Lingling Zhang


When Phrases Meet Probabilities: Enabling Open Relation Extraction with Cooperating Large Language Models
Jiaxin Wang | Lingling Zhang | Wee Sun Lee | Yujie Zhong | Liwei Kang | Jun Liu
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Current clustering-based open relation extraction (OpenRE) methods usually apply clustering algorithms on top of pre-trained language models. However, this practice has three drawbacks. First, embeddings from language models are high-dimensional and anisotropic, so using simple metrics to calculate distances between these embeddings may not accurately reflect the relational similarity. Second, there exists a gap between the pre-trained language models and downstream clustering for their different objective forms. Third, clustering with embeddings deviates from the primary aim of relation extraction, as it does not directly obtain relations. In this work, we propose a new idea for OpenRE in the era of LLMs, that is, extracting relational phrases and directly exploiting the knowledge in LLMs to assess the semantic similarity between phrases without relying on any additional metrics. Based on this idea, we developed a framework, oreLLM, that makes two LLMs work collaboratively to achieve clustering and address the above issues. Experimental results on different datasets show that oreLLM outperforms current baselines by 1.4%∼ 3.13% in terms of clustering accuracy.


Inductive Relation Prediction with Logical Reasoning Using Contrastive Representations
Yudai Pan | Jun Liu | Lingling Zhang | Tianzhe Zhao | Qika Lin | Xin Hu | Qianying Wang
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Relation prediction in knowledge graphs (KGs) aims at predicting missing relations in incomplete triples, whereas the dominant embedding paradigm has a restriction on handling unseen entities during testing. In the real-world scenario, the inductive setting is more common because entities in the training process are finite. Previous methods capture an inductive ability by implicit logic in KGs. However, it would be challenging to preciously acquire entity-independent relational semantics of compositional logic rules and to deal with the deficient supervision of logic caused by the scarcity of relational semantics. To this end, we propose a novel graph convolutional network (GCN)-based model LogCo with logical reasoning by contrastive representations. LogCo firstly extracts enclosing subgraphs and relational paths between two entities to supply the entity-independence. Then a contrastive strategy for relational path instances and the subgraph is proposed for the issue of deficient supervision. The contrastive representations are learned for a joint training regime. Finally, prediction results and logic rules for reasoning are attained. Comprehensive experiments on twelve inductive datasets show that LogCo achieves outstanding performance comparing with state-of-the-art inductive relation prediction baselines.

MatchPrompt: Prompt-based Open Relation Extraction with Semantic Consistency Guided Clustering
Jiaxin Wang | Lingling Zhang | Jun Liu | Xi Liang | Yujie Zhong | Yaqiang Wu
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Relation clustering is a general approach for open relation extraction (OpenRE). Current methods have two major problems. One is that their good performance relies on large amounts of labeled and pre-defined relational instances for pre-training, which are costly to acquire in reality. The other is that they only focus on learning a high-dimensional metric space to measure the similarity of novel relations and ignore the specific relational representations of clusters. In this work, we propose a new prompt-based framework named MatchPrompt, which can realize OpenRE with efficient knowledge transfer from only a few pre-defined relational instances as well as mine the specific meanings for cluster interpretability. To our best knowledge, we are the first to introduce a prompt-based framework for unlabeled clustering. Experimental results on different datasets show that MatchPrompt achieves the new SOTA results for OpenRE.