Wei-Cheng Chang


MinPrompt: Graph-based Minimal Prompt Data Augmentation for Few-shot Question Answering
Xiusi Chen | Jyun-Yu Jiang | Wei-Cheng Chang | Cho-Jui Hsieh | Hsiang-Fu Yu | Wei Wang
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Recent advances in few-shot question answering (QA) mostly rely on the power of pre-trained large language models (LLMs) and fine-tuning in specific settings. Although the pre-training stage has already equipped LLMs with powerful reasoning capabilities, LLMs still need to be fine-tuned to adapt to specific domains to achieve the best results. In this paper, we propose to select the most informative data for fine-tuning, thereby improving the efficiency of the fine-tuning process with comparative or even better accuracy on the open-domain QA task. We present MinPrompt, a minimal data augmentation framework for open-domain QA based on an approximate graph algorithm and unsupervised question generation. We transform the raw text into a graph structure to build connections between different factual sentences, then apply graph algorithms to identify the minimal set of sentences needed to cover the most information in the raw text. We then generate QA pairs based on the identified sentence subset and train the model on the selected sentences to obtain the final model. Empirical results on several benchmark datasets and theoretical analysis show that MinPrompt is able to achieve comparable or better results than baselines with a high degree of efficiency, bringing consistent improvements in F-1 scores.


Extreme Zero-Shot Learning for Extreme Text Classification
Yuanhao Xiong | Wei-Cheng Chang | Cho-Jui Hsieh | Hsiang-Fu Yu | Inderjit Dhillon
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

The eXtreme Multi-label text Classification (XMC) problem concerns finding most relevant labels for an input text instance from a large label set. However, the XMC setup faces two challenges: (1) it is not generalizable to predict unseen labels in dynamic environments, and (2) it requires a large amount of supervised (instance, label) pairs, which can be difficult to obtain for emerging domains. In this paper, we consider a more practical scenario called Extreme Zero-Shot XMC (EZ-XMC), in which no supervision is needed and merely raw text of instances and labels are accessible. Few-Shot XMC (FS-XMC), an extension to EZ-XMC with limited supervision is also investigated. To learn the semantic embeddings of instances and labels with raw text, we propose to pre-train Transformer-based encoders with self-supervised contrastive losses. Specifically, we develop a pre-training method MACLR, which thoroughly leverages the raw text with techniques including Multi-scale Adaptive Clustering, Label Regularization, and self-training with pseudo positive pairs. Experimental results on four public EZ-XMC datasets demonstrate that MACLR achieves superior performance compared to all other leading baseline methods, in particular with approximately 5-10% improvement in precision and recall on average. Moreover, we show that our pre-trained encoder can be further improved on FS-XMC when there are a limited number of ground-truth positive pairs in training. Our code is available at https://github.com/amzn/pecos/tree/mainline/examples/MACLR.


Contextual Encoding for Translation Quality Estimation
Junjie Hu | Wei-Cheng Chang | Yuexin Wu | Graham Neubig
Proceedings of the Third Conference on Machine Translation: Shared Task Papers

The task of word-level quality estimation (QE) consists of taking a source sentence and machine-generated translation, and predicting which words in the output are correct and which are wrong. In this paper, propose a method to effectively encode the local and global contextual information for each target word using a three-part neural network approach. The first part uses an embedding layer to represent words and their part-of-speech tags in both languages. The second part leverages a one-dimensional convolution layer to integrate local context information for each target word. The third part applies a stack of feed-forward and recurrent neural networks to further encode the global context in the sentence before making the predictions. This model was submitted as the CMU entry to the WMT2018 shared task on QE, and achieves strong results, ranking first in three of the six tracks.