Proceedings of the 1st Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 10th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing: Student Research Workshop

Boaz Shmueli, Yin Jou Huang (Editors)

Anthology ID:
Suzhou, China
Association for Computational Linguistics
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Proceedings of the 1st Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 10th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing: Student Research Workshop
Boaz Shmueli | Yin Jou Huang

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Text Classification through Glyph-aware Disentangled Character Embedding and Semantic Sub-character Augmentation
Takumi Aoki | Shunsuke Kitada | Hitoshi Iyatomi

We propose a new character-based text classification framework for non-alphabetic languages, such as Chinese and Japanese. Our framework consists of a variational character encoder (VCE) and character-level text classifier. The VCE is composed of a β-variational auto-encoder (β -VAE) that learns the proposed glyph-aware disentangled character embedding (GDCE). Since our GDCE provides zero-mean unit-variance character embeddings that are dimensionally independent, it is applicable for our interpretable data augmentation, namely, semantic sub-character augmentation (SSA). In this paper, we evaluated our framework using Japanese text classification tasks at the document- and sentence-level. We confirmed that our GDCE and SSA not only provided embedding interpretability but also improved the classification performance. Our proposal achieved a competitive result to the state-of-the-art model while also providing model interpretability.

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Two-Headed Monster and Crossed Co-Attention Networks
Yaoyiran Li | Jing Jiang

This paper investigates a new co-attention mechanism in neural transduction models for machine translation tasks. We propose a paradigm, termed Two-Headed Monster (THM), which consists of two symmetric encoder modules and one decoder module connected with co-attention. As a specific and concrete implementation of THM, Crossed Co-Attention Networks (CCNs) are designed based on the Transformer model. We test CCNs on WMT 2014 EN-DE and WMT 2016 EN-FI translation tasks and show both advantages and disadvantages of the proposed method. Our model outperforms the strong Transformer baseline by 0.51 (big) and 0.74 (base) BLEU points on EN-DE and by 0.17 (big) and 0.47 (base) BLEU points on EN-FI but the epoch time increases by circa 75%.

Towards a Task-Agnostic Model of Difficulty Estimation for Supervised Learning Tasks
Antonio Laverghetta Jr. | Jamshidbek Mirzakhalov | John Licato

Curriculum learning, a training strategy where training data are ordered based on their difficulty, has been shown to improve performance and reduce training time on various NLP tasks. While much work over the years has developed novel approaches for generating curricula, these strategies are typically only suited for the task they were designed for. This work explores developing a task-agnostic model for problem difficulty and applying it to the Stanford Natural Language Inference (SNLI) dataset. Using the human responses that come with the dev set of SNLI, we train both regression and classification models to predict how many annotators will answer a question correctly and then project the difficulty estimates onto the full SNLI train set to create the curriculum. We argue that our curriculum is effectively capturing difficulty for this task through various analyses of both the model and the predicted difficulty scores.

A Siamese CNN Architecture for Learning Chinese Sentence Similarity
Haoxiang Shi | Cen Wang | Tetsuya Sakai

This paper presents a deep neural architecture which applies the siamese convolutional neural network sharing model parameters for learning a semantic similarity metric between two sentences. In addition, two different similarity metrics (i.e., the Cosine Similarity and Manhattan similarity) are compared based on this architecture. Our experiments in binary similarity classification for Chinese sentence pairs show that the proposed siamese convolutional architecture with Manhattan similarity outperforms the baselines (i.e., the siamese Long Short-Term Memory architecture and the siamese Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory architecture) by 8.7 points in accuracy.

Automatic Classification of Students on Twitter Using Simple Profile Information
Lili-Michal Wilson | Christopher Wun

Obtaining social media demographic information using machine learning is important for efficient computational social science research. Automatic age classification has been accomplished with relative success and allows for the study of youth populations, but student classification—determining which users are currently attending an academic institution—has not been thoroughly studied. Previous work (He et al., 2016) proposes a model which utilizes 3 tweet-content features to classify users as students or non-students. This model achieves an accuracy of 84%, but is restrictive and time intensive because it requires accessing and processing many user tweets. In this study, we propose classification models which use 7 numerical features and 10 text-based features drawn from simple profile information. These profile-based features allow for faster, more accessible data collection and enable the classification of users without needing access to their tweets. Compared to previous models, our models identify students with greater accuracy; our best model obtains an accuracy of 88.1% and an F1 score of .704. This improved student identification tool has the potential to facilitate research on topics ranging from professional networking to the impact of education on Twitter behaviors.

Towards Code-switched Classification Exploiting Constituent Language Resources
Kartikey Pant | Tanvi Dadu

Code-switching is a commonly observed communicative phenomenon denoting a shift from one language to another within the same speech exchange. The analysis of code-switched data often becomes an assiduous task, owing to the limited availability of data. In this work, we propose converting code-switched data into its constituent high resource languages for exploiting both monolingual and cross-lingual settings. This conversion allows us to utilize the higher resource availability for its constituent languages for multiple downstream tasks. We perform experiments for two downstream tasks, sarcasm detection and hate speech detection in the English-Hindi code-switched setting. These experiments show an increase in 22% and 42.5% in F1-score for sarcasm detection and hate speech detection, respectively, compared to the state-of-the-art.

Hindi History Note Generation with Unsupervised Extractive Summarization
Aayush Shah | Dhineshkumar Ramasubbu | Dhruv Mathew | Meet Chetan Gadoya

In this work, the task of extractive single document summarization applied to an education setting to generate summaries of chapters from grade 10 Hindi history textbooks is undertaken. Unsupervised approaches to extract summaries are employed and evaluated. TextRank, LexRank, Luhn and KLSum are used to extract summaries. When evaluated intrinsically, Luhn and TextRank summaries have the highest ROUGE scores. When evaluated extrinsically, the effective measure of a summary in answering exam questions, TextRank summaries performs the best.

Unbiasing Review Ratings with Tendency Based Collaborative Filtering
Pranshi Yadav | Priya Yadav | Pegah Nokhiz | Vivek Gupta

User-generated contents’ score-based prediction and item recommendation has become an inseparable part of the online recommendation systems. The ratings allow people to express their opinions and may affect the market value of items and consumer confidence in e-commerce decisions. A major problem with the models designed for user review prediction is that they unknowingly neglect the rating bias occurring due to personal user bias preferences. We propose a tendency-based approach that models the user and item tendency for score prediction along with text review analysis with respect to ratings.

Building a Part-of-Speech Tagged Corpus for Drenjongke (Bhutia)
Mana Ashida | Seunghun Lee | Kunzang Namgyal

This research paper reports on the generation of the first Drenjongke corpus based on texts taken from a phrase book for beginners, written in the Tibetan script. A corpus of sentences was created after correcting errors in the text scanned through optical character reading (OCR). A total of 34 Part-of-Speech (PoS) tags were defined based on manual annotation performed by the three authors, one of whom is a native speaker of Drenjongke. The first corpus of the Drenjongke language comprises 275 sentences and 1379 tokens, which we plan to expand with other materials to promote further studies of this language.

Towards a Standardized Dataset on Indonesian Named Entity Recognition
Siti Oryza Khairunnisa | Aizhan Imankulova | Mamoru Komachi

In recent years, named entity recognition (NER) tasks in the Indonesian language have undergone extensive development. There are only a few corpora for Indonesian NER; hence, recent Indonesian NER studies have used diverse datasets. Although an open dataset is available, it includes only approximately 2,000 sentences and contains inconsistent annotations, thereby preventing accurate training of NER models without reliance on pre-trained models. Therefore, we re-annotated the dataset and compared the two annotations’ performance using the Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory and Conditional Random Field (BiLSTM-CRF) approach. Fixing the annotation yielded a more consistent result for the organization tag and improved the prediction score by a large margin. Moreover, to take full advantage of pre-trained models, we compared different feature embeddings to determine their impact on the NER task for the Indonesian language.

Formal Sanskrit Syntax: A Specification for Programming Language
K. Kabi Khanganba | Girish Jha

The paper discusses the syntax of the primary statements of the Sanskritam, a programming language specification based on natural Sanskrit under a doctoral thesis. By a statement, we mean a syntactic unit regardless of its computational operations of variable declarations, program executions or evaluations of Boolean expressions etc. We have selected six common primary statements of declaration, assignment, inline initialization, if-then-else, for loop and while loop. The specification partly overlaps the ideas of natural language programming, Controlled Natural Language (Kunh, 2013), and Natural Language subset. The practice and application of structured natural language set in a discourse are deeply rooted in the theoretical text tradition of Sanskrit, like the sūtra-based disciplines and Navya-Nyāya (NN) formal language, etc. The effort is a kind of continuation and application of such traditions and their techniques in the modern field of Sanskrit NLP.

Resource Creation and Evaluation of Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis in Urdu
Sadaf Rani | Muhammad Waqas Anwar

Along with the rise of people generated content on social sites, sentiment analysis has gained more importance. Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA) is a task of identifying the sentiment at aspect level. It has more importance than sentiment analysis from commercial point of view. To the best of our knowledge, there is very few work on ABSA in Urdu language. Recent work on ABSA has limitations. Only predefined aspects are identified in a specific domain. So our focus is on the creation and evaluation of dataset for ABSA in Urdu language which will support multiple aspects. This dataset will provide a baseline evaluation for ABSA systems.

Making a Point: Pointer-Generator Transformers for Disjoint Vocabularies
Nikhil Prabhu | Katharina Kann

Explicit mechanisms for copying have improved the performance of neural models for sequence-to-sequence tasks in the low-resource setting. However, they rely on an overlap between source and target vocabularies. Here, we propose a model that does not: a pointer-generator transformer for disjoint vocabularies. We apply our model to a low-resource version of the grapheme-to-phoneme conversion (G2P) task, and show that it outperforms a standard transformer by an average of 5.1 WER over 15 languages. While our model does not beat the the best performing baseline, we demonstrate that it provides complementary information to it: an oracle that combines the best outputs of the two models improves over the strongest baseline by 7.7 WER on average in the low-resource setting. In the high-resource setting, our model performs comparably to a standard transformer.

Training with Adversaries to Improve Faithfulness of Attention in Neural Machine Translation
Pooya Moradi | Nishant Kambhatla | Anoop Sarkar

Can we trust that the attention heatmaps produced by a neural machine translation (NMT) model reflect its true internal reasoning? We isolate and examine in detail the notion of faithfulness in NMT models. We provide a measure of faithfulness for NMT based on a variety of stress tests where model parameters are perturbed and measuring faithfulness based on how often the model output changes. We show that our proposed faithfulness measure for NMT models can be improved using a novel differentiable objective that rewards faithful behaviour by the model through probability divergence. Our experimental results on multiple language pairs show that our objective function is effective in increasing faithfulness and can lead to a useful analysis of NMT model behaviour and more trustworthy attention heatmaps. Our proposed objective improves faithfulness without reducing the translation quality and it also seems to have a useful regularization effect on the NMT model and can even improve translation quality in some cases.

Document-Level Neural Machine Translation Using BERT as Context Encoder
Zhiyu Guo | Minh Le Nguyen

Large-scale pre-trained representations such as BERT have been widely used in many natural language understanding tasks. The methods of incorporating BERT into document-level machine translation are still being explored. BERT is able to understand sentence relationships since BERT is pre-trained using the next sentence prediction task. In our work, we leverage this property to improve document-level machine translation. In our proposed model, BERT performs as a context encoder to achieve document-level contextual information, which is then integrated into both the encoder and decoder. Experiment results show that our proposed method can significantly outperform strong document-level machine translation baselines on BLEU score. Moreover, the ablation study shows our method can capture document-level context information to boost translation performance.

A Review of Cross-Domain Text-to-SQL Models
Yujian Gan | Matthew Purver | John R. Woodward

WikiSQL and Spider, the large-scale cross-domain text-to-SQL datasets, have attracted much attention from the research community. The leaderboards of WikiSQL and Spider show that many researchers propose their models trying to solve the text-to-SQL problem. This paper first divides the top models in these two leaderboards into two paradigms. We then present details not mentioned in their original paper by evaluating the key components, including schema linking, pretrained word embeddings, and reasoning assistance modules. Based on the analysis of these models, we want to promote understanding of the text-to-SQL field and find out some interesting future works, for example, it is worth studying the text-to-SQL problem in an environment where it is more challenging to build schema linking and also worth studying combing the advantage of each model toward text-to-SQL.

Multi-task Learning for Automated Essay Scoring with Sentiment Analysis
Panitan Muangkammuen | Fumiyo Fukumoto

Automated Essay Scoring (AES) is a process that aims to alleviate the workload of graders and improve the feedback cycle in educational systems. Multi-task learning models, one of the deep learning techniques that have recently been applied to many NLP tasks, demonstrate the vast potential for AES. In this work, we present an approach for combining two tasks, sentiment analysis, and AES by utilizing multi-task learning. The model is based on a hierarchical neural network that learns to predict a holistic score at the document-level along with sentiment classes at the word-level and sentence-level. The sentiment features extracted from opinion expressions can enhance a vanilla holistic essay scoring, which mainly focuses on lexicon and text semantics. Our approach demonstrates that sentiment features are beneficial for some essay prompts, and the performance is competitive to other deep learning models on the Automated StudentAssessment Prize (ASAP) benchmark. TheQuadratic Weighted Kappa (QWK) is used to measure the agreement between the human grader’s score and the model’s prediction. Ourmodel produces a QWK of 0.763.

Aspect Extraction Using Coreference Resolution and Unsupervised Filtering
Deon Mai | Wei Emma Zhang

Aspect extraction is a widely researched field of natural language processing in which aspects are identified from the text as a means for information. For example, in aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA), aspects need to be first identified. Previous studies have introduced various approaches to increasing accuracy, although leaving room for further improvement. In a practical situation where the examined dataset is lacking labels, to fine-tune the process a novel unsupervised approach is proposed, combining a lexical rule-based approach with coreference resolution. The model increases accuracy through the recognition and removal of coreferring aspects. Experimental evaluations are performed on two benchmark datasets, demonstrating the greater performance of our approach to extracting coherent aspects through outperforming the baseline approaches.

GRUBERT: A GRU-Based Method to Fuse BERT Hidden Layers for Twitter Sentiment Analysis
Leo Horne | Matthias Matti | Pouya Pourjafar | Zuowen Wang

In this work, we introduce a GRU-based architecture called GRUBERT that learns to map the different BERT hidden layers to fused embeddings with the aim of achieving high accuracy on the Twitter sentiment analysis task. Tweets are known for their highly diverse language, and by exploiting different linguistic information present across BERT hidden layers, we can capture the full extent of this language at the embedding level. Our method can be easily adapted to other embeddings capturing different linguistic information. We show that our method outperforms well-known heuristics of using BERT (e.g. using only the last layer) and other embeddings such as ELMo. We observe potential label noise resulting from the data acquisition process and employ early stopping as well as a voting classifier to overcome it.

Exploring Statistical and Neural Models for Noun Ellipsis Detection and Resolution in English
Payal Khullar

Computational approaches to noun ellipsis resolution has been sparse, with only a naive rule-based approach that uses syntactic feature constraints for marking noun ellipsis licensors and selecting their antecedents. In this paper, we further the ellipsis research by exploring several statistical and neural models for both the subtasks involved in the ellipsis resolution process and addressing the representation and contribution of manual features proposed in previous research. Using the best performing models, we build an end-to-end supervised Machine Learning (ML) framework for this task that improves the existing F1 score by 16.55% for the detection and 14.97% for the resolution subtask. Our experiments demonstrate robust scores through pretrained BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) embeddings for word representation, and more so the importance of manual features– once again highlighting the syntactic and semantic characteristics of the ellipsis phenomenon. For the classification decision, we notice that a simple Multilayar Perceptron (MLP) works well for the detection of ellipsis; however, Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) are a better choice for the much harder resolution step.

MRC Examples Answerable by BERT without a Question Are Less Effective in MRC Model Training
Hongyu Li | Tengyang Chen | Shuting Bai | Takehito Utsuro | Yasuhide Kawada

Models developed for Machine Reading Comprehension (MRC) are asked to predict an answer from a question and its related context. However, there exist cases that can be correctly answered by an MRC model using BERT, where only the context is provided without including the question. In this paper, these types of examples are referred to as “easy to answer”, while others are as “hard to answer”, i.e., unanswerable by an MRC model using BERT without being provided the question. Based on classifying examples as answerable or unanswerable by BERT without the given question, we propose a method based on BERT that splits the training examples from the MRC dataset SQuAD1.1 into those that are “easy to answer” or “hard to answer”. Experimental evaluation from a comparison of two models, one trained only with “easy to answer” examples and the other with “hard to answer” examples demonstrates that the latter outperforms the former.

Text Simplification with Reinforcement Learning Using Supervised Rewards on Grammaticality, Meaning Preservation, and Simplicity
Akifumi Nakamachi | Tomoyuki Kajiwara | Yuki Arase

We optimize rewards of reinforcement learning in text simplification using metrics that are highly correlated with human-perspectives. To address problems of exposure bias and loss-evaluation mismatch, text-to-text generation tasks employ reinforcement learning that rewards task-specific metrics. Previous studies in text simplification employ the weighted sum of sub-rewards from three perspectives: grammaticality, meaning preservation, and simplicity. However, the previous rewards do not align with human-perspectives for these perspectives. In this study, we propose to use BERT regressors fine-tuned for grammaticality, meaning preservation, and simplicity as reward estimators to achieve text simplification conforming to human-perspectives. Experimental results show that reinforcement learning with our rewards balances meaning preservation and simplicity. Additionally, human evaluation confirmed that simplified texts by our method are preferred by humans compared to previous studies.

Label Representations in Modeling Classification as Text Generation
Xinyi Chen | Jingxian Xu | Alex Wang

Several recent state-of-the-art transfer learning methods model classification tasks as text generation, where labels are represented as strings for the model to generate. We investigate the effect that the choice of strings used to represent labels has on how effectively the model learns the task. For four standard text classification tasks, we design a diverse set of possible string representations for labels, ranging from canonical label definitions to random strings. We experiment with T5 on these tasks, varying the label representations as well as the amount of training data. We find that, in the low data setting, label representation impacts task performance on some tasks, with task-related labels being most effective, but fails to have an impact on others. In the full data setting, our results are largely negative: Different label representations do not affect overall task performance.

Generating Inflectional Errors for Grammatical Error Correction in Hindi
Ankur Sonawane | Sujeet Kumar Vishwakarma | Bhavana Srivastava | Anil Kumar Singh

Automated grammatical error correction has been explored as an important research problem within NLP, with the majority of the work being done on English and similar resource-rich languages. Grammar correction using neural networks is a data-heavy task, with the recent state of the art models requiring datasets with millions of annotated sentences for proper training. It is difficult to find such resources for Indic languages due to their relative lack of digitized content and complex morphology, compared to English. We address this problem by generating a large corpus of artificial inflectional errors for training GEC models. Moreover, to evaluate the performance of models trained on this dataset, we create a corpus of real Hindi errors extracted from Wikipedia edits. Analyzing this dataset with a modified version of the ERRANT error annotation toolkit, we find that inflectional errors are very common in this language. Finally, we produce the initial baseline results using state of the art methods developed for English.