Yuelin Bai


MoZIP: A Multilingual Benchmark to Evaluate Large Language Models in Intellectual Property
Shiwen Ni | Minghuan Tan | Yuelin Bai | Fuqiang Niu | Min Yang | Bowen Zhang | Ruifeng Xu | Xiaojun Chen | Chengming Li | Xiping Hu
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive performance in various natural language processing (NLP) tasks. However, there is limited understanding of how well LLMs perform in specific domains (e.g, the intellectual property (IP) domain). In this paper, we contribute a new benchmark, the first Multilingual-oriented quiZ on Intellectual Property (MoZIP), for the evaluation of LLMs in the IP domain. The MoZIP benchmark includes three challenging tasks: IP multiple-choice quiz (IPQuiz), IP question answering (IPQA), and patent matching (PatentMatch). In addition, we also develop a new IP-oriented multilingual large language model (called MoZi), which is a BLOOMZ-based model that has been supervised fine-tuned with multilingual IP-related text data. We evaluate our proposed MoZi model and four well-known LLMs (i.e., BLOOMZ, BELLE, ChatGLM and ChatGPT) on the MoZIP benchmark. Experimental results demonstrate that MoZi outperforms BLOOMZ, BELLE and ChatGLM by a noticeable margin, while it had lower scores compared with ChatGPT. Notably, the performance of current LLMs on the MoZIP benchmark has much room for improvement, and even the most powerful ChatGPT does not reach the passing level. Our source code, data, and models are available at https://github.com/AI-for-Science/MoZi.

Enhancing Noise Robustness of Retrieval-Augmented Language Models with Adaptive Adversarial Training
Feiteng Fang | Yuelin Bai | Shiwen Ni | Min Yang | Xiaojun Chen | Ruifeng Xu
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Large Language Models (LLMs) exhibit substantial capabilities yet encounter challenges including hallucination, outdated knowledge, and untraceable reasoning processes. Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) has emerged as a promising solution, integrating knowledge from external databases to mitigate these challenges. However, inappropriate retrieved passages can potentially hinder the LLMs’ capacity to generate comprehensive and high-quality responses. Prior RAG studies on the robustness of retrieval noises often confine themselves to a limited set of noise types, deviating from real-world retrieval environments and limiting practical applicability. In this study, we initially investigate retrieval noises and categorize them into three distinct types, reflecting real-world environments. We analyze the impact of these various retrieval noises on the robustness of LLMs. Subsequently, we propose a novel RAG approach known as Retrieval-augmented Adaptive Adversarial Training (RAAT). RAAT leverages adaptive adversarial training to dynamically adjust the model’s training process in response to retrieval noises. Concurrently, it employs multi-task learning to ensure the model’s capacity to internally recognize noisy contexts. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the LLaMA-2 7B model trained using RAAT exhibits significant improvements in F1 and EM scores under diverse noise conditions. For reproducibility, we will release our code and data upon acceptance.