Zirui Zhuang


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HPipe: Large Language Model Pipeline Parallelism for Long Context on Heterogeneous Cost-effective Devices
Ruilong Ma | Xiang Yang | Jingyu Wang | Qi Qi | Haifeng Sun | Jing Wang | Zirui Zhuang | Jianxin Liao
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 6: Industry Track)

Micro-enterprises and individual developers emerge analysis demands for long sequence with powerful Large Language Models (LLMs). They try to deploy the LLMs at local, but only possess various commodity devices and the unreliable interconnection between devices. Existing parallel techniques do not lead to the same effectiveness in limited environment. The heterogeneity of devices, coupled with their limited capacity and expensive communication, brings challenges to private deployment for maximized utilization of available devices while masking latency. Hence, we introduce HPipe, a pipeline inference framework that successfully mitigates LLMs from high-performance clusters to heterogeneous commodity devices. By ensuring a balanced distribution of workloads, HPipe facilitates the parallel execution of LLMs through pipelining the sequences on the token dimension. The evaluation conducted on LLaMA-7B and GPT3-2B demonstrates that HPipe holds the potential for context analysis on LLM with heterogeneity devices, achieving an impressive speedup in latency and throughput up to 2.28 times.

Distantly Supervised Contrastive Learning for Low-Resource Scripting Language Summarization
Junzhe Liang | Haifeng Sun | Zirui Zhuang | Qi Qi | Jingyu Wang | Jianxin Liao
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Code summarization provides a natural language description for a given piece of code. In this work, we focus on scripting code—programming languages that interact with specific devices through commands. The low-resource nature of scripting languages makes traditional code summarization methods challenging to apply. To address this, we introduce a novel framework: distantly supervised contrastive learning for low-resource scripting language summarization. This framework leverages limited atomic commands and category constraints to enhance code representations. Extensive experiments demonstrate our method’s superiority over competitive baselines.