Olof Görnerup


Using LLMs to Build a Database of Climate Extreme Impacts
Ni Li | Shorouq Zahra | Mariana Brito | Clare Flynn | Olof Görnerup | Koffi Worou | Murathan Kurfali | Chanjuan Meng | Wim Thiery | Jakob Zscheischler | Gabriele Messori | Joakim Nivre
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Natural Language Processing Meets Climate Change (ClimateNLP 2024)

To better understand how extreme climate events impact society, we need to increase the availability of accurate and comprehensive information about these impacts. We propose a method for building large-scale databases of climate extreme impacts from online textual sources, using LLMs for information extraction in combination with more traditional NLP techniques to improve accuracy and consistency. We evaluate the method against a small benchmark database created by human experts and find that extraction accuracy varies for different types of information. We compare three different LLMs and find that, while the commercial GPT-4 model gives the best performance overall, the open-source models Mistral and Mixtral are competitive for some types of information.


Streaming word similarity mining on the cheap
Olof Görnerup | Daniel Gillblad
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Accurately and efficiently estimating word similarities from text is fundamental in natural language processing. In this paper, we propose a fast and lightweight method for estimating similarities from streams by explicitly counting second-order co-occurrences. The method rests on the observation that words that are highly correlated with respect to such counts are also highly similar with respect to first-order co-occurrences. Using buffers of co-occurred words per word to count second-order co-occurrences, we can then estimate similarities in a single pass over data without having to do prohibitively expensive similarity calculations. We demonstrate that this approach is scalable, converges rapidly, behaves robustly under parameter changes, and that it captures word similarities on par with those given by state-of-the-art word embeddings.


Cross-Lingual Comparison between Distributionally Determined Word Similarity Networks
Olof Görnerup | Jussi Karlgren
Proceedings of TextGraphs-5 - 2010 Workshop on Graph-based Methods for Natural Language Processing