Ziyu Guan


SC2: Towards Enhancing Content Preservation and Style Consistency in Long Text Style Transfer
Jie Zhao | Ziyu Guan | Cai Xu | Wei Zhao | Yue Jiang
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Text style transfer (TST) aims to vary the style polarity of text while preserving the semantic content. Although recent advancements have demonstrated remarkable progress in short TST, it remains a relatively straightforward task with limited practical applications. The more comprehensive long TST task presents two challenges: (1) existing methods encounter difficulties in accurately evaluating content attributes in multiple words, leading to content degradation; (2) the conventional vanilla style classifier loss encounters obstacles in maintaining consistent style across multiple generated sentences.In this paper, we propose a novel method SC2, where a multilayer Joint Style-Content Weighed (JSCW) module and a Style Consistency loss are designed to address the two issues. The JSCW simultaneously assesses the amounts of style and content attributes within a token, aiming to acquire a lossless content representation and thereby enhancing content preservation. The multiple JSCW layers further progressively refine content representations. We design a style consistency loss to ensure the generated multiple sentences consistently reflect the target style polarity. Moreover, we incorporate a denoising non-autoregressive decoder to accelerate the training. We conduct plentiful experiments and the results show significant improvements of SC2 over competitive baselines. Our code: https://github.com/jiezhao6/SC2.


An End-to-End Deep Framework for Answer Triggering with a Novel Group-Level Objective
Jie Zhao | Yu Su | Ziyu Guan | Huan Sun
Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Given a question and a set of answer candidates, answer triggering determines whether the candidate set contains any correct answers. If yes, it then outputs a correct one. In contrast to existing pipeline methods which first consider individual candidate answers separately and then make a prediction based on a threshold, we propose an end-to-end deep neural network framework, which is trained by a novel group-level objective function that directly optimizes the answer triggering performance. Our objective function penalizes three potential types of error and allows training the framework in an end-to-end manner. Experimental results on the WikiQA benchmark show that our framework outperforms the state of the arts by a 6.6% absolute gain under F1 measure.