Ivan Lovrenčić
TakeLab at SemEval-2019 Task 4: Hyperpartisan News Detection
Niko Palić
Juraj Vladika
Dominik Čubelić
Ivan Lovrenčić
Maja Buljan
Jan Šnajder
Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation
In this paper, we demonstrate the system built to solve the SemEval-2019 task 4: Hyperpartisan News Detection (Kiesel et al., 2019), the task of automatically determining whether an article is heavily biased towards one side of the political spectrum. Our system receives an article in its raw, textual form, analyzes it, and predicts with moderate accuracy whether the article is hyperpartisan. The learning model used was primarily trained on a manually prelabeled dataset containing news articles. The system relies on the previously constructed SVM model, available in the Python Scikit-Learn library. We ranked 6th in the competition of 42 teams with an accuracy of 79.1% (the winning team had 82.2%).