Szymon Tworkowski


Analysing The Impact of Sequence Composition on Language Model Pre-Training
Yu Zhao | Yuanbin Qu | Konrad Staniszewski | Szymon Tworkowski | Wei Liu | Piotr Miłoś | Yuxiang Wu | Pasquale Minervini
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Most language model pre-training frameworks concatenate multiple documents into fixed-length sequences and use causal masking to compute the likelihood of each token given its context; this strategy is widely adopted due to its simplicity and efficiency. However, to this day, the influence of the pre-training sequence composition strategy on the generalisation properties of the model remains under-explored.In this work, we find that applying causal masking can lead to the inclusion of distracting information from previous documents during pre-training, which negatively impacts the performance of the models on language modelling and downstream tasks. In intra-document causal masking, the likelihood of each token is only conditioned on the previous tokens in the same document, eliminating potential distracting information from previous documents and significantly improving performance. Furthermore, we find that concatenating related documents can reduce some potential distractions during pre-training, and our proposed efficient retrieval-based sequence construction method, Bm25Chunk, can improve in-context learning (+11.6%), knowledge memorisation (+9.8%), and context utilisation (+7.2%) abilities of language models without sacrificing efficiency.


Hierarchical Transformers Are More Efficient Language Models
Piotr Nawrot | Szymon Tworkowski | Michał Tyrolski | Lukasz Kaiser | Yuhuai Wu | Christian Szegedy | Henryk Michalewski
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: NAACL 2022

Transformer models yield impressive results on many NLP and sequence modeling tasks. Remarkably, Transformers can handle long sequences, which allows them to produce long coherent outputs: entire paragraphs produced by GPT-3 or well-structured images produced by DALL-E. These large language models are impressive but also very inefficient and costly, which limits their applications and accessibility. We postulate that having an explicit hierarchical architecture is the key to Transformers that efficiently handle long sequences. To verify this claim, we first study different ways to downsample and upsample activations in Transformers so as to make them hierarchical. We use the best performing upsampling and downsampling layers to create Hourglass - a hierarchical Transformer language model. Hourglass improves upon the Transformer baseline given the same amount of computation and can yield the same results as Transformers more efficiently. In particular, Hourglass sets new state-of-the-art for Transformer models on the ImageNet32 generation task and improves language modeling efficiency on the widely studied enwik8 benchmark.