Bowen Jin


Graph Chain-of-Thought: Augmenting Large Language Models by Reasoning on Graphs
Bowen Jin | Chulin Xie | Jiawei Zhang | Kashob Kumar Roy | Yu Zhang | Zheng Li | Ruirui Li | Xianfeng Tang | Suhang Wang | Yu Meng | Jiawei Han
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Large language models (LLMs), while exhibiting exceptional performance, suffer from hallucinations, especially on knowledge-intensive tasks. Existing works propose to augment LLMs with individual text units retrieved from external knowledge corpora to alleviate the issue. However, in many domains, texts are interconnected (e.g., academic papers in a bibliographic graph are linked by citations and co-authorships) which form a (text-attributed) graph. The knowledge in such graphs is encoded not only in single texts/nodes but also in their associated connections. To facilitate the research of augmenting LLMs with graphs, we manually construct a Graph Reasoning Benchmark dataset called GRBench, containing 1,740 questions that can be answered with the knowledge from 10 domain graphs. Then, we propose a simple and effective framework called Graph Chain-of-thought (Graph-CoT) to augment LLMs with graphs by encouraging LLMs to reason on the graph iteratively. Each Graph-CoT iteration consists of three sub-steps: LLM reasoning, LLM-graph interaction, and graph execution. We conduct systematic experiments with three LLM backbones on GRBench, where Graph-CoT outperforms the baselines consistently. The code is available at

RAM-EHR: Retrieval Augmentation Meets Clinical Predictions on Electronic Health Records
Ran Xu | Wenqi Shi | Yue Yu | Yuchen Zhuang | Bowen Jin | May Dongmei Wang | Joyce Ho | Carl Yang
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)

We present RAM-EHR, a Retrieval AugMentation pipeline to improve clinical predictions on Electronic Health Records (EHRs). RAM-EHR first collects multiple knowledge sources, converts them into text format, and uses dense retrieval to obtain information related to medical concepts. This strategy addresses the difficulties associated with complex names for the concepts. RAM-EHR then augments the local EHR predictive model co-trained with consistency regularization to capture complementary information from patient visits and summarized knowledge. Experiments on two EHR datasets show the efficacy of RAM-EHR over previous knowledge-enhanced baselines (3.4% gain in AUROC and 7.2% gain in AUPR), emphasizing the effectiveness of the summarized knowledge from RAM-EHR for clinical prediction tasks.


Text Augmented Open Knowledge Graph Completion via Pre-Trained Language Models
Pengcheng Jiang | Shivam Agarwal | Bowen Jin | Xuan Wang | Jimeng Sun | Jiawei Han
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

The mission of open knowledge graph (KG) completion is to draw new findings from known facts. Existing works that augment KG completion require either (1) factual triples to enlarge the graph reasoning space or (2) manually designed prompts to extract knowledge from a pre-trained language model (PLM), exhibiting limited performance and requiring expensive efforts from experts. To this end, we propose TagReal that automatically generates quality query prompts and retrieves support information from large text corpora to probe knowledge from PLM for KG completion. The results show that TagReal achieves state-of-the-art performance on two benchmark datasets. We find that TagReal has superb performance even with limited training data, outperforming existing embedding-based, graph-based, and PLM-based methods.

Patton: Language Model Pretraining on Text-Rich Networks
Bowen Jin | Wentao Zhang | Yu Zhang | Yu Meng | Xinyang Zhang | Qi Zhu | Jiawei Han
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

A real-world text corpus sometimes comprises not only text documents, but also semantic links between them (e.g., academic papers in a bibliographic network are linked by citations and co-authorships).Text documents and semantic connections form a text-rich network, which empowers a wide range of downstream tasks such as classification and retrieval. However, pretraining methods for such structures are still lacking, making it difficult to build one generic model that can be adapted to various tasks on text-rich networks. Current pretraining objectives, such as masked language modeling, purely model texts and do not take inter-document structure information into consideration. To this end, we propose our PretrAining on TexT-Rich NetwOrk framework Patton.Patton includes two pretraining strategies: network-contextualized masked language modeling and masked node prediction, to capture the inherent dependency between textual attributes and network structure. We conduct experiments on four downstream tasks in five datasets from both academic and e-commerce domains, where Patton outperforms baselines significantly and consistently.