Xin Lv


Untangle the KNOT: Interweaving Conflicting Knowledge and Reasoning Skills in Large Language Models
Yantao Liu | Zijun Yao | Xin Lv | Yuchen Fan | Shulin Cao | Jifan Yu | Lei Hou | Juanzi Li
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Providing knowledge documents for large language models (LLMs) has emerged as a promising solution to update the static knowledge inherent in their parameters. However, knowledge in the document may conflict with the memory of LLMs due to outdated or incorrect knowledge in the LLMs’ parameters. This leads to the necessity of examining the capability of LLMs to assimilate supplemental external knowledge that conflicts with their memory. While previous studies have explained to what extent LLMs extract conflicting knowledge from the provided text, they neglect the necessity to <b>reason</b> with conflicting knowledge. Furthermore, there lack a detailed analysis on strategies to enable LLMs to resolve conflicting knowledge via prompting, decoding strategy, and supervised fine-tuning. To address these limitations, we construct a new dataset, dubbed KNOT, for knowledge conflict resolution examination in the form of question answering. KNOT facilitates in-depth analysis by dividing reasoning with conflicting knowledge into three levels: (1) Direct Extraction, which directly extracts conflicting knowledge to answer questions. (2) Explicit Reasoning, which reasons with conflicting knowledge when the reasoning path is explicitly provided in the question. (3) Implicit Reasoning, where reasoning with conflicting knowledge requires LLMs to infer the reasoning path independently to answer questions. We also conduct extensive experiments on KNOT to establish empirical guidelines for LLMs to utilize conflicting knowledge in complex circumstances. Dataset and associated codes can be accessed at our <a href=>GitHub repository</a> .

LongBench: A Bilingual, Multitask Benchmark for Long Context Understanding
Yushi Bai | Xin Lv | Jiajie Zhang | Hongchang Lyu | Jiankai Tang | Zhidian Huang | Zhengxiao Du | Xiao Liu | Aohan Zeng | Lei Hou | Yuxiao Dong | Jie Tang | Juanzi Li
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Although large language models (LLMs) demonstrate impressive performance for many language tasks, most of them can only handle texts a few thousand tokens long, limiting their applications on longer sequence inputs, such as books, reports, and codebases. Recent works have proposed methods to improve LLMs’ long context capabilities by extending context windows and more sophisticated memory mechanisms. However, comprehensive benchmarks tailored for evaluating long context understanding are lacking. In this paper, we introduce LongBench, the first bilingual, multi-task benchmark for long context understanding, enabling a more rigorous evaluation of long context understanding. LongBench comprises 21 datasets across 6 task categories in both English and Chinese, with an average length of 6,711 words (English) and 13,386 characters (Chinese). These tasks cover key long-text application areas including single-doc QA, multi-doc QA, summarization, few-shot learning, synthetic tasks, and code completion. All datasets in LongBench are standardized into a unified format, allowing for effortless automatic evaluation of LLMs. Upon comprehensive evaluation of 8 LLMs on LongBench, we find that: (1) Commercial model (GPT-3.5-Turbo-16k) outperforms other open-sourced models, but still struggles on longer contexts. (2) Scaled position embedding and fine-tuning on longer sequences lead to substantial improvement on long context understanding. (3) Context compression technique such as retrieval brings improvement for model with weak ability on long contexts, but the performance still lags behind models that have strong long context understanding capability.


KoRC: Knowledge Oriented Reading Comprehension Benchmark for Deep Text Understanding
Zijun Yao | Yantao Liu | Xin Lv | Shulin Cao | Jifan Yu | Juanzi Li | Lei Hou
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Deep text understanding, which requires the connections between a given document and prior knowledge beyond its text, has been highlighted by many benchmarks in recent years. However, these benchmarks have encountered two major limitations. On the one hand, most of them require human annotation of knowledge, which leads to limited knowledge coverage. On the other hand, they usually use choices or spans in the texts as the answers, which results in narrow answer space. To overcome these limitations, we build a new challenging benchmark named KoRC in this paper. Compared with previous benchmarks, KoRC has two advantages, i.e., broad knowledge coverage and flexible answer format. Specifically, we utilize massive knowledge bases to guide annotators or large language models (LLMs) to construct knowledgable questions. Moreover, we use labels in knowledge bases rather than spans or choices as the final answers. We test state-of-the-art models on KoRC and the experimental results show that the strongest baseline only achieves 68.3% and 30.0% F1 measure in the IID and OOD test set, respectively. These results indicate that deep text understanding is still an unsolved challenge. We will release our dataset and baseline methods upon acceptance.

Probabilistic Tree-of-thought Reasoning for Answering Knowledge-intensive Complex Questions
Shulin Cao | Jiajie Zhang | Jiaxin Shi | Xin Lv | Zijun Yao | Qi Tian | Lei Hou | Juanzi Li
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Large language models (LLMs) are capable of answering knowledge-intensive complex questions with chain-of-thought (CoT) reasoning. However, they tend to generate factually incorrect reasoning steps when the required knowledge is not available or up-to-date in models’ parameters. Recent works turn to retrieving external knowledge to augment CoT reasoning. Despite being promising, these chain-based methods suffer from: 1) Negative retrieval. Unnecessary or incorrect retrieval may mislead the reasoning; 2) Limited sight. Lacking the ability to look backward or forward, a local error in one step will propagate along the chain. In this paper, we propose a novel approach: Probabilistic Tree-of-thought Reasoning (ProbTree). First, LLMs translate a complex question into a query tree, in which each non-root node denotes a sub-question of its parent node. Then, probabilistic reasoning is conducted over the tree, by solving questions from leaf to root considering the confidence of both question decomposing and answering. During reasoning, for leaf nodes, LLMs choose a more confident answer from Closed-book QA that employs parametric knowledge and Open-book QA that employs retrieved external knowledge, thus eliminating the negative retrieval problem. For non-leaf nodes, with the hierarchical structure, LLMs have broader sights and are able to globally reason with the information from child nodes, thus recovering from local errors. The experiments on three Complex QA datasets under the open-domain setting show that our approach outperforms SOTA methods significantly, demonstrating the effect of probabilistic tree-of-thought reasoning.

Reasoning over Hierarchical Question Decomposition Tree for Explainable Question Answering
Jiajie Zhang | Shulin Cao | Tingjian Zhang | Xin Lv | Juanzi Li | Lei Hou | Jiaxin Shi | Qi Tian
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Explainable question answering (XQA) aims to answer a given question and provide an explanation why the answer is selected. Existing XQA methods focus on reasoning on a single knowledge source, e.g., structured knowledge bases, unstructured corpora, etc. However, integrating information from heterogeneous knowledge sources is essential to answer complex questions. In this paper, we propose to leverage question decomposing for heterogeneous knowledge integration, by breaking down a complex question into simpler ones, and selecting the appropriate knowledge source for each sub-question. To facilitate reasoning, we propose a novel two-stage XQA framework, Reasoning over Hierarchical Question Decomposition Tree (RoHT). First, we build the Hierarchical Question Decomposition Tree (HQDT) to understand the semantics of a complex question; then, we conduct probabilistic reasoning over HQDT from root to leaves recursively, to aggregate heterogeneous knowledge at different tree levels and search for a best solution considering the decomposing and answering probabilities. The experiments on complex QA datasets KQA Pro and Musique show that our framework outperforms SOTA methods significantly, demonstrating the effectiveness of leveraging question decomposing for knowledge integration and our RoHT framework.

VisKoP: Visual Knowledge oriented Programming for Interactive Knowledge Base Question Answering
Zijun Yao | Yuanyong Chen | Xin Lv | Shulin Cao | Amy Xin | Jifan Yu | Hailong Jin | Jianjun Xu | Peng Zhang | Lei Hou | Juanzi Li
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 3: System Demonstrations)

We present Visual Knowledge oriented Programming platform (VisKoP), a knowledge base question answering (KBQA) system that integrates human into the loop to edit and debug the knowledge base (KB) queries. VisKoP not only provides a neural program induction module, which converts natural language questions into knowledge oriented program language (KoPL), but also maps KoPL programs into graphical elements. KoPL programs can be edited with simple graphical operators, such as ”dragging” to add knowledge operators and ”slot filling” to designate operator arguments. Moreover, VisKoP provides auto-completion for its knowledge base schema and users can easily debug the KoPL program by checking its intermediate results. To facilitate the practical KBQA on a million-entity-level KB, we design a highly efficient KoPL execution engine for the back-end. Experiment results show that VisKoP is highly efficient and user interaction can fix a large portion of wrong KoPL programs to acquire the correct answer. The VisKoP online demo, highly efficient KoPL engine, and screencast video are now publicly available.


Do Pre-trained Models Benefit Knowledge Graph Completion? A Reliable Evaluation and a Reasonable Approach
Xin Lv | Yankai Lin | Yixin Cao | Lei Hou | Juanzi Li | Zhiyuan Liu | Peng Li | Jie Zhou
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2022

In recent years, pre-trained language models (PLMs) have been shown to capture factual knowledge from massive texts, which encourages the proposal of PLM-based knowledge graph completion (KGC) models. However, these models are still quite behind the SOTA KGC models in terms of performance. In this work, we find two main reasons for the weak performance: (1) Inaccurate evaluation setting. The evaluation setting under the closed-world assumption (CWA) may underestimate the PLM-based KGC models since they introduce more external knowledge; (2) Inappropriate utilization of PLMs. Most PLM-based KGC models simply splice the labels of entities and relations as inputs, leading to incoherent sentences that do not take full advantage of the implicit knowledge in PLMs. To alleviate these problems, we highlight a more accurate evaluation setting under the open-world assumption (OWA), which manual checks the correctness of knowledge that is not in KGs. Moreover, motivated by prompt tuning, we propose a novel PLM-based KGC model named PKGC. The basic idea is to convert each triple and its support information into natural prompt sentences, which is further fed into PLMs for classification. Experiment results on two KGC datasets demonstrate OWA is more reliable for evaluating KGC, especially on the link prediction, and the effectiveness of our PKCG model on both CWA and OWA settings.

Knowledge-augmented Self-training of A Question Rewriter for Conversational Knowledge Base Question Answering
Xirui Ke | Jing Zhang | Xin Lv | Yiqi Xu | Shulin Cao | Cuiping Li | Hong Chen | Juanzi Li
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2022

The recent rise of conversational applications such as online customer service systems and intelligent personal assistants has promoted the development of conversational knowledge base question answering (ConvKBQA). Different from the traditional single-turn KBQA, ConvKBQA usually explores multi-turn questions around a topic, where ellipsis and coreference pose great challenges to the single-turn KBQA systems which require self-contained questions. In this paper, we propose a rewrite-and-reason framework to first produce a full-fledged rewritten question based on the conversation history and then reason the answer by existing single-turn KBQA models. To overcome the absence of the rewritten supervision signals, we introduce a knowledge-augmented self-training mechanism to transfer the question rewriter from another dataset to adapt to the current knowledge base. Our question rewriter is decoupled from the subsequent QA process, which makes it easy to be united with either retrieval-based or semantic parsing-based KBQA models. Experiment results demonstrate the effectiveness of our method and a new state-of-the-art result is achieved. The code and dataset are available online now.

SQUIRE: A Sequence-to-sequence Framework for Multi-hop Knowledge Graph Reasoning
Yushi Bai | Xin Lv | Juanzi Li | Lei Hou | Yincen Qu | Zelin Dai | Feiyu Xiong
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Multi-hop knowledge graph (KG) reasoning has been widely studied in recent years to provide interpretable predictions on missing links with evidential paths. Most previous works use reinforcement learning (RL) based methods that learn to navigate the path towards the target entity. However, these methods suffer from slow and poor convergence, and they may fail to infer a certain path when there is a missing edge along the path. Here we present SQUIRE, the first Sequence-to-sequence based multi-hop reasoning framework, which utilizes an encoder-decoder Transformer structure to translate the query to a path. Our framework brings about two benefits: (1) It can learn and predict in an end-to-end fashion, which gives better and faster convergence; (2) Our transformer model does not rely on existing edges to generate the path, and has the flexibility to complete missing edges along the path, especially in sparse KGs. Experiments on standard and sparse KGs show that our approach yields significant improvement over prior methods, while converging 4x-7x faster.

Program Transfer for Answering Complex Questions over Knowledge Bases
Shulin Cao | Jiaxin Shi | Zijun Yao | Xin Lv | Jifan Yu | Lei Hou | Juanzi Li | Zhiyuan Liu | Jinghui Xiao
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Program induction for answering complex questions over knowledge bases (KBs) aims to decompose a question into a multi-step program, whose execution against the KB produces the final answer. Learning to induce programs relies on a large number of parallel question-program pairs for the given KB. However, for most KBs, the gold program annotations are usually lacking, making learning difficult. In this paper, we propose the approach of program transfer, which aims to leverage the valuable program annotations on the rich-resourced KBs as external supervision signals to aid program induction for the low-resourced KBs that lack program annotations. For program transfer, we design a novel two-stage parsing framework with an efficient ontology-guided pruning strategy. First, a sketch parser translates the question into a high-level program sketch, which is the composition of functions. Second, given the question and sketch, an argument parser searches the detailed arguments from the KB for functions. During the searching, we incorporate the KB ontology to prune the search space. The experiments on ComplexWebQuestions and WebQuestionSP show that our method outperforms SOTA methods significantly, demonstrating the effectiveness of program transfer and our framework. Our codes and datasets can be obtained from


Interpretable and Low-Resource Entity Matching via Decoupling Feature Learning from Decision Making
Zijun Yao | Chengjiang Li | Tiansi Dong | Xin Lv | Jifan Yu | Lei Hou | Juanzi Li | Yichi Zhang | Zelin Dai
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Entity Matching (EM) aims at recognizing entity records that denote the same real-world object. Neural EM models learn vector representation of entity descriptions and match entities end-to-end. Though robust, these methods require many annotated resources for training, and lack of interpretability. In this paper, we propose a novel EM framework that consists of Heterogeneous Information Fusion (HIF) and Key Attribute Tree (KAT) Induction to decouple feature representation from matching decision. Using self-supervised learning and mask mechanism in pre-trained language modeling, HIF learns the embeddings of noisy attribute values by inter-attribute attention with unlabeled data. Using a set of comparison features and a limited amount of annotated data, KAT Induction learns an efficient decision tree that can be interpreted by generating entity matching rules whose structure is advocated by domain experts. Experiments on 6 public datasets and 3 industrial datasets show that our method is highly efficient and outperforms SOTA EM models in most cases. We will release the codes upon acceptance.

Are Missing Links Predictable? An Inferential Benchmark for Knowledge Graph Completion
Yixin Cao | Xiang Ji | Xin Lv | Juanzi Li | Yonggang Wen | Hanwang Zhang
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

We present InferWiki, a Knowledge Graph Completion (KGC) dataset that improves upon existing benchmarks in inferential ability, assumptions, and patterns. First, each testing sample is predictable with supportive data in the training set. To ensure it, we propose to utilize rule-guided train/test generation, instead of conventional random split. Second, InferWiki initiates the evaluation following the open-world assumption and improves the inferential difficulty of the closed-world assumption, by providing manually annotated negative and unknown triples. Third, we include various inference patterns (e.g., reasoning path length and types) for comprehensive evaluation. In experiments, we curate two settings of InferWiki varying in sizes and structures, and apply the construction process on CoDEx as comparative datasets. The results and empirical analyses demonstrate the necessity and high-quality of InferWiki. Nevertheless, the performance gap among various inferential assumptions and patterns presents the difficulty and inspires future research direction. Our datasets can be found in

KACC: A Multi-task Benchmark for Knowledge Abstraction, Concretization and Completion
Jie Zhou | Shengding Hu | Xin Lv | Cheng Yang | Zhiyuan Liu | Wei Xu | Jie Jiang | Juanzi Li | Maosong Sun
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL-IJCNLP 2021

Is Multi-Hop Reasoning Really Explainable? Towards Benchmarking Reasoning Interpretability
Xin Lv | Yixin Cao | Lei Hou | Juanzi Li | Zhiyuan Liu | Yichi Zhang | Zelin Dai
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Multi-hop reasoning has been widely studied in recent years to obtain more interpretable link prediction. However, we find in experiments that many paths given by these models are actually unreasonable, while little work has been done on interpretability evaluation for them. In this paper, we propose a unified framework to quantitatively evaluate the interpretability of multi-hop reasoning models so as to advance their development. In specific, we define three metrics, including path recall, local interpretability, and global interpretability for evaluation, and design an approximate strategy to calculate these metrics using the interpretability scores of rules. We manually annotate all possible rules and establish a benchmark. In experiments, we verify the effectiveness of our benchmark. Besides, we run nine representative baselines on our benchmark, and the experimental results show that the interpretability of current multi-hop reasoning models is less satisfactory and is 51.7% lower than the upper bound given by our benchmark. Moreover, the rule-based models outperform the multi-hop reasoning models in terms of performance and interpretability, which points to a direction for future research, i.e., how to better incorporate rule information into the multi-hop reasoning model. We will publish our codes and datasets upon acceptance.


Dynamic Anticipation and Completion for Multi-Hop Reasoning over Sparse Knowledge Graph
Xin Lv | Xu Han | Lei Hou | Juanzi Li | Zhiyuan Liu | Wei Zhang | Yichi Zhang | Hao Kong | Suhui Wu
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)

Multi-hop reasoning has been widely studied in recent years to seek an effective and interpretable method for knowledge graph (KG) completion. Most previous reasoning methods are designed for dense KGs with enough paths between entities, but cannot work well on those sparse KGs that only contain sparse paths for reasoning. On the one hand, sparse KGs contain less information, which makes it difficult for the model to choose correct paths. On the other hand, the lack of evidential paths to target entities also makes the reasoning process difficult. To solve these problems, we propose a multi-hop reasoning model over sparse KGs, by applying novel dynamic anticipation and completion strategies: (1) The anticipation strategy utilizes the latent prediction of embedding-based models to make our model perform more potential path search over sparse KGs. (2) Based on the anticipation information, the completion strategy dynamically adds edges as additional actions during the path search, which further alleviates the sparseness problem of KGs. The experimental results on five datasets sampled from Freebase, NELL and Wikidata show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art baselines. Our codes and datasets can be obtained from


Adapting Meta Knowledge Graph Information for Multi-Hop Reasoning over Few-Shot Relations
Xin Lv | Yuxian Gu | Xu Han | Lei Hou | Juanzi Li | Zhiyuan Liu
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP)

Multi-hop knowledge graph (KG) reasoning is an effective and explainable method for predicting the target entity via reasoning paths in query answering (QA) task. Most previous methods assume that every relation in KGs has enough triples for training, regardless of those few-shot relations which cannot provide sufficient triples for training robust reasoning models. In fact, the performance of existing multi-hop reasoning methods drops significantly on few-shot relations. In this paper, we propose a meta-based multi-hop reasoning method (Meta-KGR), which adopts meta-learning to learn effective meta parameters from high-frequency relations that could quickly adapt to few-shot relations. We evaluate Meta-KGR on two public datasets sampled from Freebase and NELL, and the experimental results show that Meta-KGR outperforms state-of-the-art methods in few-shot scenarios. In the future, our codes and datasets will also be available to provide more details.


Differentiating Concepts and Instances for Knowledge Graph Embedding
Xin Lv | Lei Hou | Juanzi Li | Zhiyuan Liu
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Concepts, which represent a group of different instances sharing common properties, are essential information in knowledge representation. Most conventional knowledge embedding methods encode both entities (concepts and instances) and relations as vectors in a low dimensional semantic space equally, ignoring the difference between concepts and instances. In this paper, we propose a novel knowledge graph embedding model named TransC by differentiating concepts and instances. Specifically, TransC encodes each concept in knowledge graph as a sphere and each instance as a vector in the same semantic space. We use the relative positions to model the relations between concepts and instances (i.e.,instanceOf), and the relations between concepts and sub-concepts (i.e., subClassOf). We evaluate our model on both link prediction and triple classification tasks on the dataset based on YAGO. Experimental results show that TransC outperforms state-of-the-art methods, and captures the semantic transitivity for instanceOf and subClassOf relation. Our codes and datasets can be obtained from

OpenKE: An Open Toolkit for Knowledge Embedding
Xu Han | Shulin Cao | Xin Lv | Yankai Lin | Zhiyuan Liu | Maosong Sun | Juanzi Li
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: System Demonstrations

We release an open toolkit for knowledge embedding (OpenKE), which provides a unified framework and various fundamental models to embed knowledge graphs into a continuous low-dimensional space. OpenKE prioritizes operational efficiency to support quick model validation and large-scale knowledge representation learning. Meanwhile, OpenKE maintains sufficient modularity and extensibility to easily incorporate new models into the framework. Besides the toolkit, the embeddings of some existing large-scale knowledge graphs pre-trained by OpenKE are also available, which can be directly applied for many applications including information retrieval, personalized recommendation and question answering. The toolkit, documentation, and pre-trained embeddings are all released on


Automatic Detection of Prosody Phrase Boundaries for Text-to-Speech System
Xin Lv | Tie-jun Zhao | Zhan-yi Liu | Mu-yun Yang
Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Parsing Technologies