Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Argument Mining (ArgMining 2024)

Yamen Ajjour, Roy Bar-Haim, Roxanne El Baff, Zhexiong Liu, Gabriella Skitalinskaya (Editors)

Anthology ID:
Bangkok, Thailand
Association for Computational Linguistics
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ARIES: A General Benchmark for Argument Relation Identification
Debela Gemechu | Ramon Ruiz-Dolz | Chris Reed

Measuring advances in argument mining is one of the main challenges in the area. Different theories of argument, heterogeneous annotations, and a varied set of argumentation domains make it difficult to contextualise and understand the results reported in different work from a general perspective. In this paper, we present ARIES, a general benchmark for Argument Relation Identification aimed at providing with a standard evaluation for argument mining research. ARIES covers the three different language modelling approaches: sequence and token modelling, and sequence-to-sequence-to-sequence alignment, together with the three main Transformer-based model architectures: encoder-only, decoder-only, and encoder-decoder. Furthermore, the benchmark consists of eight different argument mining datasets, covering the most common argumentation domains, and standardised with the same annotation structures. This paper provides a first comprehensive and comparative set of results in argument mining across a broad range of configurations to compare with, both advancing the state-of-the-art, and establishing a standard way to measure future advances in the area. Across varied task setups and architectures, our experiments reveal consistent challenges in cross-dataset evaluation, with notably poor results. Given the models’ struggle to acquire transferable skills, the task remains challenging, opening avenues for future research.

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Detecting Scientific Fraud Using Argument Mining
Gabriel Freedman | Francesca Toni

A proliferation of fraudulent scientific research in recent years has precipitated a greater interest in more effective methods of detection. There are many varieties of academic fraud, but a particularly challenging type to detect is the use of paper mills and the faking of peer-review. To the best of our knowledge, there have so far been no attempts to automate this process.The complexity of this issue precludes the use of heuristic methods, like pattern-matching techniques, which are employed for other types of fraud. Our proposed method in this paper uses techniques from the Computational Argumentation literature (i.e. argument mining and argument quality evaluation). Our central hypothesis stems from the assumption that articles that have not been subject to the proper level of scrutiny will contain poorly formed and reasoned arguments, relative to legitimately published papers. We use a variety of corpora to test this approach, including a collection of abstracts taken from retracted papers. We show significant improvement compared to a number of baselines, suggesting that this approach merits further investigation.

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DeepCT-enhanced Lexical Argument Retrieval
Alexander Bondarenko | Maik Fröbe | Danik Hollatz | Jan Merker | Matthias Hagen

The recent Touché lab’s argument retrieval task focuses on controversial topics like ‘Should bottled water be banned?’ and asks to retrieve relevant pro/con arguments. Interestingly, the most effective systems submitted to that task still are based on lexical retrieval models like BM25. In other domains, neural retrievers that capture semantics are more effective than lexical baselines. To add more “semantics” to argument retrieval, we propose to combine lexical models with DeepCT-based document term weights. Our evaluation shows that our approach is more effective than all the systems submitted to the Touché lab while being on par with modern neural re-rankers that themselves are computationally more expensive.

Exploiting Dialogue Acts and Context to Identify Argumentative Relations in Online Debates
Stefano Mezza | Wayne Wobcke | Alan Blair

Argumentative Relation Classification is the task of determining the relationship between two contributions in the context of an argumentative dialogue. Existing models in the literature rely on a combination of lexical features and pre-trained language models to tackle this task; while this approach is somewhat effective, it fails to take into account the importance of pragmatic features such as the illocutionary force of the argument or the structure of previous utterances in the discussion; relying solely on lexical features also produces models that over-fit their initial training set and do not scale to unseen domains. In this work, we introduce ArguNet, a new model for Argumentative Relation Classification which relies on a combination of Dialogue Acts and Dialogue Context to improve the representation of argument structures in opinionated dialogues. We show that our model achieves state-of-the-art results on the Kialo benchmark test set, and provide evidence of its robustness in an open-domain scenario.

Multi-Task Learning Improves Performance in Deep Argument Mining Models
Amirhossein Farzam | Shashank Shekhar | Isaac Mehlhaff | Marco Morucci

The successful analysis of argumentative techniques in user-generated text is central to many downstream tasks such as political and market analysis. Recent argument mining tools use state-of-the-art deep learning methods to extract and annotate argumentative techniques from various online text corpora, but each task is treated as separate and different bespoke models are fine-tuned for each dataset. We show that different argument mining tasks share common semantic and logical structure by implementing a multi-task approach to argument mining that meets or exceeds performance from existing methods for the same problems. Our model builds a shared representation of the input and exploits similarities between tasks in order to further boost performance via parameter-sharing. Our results are important for argument mining as they show that different tasks share substantial similarities and suggest a holistic approach to the extraction of argumentative techniques from text.

Computational Modelling of Undercuts in Real-world Arguments
Yuxiao Ye | Simone Teufel

Argument Mining (AM) is the task of automatically analysing arguments, such that the unstructured information contained in them is converted into structured representations. Undercut is a unique structure in arguments, as it challenges the relationship between a premise and a claim, unlike direct attacks which challenge the claim or the premise itself. Undercut is also an important counterargument device as it often reflects the value of arguers. However, undercuts have not received the attention in the filed of AM they should have — there is neither much corpus data about undercuts, nor an existing AM model that can automatically recognise them. In this paper, we present a real-world dataset of arguments with explicitly annotated undercuts, and the first computational model that is able to recognise them. The dataset consists of 400 arguments, containing 326 undercuts. On this dataset, our approach beats a strong baseline in undercut recognition, with F1 = 38.8%, which is comparable to the performance on recognising direct attacks. We also conduct experiments on a benchmark dataset containing no undercuts, and prove that our approach is as good as the state of the art in terms of recognising the overall structure of arguments. Our work pioneers the systematic analysis and computational modelling of undercuts in real-world arguments, setting a foundation for future research in the role of undercuts in the dynamics of argumentation.

MAMKit: A Comprehensive Multimodal Argument Mining Toolkit
Eleonora Mancini | Federico Ruggeri | Stefano Colamonaco | Andrea Zecca | Samuele Marro | Paolo Torroni

Multimodal Argument Mining (MAM) is a recent area of research aiming to extend argument analysis and improve discourse understanding by incorporating multiple modalities. Initial results confirm the importance of paralinguistic cues in this field. However, the research community still lacks a comprehensive platform where results can be easily reproduced, and methods and models can be stored, compared, and tested against a variety of benchmarks. To address these challenges, we propose MAMKit, an open, publicly available, PyTorch toolkit that consolidates datasets and models, providing a standardized platform for experimentation. MAMKit also includes some new baselines, designed to stimulate research on text and audio encoding and fusion for MAM tasks. Our initial results with MAMKit indicate that advancements in MAM require novel annotation processes to encompass auditory cues effectively.

Overview of DialAM-2024: Argument Mining in Natural Language Dialogues
Ramon Ruiz-Dolz | John Lawrence | Ella Schad | Chris Reed

Argumentation is the process by which humans rationally elaborate their thoughts and opinions in written (e.g., essays) or spoken (e.g., debates) contexts. Argument Mining research, however, has been focused on either written argumentation or spoken argumentation but without considering any additional information, e.g., speech acts and intentions. In this paper, we present an overview of DialAM-2024, the first shared task in dialogical argument mining, where argumentative relations and speech illocutions are modelled together in a unified framework. The task was divided into two different sub-tasks: the identification of propositional relations and the identification of illocutionary relations. Six different teams explored different methodologies to leverage both sources of information to reconstruct argument maps containing the locutions uttered in the speeches and the argumentative propositions implicit in them. The best performing team achieved an F1-score of 67.05% in the overall evaluation of the reconstruction of complete argument maps, considering both sub-tasks included in the DialAM-2024 shared task.

DFKI-MLST at DialAM-2024 Shared Task: System Description
Arne Binder | Tatiana Anikina | Leonhard Hennig | Simon Ostermann

This paper presents the dfki-mlst submission for the DialAM shared task (Ruiz-Dolz et al., 2024) on identification of argumentative and illocutionary relations in dialogue. Our model achieves best results in the global setting: 48.25 F1 at the focused level when looking only at the related arguments/locutions and 67.05 F1 at the general level when evaluating the complete argument maps. We describe our implementation of the data pre-processing, relation encoding and classification, evaluating 11 different base models and performing experiments with, e.g., node text combination and data augmentation. Our source code is publicly available.

KnowComp at DialAM-2024: Fine-tuning Pre-trained Language Models for Dialogical Argument Mining with Inference Anchoring Theory
Yuetong Wu | Yukai Zhou | Baixuan Xu | Weiqi Wang | Yangqiu Song

In this paper, we present our framework for DialAM-2024 TaskA: Identification of Propositional Relations and TaskB: Identification of Illocutionary Relations. The goal of task A is to detect argumentative relations between propositions in an argumentative dialogue. i.e., Inference, Conflict, Rephrase while task B aims to detect illocutionary relations between locutions and argumentative propositions in a dialogue. e.g., Asserting, Agreeing, Arguing, Disagreeing. Noticing the definition of the relations are strict and professional under the context of IAT framework, we meticulously curate prompts which not only incorporate formal definition of the relations, but also exhibit the subtle differences between them. The PTLMs are then fine-tuned on the human-designed prompts to enhance its discrimination capability in classifying different theoretical relations by learning from the human instruction and the ground truth samples. After extensive experiments, a fine-tuned DeBERTa-v3-base model exhibits the best performance among all PTLMs with an F1 score of 78.90% on Task B. It is worth noticing that our framework ranks #2 in the ILO - General official leaderboard.

KNOWCOMP POKEMON Team at DialAM-2024: A Two-Stage Pipeline for Detecting Relations in Dialogue Argument Mining
Zihao Zheng | Zhaowei Wang | Qing Zong | Yangqiu Song

Dialogue Argument Mining(DialAM) is an important branch of Argument Mining(AM). DialAM-2024 is a shared task focusing on dialogue argument mining, which requires us to identify argumentative relations and illocutionary relations among proposition nodes and locution nodes. To accomplish this, we propose a two-stage pipeline, which includes the Two-Step S-Node Prediction Model in Stage 1 and the YA-Node Prediction Model in Stage 2. We also augment the training data in both stages and introduce context in the prediction of Stage 2. We successfully completed the task and achieved good results. Our team KNOWCOMP POKEMON ranked 1st in the ARI Focused score and 4th in the Global Focused score.

Pungene at DialAM-2024: Identification of Propositional and Illocutionary Relations
Sirawut Chaixanien | Eugene Choi | Shaden Shaar | Claire Cardie

In this paper we tackle the shared task DialAM-2024 aiming to annotate dialogue based on the inference anchoring theory (IAT). The task can be split into two parts, identification of propositional relations and identification of illocutionary relations. We propose a pipelined system made up of three parts: (1) locutionary-propositions relation detection, (2) propositional relations detection, and (3) illocutionary relations identification. We fine-tune models independently for each step, and combine at the end for the final system. Our proposed system ranks second overall compared to other participants in the shared task, scoring an average f1-score on both sub-parts of 63.7.

Turiya at DialAM-2024: Inference Anchoring Theory Based LLM Parsers
Sougata Saha | Rohini Srihari

Representing discourse as argument graphs facilitates robust analysis. Although computational frameworks for constructing graphs from monologues exist, there is a lack of frameworks for parsing dialogue. Inference Anchoring Theory (IAT) is a theoretical framework for extracting graphical argument structures and relationships from dialogues. Here, we introduce computational models for implementing the IAT framework for parsing dialogues. We experiment with a classification-based biaffine parser and Large Language Model (LLM)-based generative methods and compare them. Our results demonstrate the utility of finetuning LLMs for constructing IAT-based argument graphs from dialogues, which is a nuanced task.

Overview of PerpectiveArg2024 The First Shared Task on Perspective Argument Retrieval
Neele Falk | Andreas Waldis | Iryna Gurevych

Argument retrieval is the task of finding relevant arguments for a given query. While existing approaches rely solely on the semantic alignment of queries and arguments, this first shared task on perspective argument retrieval incorporates perspectives during retrieval, ac- counting for latent influences in argumenta- tion. We present a novel multilingual dataset covering demographic and socio-cultural (so- cio) variables, such as age, gender, and politi- cal attitude, representing minority and major- ity groups in society. We distinguish between three scenarios to explore how retrieval systems consider explicitly (in both query and corpus) and implicitly (only in query) formulated per- spectives. This paper provides an overview of this shared task and summarizes the results of the six submitted systems. We find substantial challenges in incorporating perspectivism, especially when aiming for personalization based solely on the text of arguments without explicitly providing socio profiles. Moreover, re- trieval systems tend to be biased towards the majority group but partially mitigate bias for the female gender. While we bootstrap per- spective argument retrieval, further research is essential to optimize retrieval systems to facilitate personalization and reduce polarization.

Sövereign at The Perspective Argument Retrieval Shared Task 2024: Using LLMs with Argument Mining
Robert Günzler | Özge Sevgili | Steffen Remus | Chris Biemann | Irina Nikishina

This paper presents the Sövereign submission for the shared task on perspective argument retrieval for the Argument Mining Workshop 2024. The main challenge is to perform argument retrieval considering socio-cultural aspects such as political interests, occupation, age, and gender. To address the challenge, we apply open-access Large Language Models (Mistral-7b) in a zero-shot fashion for re-ranking and explicit similarity scoring. Additionally, we combine different features in an ensemble setup using logistic regression. Our system ranks second in the competition for all test set rounds on average for the logistic regression approach using LLM similarity scores as a feature. In addition to the description of the approach, we also provide further results of our ablation study. Our code will be open-sourced upon acceptance.

Turiya at PerpectiveArg2024: A Multilingual Argument Retriever and Reranker
Sougata Saha | Rohini Srihari

While general argument retrieval systems have significantly matured, multilingual argument retrieval in a socio-cultural setting is an overlooked problem. Advancements in such systems are imperative to enhance the inclusivity of society. The Perspective Argument Retrieval (PAR) task addresses these aspects and acknowledges their potential latent influence on argumentation. Here, we present a multilingual retrieval system for PAR that accounts for societal diversity during retrieval. Our approach couples a retriever and a re-ranker and spans multiple languages, thus factoring in diverse socio-cultural settings. The performance of our end-to-end system on three distinct test sets testify to its robustness.

Twente-BMS-NLP at PerspectiveArg 2024: Combining Bi-Encoder and Cross-Encoder for Argument Retrieval
Leixin Zhang | Daniel Braun

The paper describes our system for the Perspective Argument Retrieval Shared Task. The shared task consists of three scenarios in which relevant political arguments have to be retrieved based on queries (Scenario 1). In Scenario 2 explicit socio-cultural properties are provided and in Scenario 3 implicit socio-cultural properties within the arguments have to be used. We combined a Bi-Encoder and a Cross-Encoder to retrieve relevant arguments for each query. For the third scenario, we extracted linguistic features to predict socio-demographic labels as a separate task. However, the socio-demographic match task proved challenging due to the constraints of argument lengths and genres. The described system won both tracks of the shared task.

GESIS-DSM at PerpectiveArg2024: A Matter of Style? Socio-Cultural Differences in Argumentation
Maximilian Maurer | Julia Romberg | Myrthe Reuver | Negash Weldekiros | Gabriella Lapesa

This paper describes the contribution of team GESIS-DSM to the Perspective Argument Retrieval Task, a task on retrieving socio-culturally relevant and diverse arguments for different user queries. Our experiments and analyses aim to explore the nature of the socio-cultural specialization in argument retrieval: (how) do the arguments written by different socio-cultural groups differ? We investigate the impact of content and style for the task of identifying arguments relevant to a query and a certain demographic attribute. In its different configurations, our system employs sentence embedding representations, arguments generated with Large Language Model, as well as stylistic features. final method places third overall in the shared task, and, in comparison, does particularly well in the most difficult evaluation scenario, where the socio-cultural background of the argument author is implicit (i.e. has to be inferred from the text). This result indicates that socio-cultural differences in argument production may indeed be a matter of style.

XFACT Team0331 at PerspectiveArg2024: Sampling from Bounded Clusters for Diverse Relevant Argument Retrieval
Wan Ju Kang | Jiyoung Han | Jaemin Jung | James Thorne

This paper reports on the argument mining system submitted to the ArgMining workshop 2024 for The Perspective Argument Retrieval Shared Task (Falk et al., 2024). We com- bine the strengths of a smaller Sentence BERT model and a Large Language Model: the for- mer is fine-tuned for a contrastive embedding objective and a classification objective whereas the latter is invoked to augment the query and populate the latent space with diverse relevant arguments. We conduct an ablation study on these components to find that each contributes substantially to the diversity and relevance cri- teria for the top-k retrieval of arguments from the given corpus.