make Your Decision Convincing! A Unified Two-Stage Framework: Self-Attribution and Decision-Making
Yanrui Du | Sendong Zhao | Haochun Wang | Yuhan Chen | Rui Bai | Zewen Qiang | Muzhen Cai | Bing Qin
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Explaining black-box model behavior with natural language has achieved impressive results in various NLP tasks. Recent research has explored the utilization of subsequences from the input text as a rationale, providing users with evidence to support the model decision. Although existing frameworks excel in generating high-quality rationales while achieving high task performance, they neglect to account for the unreliable link between the generated rationale and model decision. In simpler terms, a model may make correct decisions while attributing wrong rationales, or make poor decisions while attributing correct rationales. To mitigate this issue, we propose a unified two-stage framework known as Self-Attribution and Decision-Making (SADM). Through extensive experiments on five reasoning datasets from the ERASER benchmark, we demonstrate that our framework not only establishes a more reliable link between the generated rationale and model decision but also achieves competitive results in task performance and the quality of rationale. Furthermore, we explore the potential of our framework in semi-supervised scenarios.

DialoGPS: Dialogue Path Sampling in Continuous Semantic Space for Data Augmentation in Multi-Turn Conversations
Ang Lv | Jinpeng Li | Yuhan Chen | Gao Xing | Ji Zhang | Rui Yan
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

In open-domain dialogue generation tasks, contexts and responses in most datasets are one-to-one mapped, violating an important many-to-many characteristic: a context leads to various responses, and a response answers multiple contexts. Without such patterns, models poorly generalize and prefer responding safely. Many attempts have been made in either multi-turn settings from a one-to-many perspective or in a many-to-many perspective but limited to single-turn settings. The major challenge to many-to-many augment multi-turn dialogues is that discretely replacing each turn with semantic similarity breaks fragile context coherence. In this paper, we propose DialoGue Path Sampling (DialoGPS) method in continuous semantic space, the first many-to-many augmentation method for multi-turn dialogues. Specifically, we map a dialogue to our extended Brownian Bridge, a special Gaussian process. We sample latent variables to form coherent dialogue paths in the continuous space. A dialogue path corresponds to a new multi-turn dialogue and is used as augmented training data. We show the effect of DialoGPS with both automatic and human evaluation.