Yuchen Yang


SDA: Semantic Discrepancy Alignment for Text-conditioned Image Retrieval
Yuchen Yang | Yu Wang | Yanfeng Wang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

In the realm of text-conditioned image retrieval, models utilize a query composed of a reference image and modification text to retrieve corresponding images. Despite its significance, this task is fraught with challenges, including small-scale datasets due to labeling costs and the complexity of attributes in modification texts. These challenges often result in models learning a generalized representation of the query, thereby missing the semantic correlations of image and text attributes.In this paper, we introduce a general boosting framework designed to address these issues by employing semantic discrepancy alignment. Our framework first leverages the ChatGPT to augment text data by modifying the original modification text’s attributes. The augmented text is then combined with the original reference image to create an augmented composed query. Then we generate corresponding images using GPT-4 for the augmented composed query.We realize the cross-modal semantic discrepancy alignment by formulating distance consistency and neighbor consistency between the image and text domains. Through this novel approach, attribute in the text domain can be more effectively transferred to the image domain, enhancing retrieval performance. Extensive experiments on three prominent datasets validate the effectiveness of our approach, with state-of-the-art results on a majority of evaluation metrics compared to various baseline methods.

DictLLM: Harnessing Key-Value Data Structures with Large Language Models for Enhanced Medical Diagnostics
YiQiu Guo | Yuchen Yang | Ya Zhang | Yu Wang | Yanfeng Wang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Structured data offers an efficient means of organizing information. Exsisting text-serialization based methods for processing structured data using large language models (LLMs) are not designed to explicitly capture the heterogeneity of structured data. Such methods are suboptimal for LLMs to process structured data, and may lead to large input token size and poor robustness to input perturbation. In this paper, we propose a novel framework called DictLLM, which is an efficient and effective framework for the modeling of medical lab report to deal with the report-assisted diagnosis generation task. DictLLM introduce 1) group positional encoding to maintain the permutation invariance, 2) hierarchical attention bias to capture the inductive bias of structured data, and 3) a optimal transport alignment layer to align the embeddings generated by the dict encoder with the LLM, producing a list of fixed-length virtual tokens. We conduct experiments with multiple LLM models on a large-scale real-world medical lab report dataset for automatic diagnosis generation. The results show that our proposed framework outperforms the baseline methods and few-shot GPT-4 in terms of both Rouge-L and Knowledge F1 score. We also conduct multiple experiments and analyze the scalability and robustness of our proposed framework, demonstrating the superiority of our method in modeling the heterogeneous structure of medical dictionaries data.

CF-TCIR: A Compositor-Free Framework for Hierarchical Text-Conditioned Image Retrieval
Yuchen Yang | Yu Wang | Yanfeng Wang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

In text-conditioned image retrieval (TCIR), the combination of a reference image and modification text forms a query tuple, aiming to locate the most congruent target image within a dataset. The advantages of rich image semantic information and text flexibility are combined in this manner for more accurate retrieval. While traditional techniques often employ attention-driven compositors to craft a unified image-text representation, our paper introduces a compositor-free framework, CF-TCIR, which eschews the standard compositor. Compositor-based methods are designed to learn a joint representation of images and text, but they struggle to directly capture the correlations between attributes across the image and text modalities. Instead, we reformulate the retrieval process as a cross-modal interaction between a synthesized image feature and its corresponding text descriptor. This novel methodology offers advantages in terms of computational efficiency, scalability, and superior performance. To optimize the retrieval performance, we advocate a tiered retrieval mechanism, blending both coarse-grain and fine-grain paradigms. Moreover, to enrich the contextual relationship within the query tuple, we integrate a generative cross-modal alignment technique, ensuring synchronization of sequential attributes between image and text data.