Yi Luo


Enhancing Chain-of-Thoughts Prompting with Iterative Bootstrapping in Large Language Models
Jiashuo Sun | Yi Luo | Yeyun Gong | Chen Lin | Yelong Shen | Jian Guo | Nan Duan
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: NAACL 2024

Large language models (LLMs) can achieve impressive performance on various reasoning tasks by incorporating chain-of-thought (CoT) prompting, where step-by-step reasoning is provided to guide LLMs to generate answers to questions, and the question-rationale-answer triplets are utilized as demonstration exemplars. However, the reasoning chains of demonstrations generated by LLMs are observed to be prone to errors, which can subsequently lead to incorrect reasoning during inference. Furthermore, inappropriate exemplars, e.g., overly simplistic or complex exemplars depending on the question’s difficulty level, can affect the LLM’s performance. To address these issues, we introduce Iter-CoT (Iterative bootstrapping in Chain-of-Thoughts prompting). Iter-CoT has two advantages: (1) it adopts iterative bootstrapping that enables LLMs to rectify errors autonomously, resulting in more precise and comprehensive reasoning chains. (2) it selects exemplars of challenging yet answerable (i.e., the LLM has the potential to answer correctly) questions, enhancing the LLMs’ generalizability to answer questions with varying difficulty levels. Experimental results exhibit Iter-CoT superior performance on three distinct reasoning tasks on ten datasets.

Ensuring Safe and High-Quality Outputs: A Guideline Library Approach for Language Models
Yi Luo | Zhenghao Lin | YuHao Zhang | Jiashuo Sun | Chen Lin | Chengjin Xu | Xiangdong Su | Yelong Shen | Jian Guo | Yeyun Gong
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Large Language Models (LLMs) exhibit impressive capabilities but also present risks such as biased content generation and privacy issues. One of the current alignment techniques includes principle-driven integration, but it faces challenges arising from the imprecision of manually crafted rules and inadequate risk perception in models without safety training. To address these, we introduce Guide-Align, a two-stage approach. Initially, a safety-trained model identifies potential risks and formulates specific guidelines for various inputs, establishing a comprehensive library of guidelines and a model for input-guidelines retrieval. Subsequently, the retrieval model correlates new inputs with relevant guidelines, which guide LLMs in response generation to ensure safe and high-quality outputs, thereby aligning with human values. An additional optional stage involves fine-tuning a model with well-aligned datasets generated through the process implemented in the second stage.Our method customizes guidelines to accommodate diverse inputs, thereby enhancing the fine-grainedness and comprehensiveness of the guideline library. Furthermore, it incorporates safety expertise from a safety-trained LLM through a lightweight retrieval model.We evaluate our approach on three benchmarks, demonstrating significant improvements in LLM security and quality. Notably, our fine-tuned model, Labrador, even at 13 billion parameters, outperforms GPT-3.5-turbo and surpasses GPT-4 in alignment capabilities.

NewsBench: A Systematic Evaluation Framework for Assessing Editorial Capabilities of Large Language Models in Chinese Journalism
Miao Li | Ming-Bin Chen | Bo Tang | ShengbinHou ShengbinHou | Pengyu Wang | Haiying Deng | Zhiyu Li | Feiyu Xiong | Keming Mao | Cheng Peng | Yi Luo
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

We present NewsBench, a novel evaluation framework to systematically assess the capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) for editorial capabilities in Chinese journalism. Our constructed benchmark dataset is focused on four facets of writing proficiency and six facets of safety adherence, and it comprises manually and carefully designed 1,267 test samples in the types of multiple choice questions and short answer questions for five editorial tasks in 24 news domains. To measure performances, we propose different GPT-4 based automatic evaluation protocols to assess LLM generations for short answer questions in terms of writing proficiency and safety adherence, and both are validated by the high correlations with human evaluations. Based on the systematic evaluation framework, we conduct a comprehensive analysis of eleven popular LLMs which can handle Chinese. The experimental results highlight GPT-4 and ERNIE Bot as top performers, yet reveal a relative deficiency in journalistic safety adherence in creative writing tasks. Our findings also underscore the need for enhanced ethical guidance in machine-generated journalistic content, marking a step forward in aligning LLMs with journalistic standards and safety considerations. The evaluation framework and experimental results are expected to provide an in-depth understanding of the editorial capabilities of LLMs and speed up the development of LLMs in journalism.