Linghao Jin


MAX-ISI System at WMT23 Discourse-Level Literary Translation Task
Li An | Linghao Jin | Xuezhe Ma
Proceedings of the Eighth Conference on Machine Translation

This paper describes our translation systems for the WMT23 shared task. We participated in the discourse-level literary translation task - constrained track. In our methodology, we conduct a comparative analysis between the conventional Transformer model and the recently introduced MEGA model, which exhibits enhanced capabilities in modeling long-range sequences compared to the traditional Transformers. To explore whether language models can more effectively harness document-level context using paragraph-level data, we took the approach of aggregating sentences into paragraphs from the original literary dataset provided by the organizers. This paragraph-level data was utilized in both the Transformer and MEGA models. To ensure a fair comparison across all systems, we employed a sentence-alignment strategy to reverse our translation results from the paragraph-level back to the sentence-level alignment. Finally, our evaluation process encompassed sentence-level metrics such as BLEU, as well as two document-level metrics: d-BLEU and BlonDe.

Challenges in Context-Aware Neural Machine Translation
Linghao Jin | Jacqueline He | Jonathan May | Xuezhe Ma
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Context-aware neural machine translation, a paradigm that involves leveraging information beyond sentence-level context to resolve inter-sentential discourse dependencies and improve document-level translation quality, has given rise to a number of recent techniques. However, despite well-reasoned intuitions, most context-aware translation models show only modest improvements over sentence-level systems. In this work, we investigate and present several core challenges that impede progress within the field, relating to discourse phenomena, context usage, model architectures, and document-level evaluation. To address these problems, we propose a more realistic setting for document-level translation, called paragraph-to-paragraph (PARA2PARA) translation, and collect a new dataset of Chinese-English novels to promote future research.