Tri Kurniawan Wijaya

Also published as: Tri Kurniawan Wijaya


STA: Self-controlled Text Augmentation for Improving Text Classifications
Congcong Wang | Gonzalo Fiz Pontiveros | Steven Derby | Tri Kurniawan Wijaya
Proceedings of the Seventh Workshop on e-Commerce and NLP @ LREC-COLING 2024

Despite recent advancements in Machine Learning, many tasks still involve working in low-data regimes which can make solving natural language problems difficult. Recently, a number of text augmentation techniques have emerged in the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) which can enrich the training data with new examples, though they are not without their caveats. For instance, simple rule-based heuristic methods are effective, but lack variation in semantic content and syntactic structure with respect to the original text. On the other hand, more complex deep learning approaches can cause extreme shifts in the intrinsic meaning of the text and introduce unwanted noise into the training data. To more reliably control the quality of the augmented examples, we introduce a state-of-the-art approach for Self-Controlled Text Augmentation (STA). Our approach tightly controls the generation process by introducing a self-checking procedure to ensure that generated examples retain the semantic content of the original text. Experimental results on multiple benchmarking datasets demonstrate that STA substantially outperforms existing state-of-the-art techniques, whilst qualitative analysis reveals that the generated examples are both lexically diverse and semantically reliable.

SPICED: News Similarity Detection Dataset with Multiple Topics and Complexity Levels
Elena Shushkevich | Long Thanh Mai | Manuel V. Loureiro | Steven Derby | Tri Kurniawan Wijaya
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

The proliferation of news media outlets has increased the demand for intelligent systems capable of detecting redundant information in news articles in order to enhance user experience. However, the heterogeneous nature of news can lead to spurious findings in these systems: Simple heuristics such as whether a pair of news are both about politics can provide strong but deceptive downstream performance. Segmenting news similarity datasets into topics improves the training of these models by forcing them to learn how to distinguish salient characteristics under more narrow domains. However, this requires the existence of topic-specific datasets, which are currently lacking. In this article, we propose a novel dataset of similar news, SPICED, which includes seven topics: Crime & Law, Culture & Entertainment, Disasters & Accidents, Economy & Business, Politics & Conflicts, Science & Technology, and Sports. Futhermore, we present four different levels of complexity, specifically designed for news similarity detection task. We benchmarked the created datasets using MinHash, BERT, SBERT, and SimCSE models.

Topics as Entity Clusters: Entity-based Topics from Large Language Models and Graph Neural Networks
Manuel V. Loureiro | Steven Derby | Tri Kurniawan Wijaya
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Topic models aim to reveal latent structures within a corpus of text, typically through the use of term-frequency statistics over bag-of-words representations from documents. In recent years, conceptual entities — interpretable, language-independent features linked to external knowledge resources — have been used in place of word-level tokens, as words typically require extensive language processing with a minimal assurance of interpretability. However, current literature is limited when it comes to exploring purely entity-driven neural topic modeling. For instance, despite the advantages of using entities for eliciting thematic structure, it is unclear whether current techniques are compatible with these sparsely organised, information-dense conceptual units. In this work, we explore entity-based neural topic modeling and propose a novel topic clustering approach using bimodal vector representations of entities. Concretely, we extract these latent representations from large language models and graph neural networks trained on a knowledge base of symbolic relations, in order to derive the most salient aspects of these conceptual units. Analysis of coherency metrics confirms that our approach is better suited to working with entities in comparison to state-of-the-art models, particularly when using graph-based embeddings trained on a knowledge base.