Zihao Zheng


KNOWCOMP POKEMON Team at DialAM-2024: A Two-Stage Pipeline for Detecting Relations in Dialogue Argument Mining
Zihao Zheng | Zhaowei Wang | Qing Zong | Yangqiu Song
Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Argument Mining (ArgMining 2024)

Dialogue Argument Mining(DialAM) is an important branch of Argument Mining(AM). DialAM-2024 is a shared task focusing on dialogue argument mining, which requires us to identify argumentative relations and illocutionary relations among proposition nodes and locution nodes. To accomplish this, we propose a two-stage pipeline, which includes the Two-Step S-Node Prediction Model in Stage 1 and the YA-Node Prediction Model in Stage 2. We also augment the training data in both stages and introduce context in the prediction of Stage 2. We successfully completed the task and achieved good results. Our team KNOWCOMP POKEMON ranked 1st in the ARI Focused score and 4th in the Global Focused score.

Decompose, Prioritize, and Eliminate: Dynamically Integrating Diverse Representations for Multimodal Named Entity Recognition
Zihao Zheng | Zihan Zhang | Zexin Wang | Ruiji Fu | Ming Liu | Zhongyuan Wang | Bing Qin
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Multi-modal Named Entity Recognition, a fundamental task for multi-modal knowledge graph construction, requires integrating multi-modal information to extract named entities from text. Previous research has explored the integration of multi-modal representations at different granularities. However, they struggle to integrate all these multi-modal representations to provide rich contextual information to improve multi-modal named entity recognition. In this paper, we propose DPE-MNER, which is an iterative reasoning framework that dynamically incorporates all the diverse multi-modal representations following the strategy of “decompose, prioritize, and eliminate”. Within the framework, the fusion of diverse multi-modal representations is decomposed into hierarchically connected fusion layers that are easier to handle. The incorporation of multi-modal information prioritizes transitioning from “easy-to-hard” and “coarse-to-fine”. The explicit modeling of cross-modal relevance eliminate the irrelevances that will mislead the MNER prediction. Extensive experiments on two public datasets have demonstrated the effectiveness of our approach.


Molweni: A Challenge Multiparty Dialogues-based Machine Reading Comprehension Dataset with Discourse Structure
Jiaqi Li | Ming Liu | Min-Yen Kan | Zihao Zheng | Zekun Wang | Wenqiang Lei | Ting Liu | Bing Qin
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Research into the area of multiparty dialog has grown considerably over recent years. We present the Molweni dataset, a machine reading comprehension (MRC) dataset with discourse structure built over multiparty dialog. Molweni’s source samples from the Ubuntu Chat Corpus, including 10,000 dialogs comprising 88,303 utterances. We annotate 30,066 questions on this corpus, including both answerable and unanswerable questions. Molweni also uniquely contributes discourse dependency annotations in a modified Segmented Discourse Representation Theory (SDRT; Asher et al., 2016) style for all of its multiparty dialogs, contributing large-scale (78,245 annotated discourse relations) data to bear on the task of multiparty dialog discourse parsing. Our experiments show that Molweni is a challenging dataset for current MRC models: BERT-wwm, a current, strong SQuAD 2.0 performer, achieves only 67.7% F1 on Molweni’s questions, a 20+% significant drop as compared against its SQuAD 2.0 performance.