Zhao Xu


A Human-Centric Evaluation Platform for Explainable Knowledge Graph Completion
Zhao Xu | Wiem Ben Rim | Kiril Gashteovski | Timo Sztyler | Carolin Lawrence
Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: System Demonstrations

Explanations for AI are expected to help human users understand AI-driven predictions. Evaluating plausibility, the helpfulness of the explanations, is therefore essential for developing eXplainable AI (XAI) that can really aid human users. Here we propose a human-centric evaluation platform to measure plausibility of explanations in the context of eXplainable Knowledge Graph Completion (XKGC). The target audience of the platform are researchers and practitioners who want to 1) investigate real needs and interests of their target users in XKGC, 2) evaluate the plausibility of the XKGC methods. We showcase these two use cases in an experimental setting to illustrate what results can be achieved with our system.

Generating and Evaluating Plausible Explanations for Knowledge Graph Completion
Antonio Di Mauro | Zhao Xu | Wiem Ben Rim | Timo Sztyler | Carolin Lawrence
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Explanations for AI should aid human users, yet this ultimate goal remains under-explored. This paper aims to bridge this gap by investigating the specific explanatory needs of human users in the context of Knowledge Graph Completion (KGC) systems. In contrast to the prevailing approaches that primarily focus on mathematical theories, we recognize the potential limitations of explanations that may end up being overly complex or nonsensical for users. Through in-depth user interviews, we gain valuable insights into the types of KGC explanations users seek. Building upon these insights, we introduce GradPath, a novel path-based explanation method designed to meet human-centric explainability constraints and enhance plausibility. Additionally, GradPath harnesses the gradients of the trained KGC model to maintain a certain level of faithfulness. We verify the effectiveness of GradPath through well-designed human-centric evaluations. The results confirm that our method provides explanations that users consider more plausible than previous ones.