Michael Blumenstein


Retrieval-Augmented Retrieval: Large Language Models are Strong Zero-Shot Retriever
Tao Shen | Guodong Long | Xiubo Geng | Chongyang Tao | Yibin Lei | Tianyi Zhou | Michael Blumenstein | Daxin Jiang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

We propose a simple method that applies a large language model (LLM) to large-scale retrieval in zero-shot scenarios. Our method, the Large language model as Retriever (LameR), is built upon no other neural models but an LLM in a retrieval-augmented retrieval fashion, while breaking brute-force combinations of retrievers with LLMs and lifting the performance of zero-shot retrieval to be very competitive on benchmark datasets. Essentially, we propose to augment a query with its potential answers by prompting LLMs with a composition of the query and the query’s in-domain candidates. The candidates, regardless of correct or wrong, are obtained by a vanilla retrieval procedure on the target collection. As a part of the prompts, they are likely to help LLM generate more precise answers by pattern imitation or candidate summarization. Even if all the candidates are wrong, the prompts at least make LLM aware of in-collection patterns and genres. Moreover, due to the low performance of a self-supervised retriever, the LLM-based query augmentation becomes less effective as the retriever bottlenecks the whole pipeline. Therefore, we propose to leverage a non-parametric lexicon-based method (e.g., BM25) as the retrieval module to capture query-document overlap in a literal fashion. As such, LameR makes the retrieval procedure transparent to the LLM, thus circumventing the bottleneck.

Pre-training Cross-Modal Retrieval by Expansive Lexicon-Patch Alignment
Yang Yiyuan | Guodong Long | Michael Blumenstein | Xiubo Geng | Chongyang Tao | Tao Shen | Daxin Jiang
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Recent large-scale vision-language pre-training depends on image-text global alignment by contrastive learning and is further boosted by fine-grained alignment in a weakly contrastive manner for cross-modal retrieval. Nonetheless, besides semantic matching learned by contrastive learning, cross-modal retrieval also largely relies on object matching between modalities. This necessitates fine-grained categorical discriminative learning, which however suffers from scarce data in full-supervised scenarios and information asymmetry in weakly-supervised scenarios when applied to cross-modal retrieval. To address these issues, we propose expansive lexicon-patch alignment (ELA) to align image patches with a vocabulary rather than only the words explicitly in the text for annotation-free alignment and information augmentation, thus enabling more effective fine-grained categorical discriminative learning for cross-modal retrieval. Experimental results show that ELA could effectively learn representative fine-grained information and outperform state-of-the-art methods on cross-modal retrieval.