Melkamu Mersha
First Attempt at Building Parallel Corpora for Machine Translation of Northeast India’s Very Low-Resource Languages
Atnafu Lambebo Tonja
Melkamu Mersha
Ananya Kalita
Olga Kolesnikova
Jugal Kalita
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON)
This paper presents the creation of initial bilingual corpora for thirteen very low-resource languages of India, all from Northeast India. It also presents the results of initial translation efforts in these languages. It creates the first-ever parallel corpora for these languages and provides initial benchmark neural machine translation results for these languages. We intend to extend these corpora to include a large number of low-resource Indian languages and integrate the effort with our prior work with African and American-Indian languages to create corpora covering a large number of languages from across the world.