Yashar Moshfeghi


GOLD: Geometry Problem Solver with Natural Language Description
Jiaxin Zhang | Yashar Moshfeghi
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: NAACL 2024

Addressing the challenge of automated geometry math problem-solving in artificial intelligence (AI) involves understanding multi-modal information and mathematics. blackCurrent methods struggle with accurately interpreting geometry diagrams, which hinders effective problem-solving. To tackle this issue, we present the Geometry problem sOlver with natural Language Description (GOLD) model. GOLD enhances the extraction of geometric relations by separately processing symbols and geometric primitives within the diagram. Subsequently, it converts the extracted relations into natural language descriptions, efficiently utilizing large language models to solve geometry math problems. Experiments show that the GOLD model outperforms the Geoformer model, the previous best method on the UniGeo dataset, by achieving accuracy improvements of 12.7% and 42.1% in calculation and proving subsets. Additionally, it surpasses the former best model on the PGPS9K and Geometry3K datasets, PGPSNet, by obtaining accuracy enhancements of 1.8% and 3.2%, respectively.

GeoEval: Benchmark for Evaluating LLMs and Multi-Modal Models on Geometry Problem-Solving
Jiaxin Zhang | Zhong-Zhi Li | Ming-Liang Zhang | Fei Yin | Cheng-Lin Liu | Yashar Moshfeghi
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Recent advancements in large language models (LLMs) and multi-modal models (MMs) have demonstrated their remarkable capabilities in problem-solving. Yet, their proficiency in tackling geometry math problems, which necessitates an integrated understanding of both textual and visual information, has not been thoroughly evaluated. To address this gap, we introduce the GeoEval benchmark, a comprehensive collection that includes a main subset of 2,000 problems, a 750 problems subset focusing on backward reasoning, an augmented sub- set of 2,000 problems, and a hard subset of 300 problems. This benchmark facilitates a deeper investigation into the performance of LLMs and MMs in solving geometry math problems. Our evaluation of ten LLMs and MMs across these varied subsets reveals that the WizardMath model excels, achieving a 55.67% accuracy rate on the main subset but only a 6.00% accuracy on the hard subset. This highlights the critical need for testing models against datasets on which they have not been pre-trained. Additionally, our findings indicate that GPT-series models perform more effectively on problems they have rephrased, suggesting a promising method for enhancing model capabilities.