Longhui Zhang


A Two-Stage Adaptation of Large Language Models for Text Ranking
Longhui Zhang | Yanzhao Zhang | Dingkun Long | Pengjun Xie | Meishan Zhang | Min Zhang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Text ranking is a critical task in information retrieval. Recent advances in pre-trained language models (PLMs), especially large language models (LLMs), present new opportunities for applying them to text ranking. While supervised fine-tuning (SFT) with ranking data has been widely explored to better align PLMs with text ranking goals, previous studies have focused primarily on encoder-only and encoder-decoder PLMs. Research on leveraging decoder-only LLMs for text ranking remains scarce. An exception to this is RankLLaMA, which uses direct SFT to explore LLaMA’s potential for text ranking. In this work, we propose a two-stage progressive paradigm to better adapt LLMs to text ranking. First, we conduct continual pre-training (CPT) of LLMs on a large weakly-supervised corpus. Second, we perform SFT, and propose an improved optimization strategy building upon RankLLaMA. Our experimental results on multiple benchmarks show that our approach outperforms previous methods in both in-domain and out-domain scenarios.

Chinese Sequence Labeling with Semi-Supervised Boundary-Aware Language Model Pre-training
Longhui Zhang | Dingkun Long | Meishan Zhang | Yanzhao Zhang | Pengjun Xie | Min Zhang
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Chinese sequence labeling tasks are sensitive to word boundaries. Although pretrained language models (PLM) have achieved considerable success in these tasks, current PLMs rarely consider boundary information explicitly. An exception to this is BABERT, which incorporates unsupervised statistical boundary information into Chinese BERT’s pre-training objectives. Building upon this approach, we input supervised high-quality boundary information to enhance BABERT’s learning, developing a semi-supervised boundary-aware PLM. To assess PLMs’ ability to encode boundaries, we introduce a novel “Boundary Information Metric” that is both simple and effective. This metric allows comparison of different PLMs without task-specific fine-tuning. Experimental results on Chinese sequence labeling datasets demonstrate that the improved BABERT version outperforms the vanilla version, not only in these tasks but also in broader Chinese natural language understanding tasks. Additionally, our proposed metric offers a convenient and accurate means of evaluating PLMs’ boundary awareness.


A Three-Stage Learning Framework for Low-Resource Knowledge-Grounded Dialogue Generation
Shilei Liu | Xiaofeng Zhao | Bochao Li | Feiliang Ren | Longhui Zhang | Shujuan Yin
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Neural conversation models have shown great potentials towards generating fluent and informative responses by introducing external background knowledge. Nevertheless, it is laborious to construct such knowledge-grounded dialogues, and existing models usually perform poorly when transfer to new domains with limited training samples. Therefore, building a knowledge-grounded dialogue system under the low-resource setting is a still crucial issue. In this paper, we propose a novel three-stage learning framework based on weakly supervised learning which benefits from large scale ungrounded dialogues and unstructured knowledge base. To better cooperate with this framework, we devise a variant of Transformer with decoupled decoder which facilitates the disentangled learning of response generation and knowledge incorporation. Evaluation results on two benchmarks indicate that our approach can outperform other state-of-the-art methods with less training data, and even in zero-resource scenario, our approach still performs well.

A Novel Global Feature-Oriented Relational Triple Extraction Model based on Table Filling
Feiliang Ren | Longhui Zhang | Shujuan Yin | Xiaofeng Zhao | Shilei Liu | Bochao Li | Yaduo Liu
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Table filling based relational triple extraction methods are attracting growing research interests due to their promising performance and their abilities on extracting triples from complex sentences. However, this kind of methods are far from their full potential because most of them only focus on using local features but ignore the global associations of relations and of token pairs, which increases the possibility of overlooking some important information during triple extraction. To overcome this deficiency, we propose a global feature-oriented triple extraction model that makes full use of the mentioned two kinds of global associations. Specifically, we first generate a table feature for each relation. Then two kinds of global associations are mined from the generated table features. Next, the mined global associations are integrated into the table feature of each relation. This “generate-mine-integrate” process is performed multiple times so that the table feature of each relation is refined step by step. Finally, each relation’s table is filled based on its refined table feature, and all triples linked to this relation are extracted based on its filled table. We evaluate the proposed model on three benchmark datasets. Experimental results show our model is effective and it achieves state-of-the-art results on all of these datasets. The source code of our work is available at: https://github.com/neukg/GRTE.