Mais Alheraki


Baleegh at KSAA-CAD 2024: Towards Enhancing Arabic Reverse Dictionaries
Mais Alheraki | Souham Meshoul
Proceedings of The Second Arabic Natural Language Processing Conference

The domain of reverse dictionaries (RDs), while advancing in languages like English and Chinese, remains underdeveloped for Arabic. This study attempts to explore a data-driven approach to enhance word retrieval processes in Arabic RDs. The research focuses on the ArabicNLP 2024 Shared Task, named KSAA-CAD, which provides a dictionary dataset of 39,214 word-gloss pairs, each with a corresponding target word embedding. The proposed solution aims to surpass the baseline performance by employing SOTA deep learning models and innovative data expansion techniques. The methodology involves enriching the dataset with contextually relevant examples, training a T5 model to align the words to their glosses in the space, and evaluating the results on the shared task metrics. We find that our model is closely aligned with the baseline performance on bertseg and bertmsa targets, however does not perform well on electra target, suggesting the need for further exploration.