Jia Peng Lim


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Aligning Human and Computational Coherence Evaluations
Jia Peng Lim | Hady W. Lauw
Computational Linguistics, Volume 50, Issue 3 - September 2024

Automated coherence metrics constitute an efficient and popular way to evaluate topic models. Previous work presents a mixed picture of their presumed correlation with human judgment. This work proposes a novel sampling approach to mining topic representations at a large scale while seeking to mitigate bias from sampling, enabling the investigation of widely used automated coherence metrics via large corpora. Additionally, this article proposes a novel user study design, an amalgamation of different proxy tasks, to derive a finer insight into the human decision-making processes. This design subsumes the purpose of simple rating and outlier-detection user studies. Similar to the sampling approach, the user study conducted is extensive, comprising 40 study participants split into eight different study groups tasked with evaluating their respective set of 100 topic representations. Usually, when substantiating the use of these metrics, human responses are treated as the gold standard. This article further investigates the reliability of human judgment by flipping the comparison and conducting a novel extended analysis of human response at the group and individual level against a generic corpus. The investigation results show a moderate to good correlation between these metrics and human judgment, especially for generic corpora, and derive further insights into the human perception of coherence. Analyzing inter-metric correlations across corpora shows moderate to good correlation among these metrics. As these metrics depend on corpus statistics, this article further investigates the topical differences between corpora, revealing nuances in applications of these metrics.


Disentangling Transformer Language Models as Superposed Topic Models
Jia Peng Lim | Hady Lauw
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Topic Modelling is an established research area where the quality of a given topic is measured using coherence metrics. Often, we infer topics from Neural Topic Models (NTM) by interpreting their decoder weights, consisting of top-activated words projected from individual neurons. Transformer-based Language Models (TLM) similarly consist of decoder weights. However, due to its hypothesised superposition properties, the final logits originating from the residual path are considered uninterpretable. Therefore, we posit that we can interpret TLM as superposed NTM by proposing a novel weight-based, model-agnostic and corpus-agnostic approach to search and disentangle decoder-only TLM, potentially mapping individual neurons to multiple coherent topics. Our results show that it is empirically feasible to disentangle coherent topics from GPT-2 models using the Wikipedia corpus. We validate this approach for GPT-2 models using Zero-Shot Topic Modelling. Finally, we extend the proposed approach to disentangle and analyse LLaMA models.

Large-Scale Correlation Analysis of Automated Metrics for Topic Models
Jia Peng Lim | Hady Lauw
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Automated coherence metrics constitute an important and popular way to evaluate topic models. Previous works present a mixed picture of their presumed correlation with human judgement. In this paper, we conduct a large-scale correlation analysis of coherence metrics. We propose a novel sampling approach to mine topics for the purpose of metric evaluation, and conduct the analysis via three large corpora showing that certain automated coherence metrics are correlated. Moreover, we extend the analysis to measure topical differences between corpora. Lastly, we examine the reliability of human judgement by conducting an extensive user study, which is designed as an amalgamation of different proxy tasks to derive a finer insight into the human decision-making processes. Our findings reveal some correlation between automated coherence metrics and human judgement, especially for generic corpora.


Towards Reinterpreting Neural Topic Models via Composite Activations
Jia Peng Lim | Hady Lauw
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Most Neural Topic Models (NTM) use a variational auto-encoder framework producing K topics limited to the size of the encoder’s output. These topics are interpreted through the selection of the top activated words via the weights or reconstructed vector of the decoder that are directly connected to each neuron. In this paper, we present a model-free two-stage process to reinterpret NTM and derive further insights on the state of the trained model. Firstly, building on the original information from a trained NTM, we generate a pool of potential candidate “composite topics” by exploiting possible co-occurrences within the original set of topics, which decouples the strict interpretation of topics from the original NTM. This is followed by a combinatorial formulation to select a final set of composite topics, which we evaluate for coherence and diversity on a large external corpus. Lastly, we employ a user study to derive further insights on the reinterpretation process.