Gagan Bhatia


SIDLR: Slot and Intent Detection Models for Low-Resource Language Varieties
Sang Yun Kwon | Gagan Bhatia | Elmoatez Billah Nagoudi | Alcides Alcoba Inciarte | Muhammad Abdul-mageed
Tenth Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects (VarDial 2023)

Intent detection and slot filling are two critical tasks in spoken and natural language understandingfor task-oriented dialog systems. In this work, we describe our participation in slot and intent detection for low-resource language varieties (SID4LR) (Aepli et al., 2023). We investigate the slot and intent detection (SID) tasks using a wide range of models and settings. Given the recent success of multitask promptedfinetuning of the large language models, we also test the generalization capability of the recent encoder-decoder model mT0 (Muennighoff et al., 2022) on new tasks (i.e., SID) in languages they have never intentionally seen. We show that our best model outperforms the baseline by a large margin (up to +30 F1 points) in both SID tasks.

Beyond English: Evaluating LLMs for Arabic Grammatical Error Correction
Sang Kwon | Gagan Bhatia | El Moatez Billah Nagoudi | Muhammad Abdul-Mageed
Proceedings of ArabicNLP 2023

Large language models (LLMs) finetuned to follow human instruction have recently exhibited significant capabilities in various English NLP tasks. However, their performance in grammatical error correction (GEC), especially on languages other than English, remains significantly unexplored. In this work, we evaluate the abilities of instruction finetuned LLMs in Arabic GEC, a complex task due to Arabic’s rich morphology. Our findings suggest that various prompting methods, coupled with (in-context) few-shot learning, demonstrate considerable effectiveness, with GPT-4 achieving up to 65.49 F1 score under expert prompting (approximately 5 points higher than our established baseline). Despite these positive results, we find that instruction finetuned models, regardless of their size, are still outperformed by fully finetuned ones, even if they are significantly smaller in size. This disparity highlights substantial room for improvements for LLMs. Inspired by methods used in low-resource machine translation, we also develop a method exploiting synthetic data that significantly outperforms previous models on two standard Arabic benchmarks. Our best model achieves a new SOTA on Arabic GEC, with 73.29 and 73.26 F1 on the 2014 and 2015 QALB datasets, respectively, compared to peer-reviewed published baselines.

UBC-DLNLP at SemEval-2023 Task 12: Impact of Transfer Learning on African Sentiment Analysis
Gagan Bhatia | Ife Adebara | Abdelrahim Elmadany | Muhammad Abdul-mageed
Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2023)

We describe our contribution to the SemEVAl 2023 AfriSenti-SemEval shared task, where we tackle the task of sentiment analysis in 14 different African languages. We develop both monolingual and multilingual models under a full supervised setting (subtasks A and B). We also develop models for the zero-shot setting (subtask C). Our approach involves experimenting with transfer learning using six language models, including further pretraining of some of these models as well as a final finetuning stage. Our best performing models achieve an F1-score of 70.36 on development data and an F1-score of 66.13 on test data. Unsurprisingly, our results demonstrate the effectiveness of transfer learning and finetuning techniques for sentiment analysis across multiple languages. Our approach can be applied to other sentiment analysis tasks in different languages and domains.