Vinay Samuel


TLDR at SemEval-2024 Task 2: T5-generated clinical-Language summaries for DeBERTa Report Analysis
Spandan Das | Vinay Samuel | Shahriar Noroozizadeh
Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2024)

This paper introduces novel methodologies for the Natural Language Inference for Clinical Trials (NLI4CT) task. We present TLDR (T5-generated clinical-Language summaries for DeBERTa Report Analysis) which incorporates T5-model generated premise summaries for improved entailment and contradiction analysis in clinical NLI tasks. This approach overcomes the challenges posed by small context windows and lengthy premises, leading to a substantial improvement in Macro F1 scores: a 0.184 increase over truncated premises. Our comprehensive experimental evaluation, including detailed error analysis and ablations, confirms the superiority of TLDR in achieving consistency and faithfulness in predictions against semantically altered inputs.

ImplicitAVE: An Open-Source Dataset and Multimodal LLMs Benchmark for Implicit Attribute Value Extraction
Henry Zou | Vinay Samuel | Yue Zhou | Weizhi Zhang | Liancheng Fang | Zihe Song | Philip Yu | Cornelia Caragea
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Existing datasets for attribute value extraction (AVE) predominantly focus on explicit attribute values while neglecting the implicit ones, lack product images, are often not publicly available, and lack an in-depth human inspection across diverse domains. To address these limitations, we present ImplicitAVE, the first, publicly available multimodal dataset for implicit attribute value extraction. ImplicitAVE, sourced from the MAVE dataset, is carefully curated and expanded to include implicit AVE and multimodality, resulting in a refined dataset of 68k training and 1.6k testing data across five domains. We also explore the application of multimodal large language models (MLLMs) to implicit AVE, establishing a comprehensive benchmark for MLLMs on the ImplicitAVE dataset. Six recent MLLMs with eleven variants are evaluated across diverse settings, revealing that implicit value extraction remains a challenging task for MLLMs. The contributions of this work include the development and release of ImplicitAVE, and the exploration and benchmarking of various MLLMs for implicit AVE, providing valuable insights and potential future research directions. Dataset and code are available at

Can LLMs Augment Low-Resource Reading Comprehension Datasets? Opportunities and Challenges
Vinay Samuel | Houda Aynaou | Arijit Chowdhury | Karthik Venkat Ramanan | Aman Chadha
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 4: Student Research Workshop)

Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive zero-shot performance on a wide range of NLP tasks, demonstrating the ability to reason and apply common sense. A relevant application is to use them for creating high-quality synthetic datasets for downstream tasks. In this work, we probe whether GPT-4 can be used to augment existing extractive reading comprehension datasets. Automating data annotation processes has the potential to save large amounts of time, money, and effort that goes into manually labeling datasets. In this paper, we evaluate the performance of GPT-4 as a replacement for human annotators for low-resource reading comprehension tasks, by comparing performance after fine-tuning, and the cost associated with annotation. This work serves to be the first analysis of LLMs as synthetic data augmenters for QA systems, highlighting the unique opportunities and challenges. Additionally, we release augmented versions of low-resource datasets, that will allow the research community to create further benchmarks for evaluation of generated datasets. Github available at