Mary Fouad


SussexAI at ArAIEval Shared Task: Mitigating Class Imbalance in Arabic Propaganda Detection
Mary Fouad | Julie Weeds
Proceedings of The Second Arabic Natural Language Processing Conference

In this paper, we are exploring mitigating class imbalancein Arabic propaganda detection. Given amultigenre text which could be a news paragraphor a tweet, the objective is to identify the propagandatechnique employed in the text along withthe exact span(s) where each technique occurs. Weapproach this task as a sequence tagging task. Weutilise AraBERT for sequence classification andimplement data augmentation and random truncationmethods to mitigate the class imbalance withinthe dataset. We demonstrate the importance ofconsidering macro-F1 as well as micro-F1 whenevaluating classifier performance in this scenario.