Li-Ming Zhan


Continual Dialogue State Tracking via Reason-of-Select Distillation
Yujie Feng | Bo Liu | Xiaoyu Dong | Zexin Lu | Li-Ming Zhan | Xiao-Ming Wu | Albert Lam
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

An ideal dialogue system requires continuous skill acquisition and adaptation to new tasks while retaining prior knowledge. Dialogue State Tracking (DST), vital in these systems, often involves learning new services, confronting catastrophic forgetting and a critical capability loss termed the “Value Selection Quandary”. To address these challenges, we introduce the Reason-of-Select (RoS) distillation method by enhancing smaller models with a novel “meta-reasoning” capability. Meta-reasoning, employing an enhanced multi-domain perspective, combines fragments of meta-knowledge from domain-specific dialogues during continual learning, transcending traditional single-perspective reasoning. This domain bootstrapping process enhances the model’s ability to dissect intricate dialogues from multiple possible values, and its domain-agnostic property aligns data distribution across different domains, effectively mitigating forgetting. Besides, two novel improvements, “multi-value resolution” strategy and Semantic Contrastive Reasoning Selection method, significantly enhance RoS by generating DST-specific selection chains and mitigating hallucinations in teachers’ reasoning, ensuring effective and reliable knowledge transfer. Extensive experiments validate the exceptional performance and robust generalization capabilities of our method.

How Good Are LLMs at Out-of-Distribution Detection?
Bo Liu | Li-Ming Zhan | Zexin Lu | Yujie Feng | Lei Xue | Xiao-Ming Wu
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Out-of-distribution (OOD) detection plays a vital role in enhancing the reliability of machine learning models. As large language models (LLMs) become more prevalent, the applicability of prior research on OOD detection that utilized smaller-scale Transformers such as BERT, RoBERTa, and GPT-2 may be challenged, due to the significant differences in the scale of these models, their pre-training objectives, and the paradigms used for inference. This paper initiates a pioneering empirical investigation into the OOD detection capabilities of LLMs, focusing on the LLaMA series ranging from 7B to 65B in size. We thoroughly evaluate commonly used OOD detectors, examining their performance in both zero-grad and fine-tuning scenarios. Notably, we alter previous discriminative in-distribution fine-tuning into generative fine-tuning, aligning the pre-training objective of LLMs with downstream tasks. Our findings unveil that a simple cosine distance OOD detector demonstrates superior efficacy, outperforming other OOD detectors. We provide an intriguing explanation for this phenomenon by highlighting the isotropic nature of the embedding spaces of LLMs, which distinctly contrasts with the anisotropic property observed in smaller BERT family models. The new insight enhances our understanding of how LLMs detect OOD data, thereby enhancing their adaptability and reliability in dynamic environments. We have released the source code at for other researchers to reproduce our results.

VI-OOD: A Unified Framework of Representation Learning for Textual Out-of-distribution Detection
Li-Ming Zhan | Bo Liu | Xiao-Ming Wu
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Out-of-distribution (OOD) detection plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety and reliability of deep neural networks in various applications. While there has been a growing focus on OOD detection in visual data, the field of textual OOD detection has received less attention. Only a few attempts have been made to directly apply general OOD detection methods to natural language processing (NLP) tasks, without adequately considering the characteristics of textual data. In this paper, we delve into textual OOD detection with Transformers. We first identify a key problem prevalent in existing OOD detection methods: the biased representation learned through the maximization of the conditional likelihood p(y|x) can potentially result in subpar performance. We then propose a novel variational inference framework for OOD detection (VI-OOD), which maximizes the likelihood of the joint distribution p(x, y) instead of p(y|x). VI-OOD is tailored for textual OOD detection by efficiently exploiting the representations of pre-trained Transformers. Through comprehensive experiments on various text classification tasks, VI-OOD demonstrates its effectiveness and wide applicability. Our code has been released at


Revisit Few-shot Intent Classification with PLMs: Direct Fine-tuning vs. Continual Pre-training
Haode Zhang | Haowen Liang | Li-Ming Zhan | Xiao-Ming Wu | Albert Y.S. Lam
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

We consider the task of few-shot intent detection, which involves training a deep learning model to classify utterances based on their underlying intents using only a small amount of labeled data. The current approach to address this problem is through continual pre-training, i.e., fine-tuning pre-trained language models (PLMs) on external resources (e.g., conversational corpora, public intent detection datasets, or natural language understanding datasets) before using them as utterance encoders for training an intent classifier. In this paper, we show that continual pre-training may not be essential, since the overfitting problem of PLMs on this task may not be as serious as expected. Specifically, we find that directly fine-tuning PLMs on only a handful of labeled examples already yields decent results compared to methods that employ continual pre-training, and the performance gap diminishes rapidly as the number of labeled data increases. To maximize the utilization of the limited available data, we propose a context augmentation method and leverage sequential self-distillation to boost performance. Comprehensive experiments on real-world benchmarks show that given only two or more labeled samples per class, direct fine-tuning outperforms many strong baselines that utilize external data sources for continual pre-training. The code can be found at


A Closer Look at Few-Shot Out-of-Distribution Intent Detection
Li-Ming Zhan | Haowen Liang | Lu Fan | Xiao-Ming Wu | Albert Y.S. Lam
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

We consider few-shot out-of-distribution (OOD) intent detection, a practical and important problem for the development of task-oriented dialogue systems. Despite its importance, this problem is seldom studied in the literature, let alone examined in a systematic way. In this work, we take a closer look at this problem and identify key issues for research. In our pilot study, we reveal the reason why existing OOD intent detection methods are not adequate in dealing with this problem. Based on the observation, we propose a promising approach to tackle this problem based on latent representation generation and self-supervision. Comprehensive experiments on three real-world intent detection benchmark datasets demonstrate the high effectiveness of our proposed approach and its great potential in improving state-of-the-art methods for few-shot OOD intent detection.

Fine-tuning Pre-trained Language Models for Few-shot Intent Detection: Supervised Pre-training and Isotropization
Haode Zhang | Haowen Liang | Yuwei Zhang | Li-Ming Zhan | Xiao-Ming Wu | Xiaolei Lu | Albert Lam
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

It is challenging to train a good intent classifier for a task-oriented dialogue system with only a few annotations. Recent studies have shown that fine-tuning pre-trained language models with a small set of labeled utterances from public benchmarks in a supervised manner is extremely helpful. However, we find that supervised pre-training yields an anisotropic feature space, which may suppress the expressive power of the semantic representations. Inspired by recent research in isotropization, we propose to improve supervised pre-training by regularizing the feature space towards isotropy. We propose two regularizers based on contrastive learning and correlation matrix respectively, and demonstrate their effectiveness through extensive experiments. Our main finding is that it is promising to regularize supervised pre-training with isotropization to further improve the performance of few-shot intent detection. The source code can be found at

New Intent Discovery with Pre-training and Contrastive Learning
Yuwei Zhang | Haode Zhang | Li-Ming Zhan | Xiao-Ming Wu | Albert Lam
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

New intent discovery aims to uncover novel intent categories from user utterances to expand the set of supported intent classes. It is a critical task for the development and service expansion of a practical dialogue system. Despite its importance, this problem remains under-explored in the literature. Existing approaches typically rely on a large amount of labeled utterances and employ pseudo-labeling methods for representation learning and clustering, which are label-intensive, inefficient, and inaccurate. In this paper, we provide new solutions to two important research questions for new intent discovery: (1) how to learn semantic utterance representations and (2) how to better cluster utterances. Particularly, we first propose a multi-task pre-training strategy to leverage rich unlabeled data along with external labeled data for representation learning. Then, we design a new contrastive loss to exploit self-supervisory signals in unlabeled data for clustering. Extensive experiments on three intent recognition benchmarks demonstrate the high effectiveness of our proposed method, which outperforms state-of-the-art methods by a large margin in both unsupervised and semi-supervised scenarios. The source code will be available at


Out-of-Scope Intent Detection with Self-Supervision and Discriminative Training
Li-Ming Zhan | Haowen Liang | Bo Liu | Lu Fan | Xiao-Ming Wu | Albert Y.S. Lam
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Out-of-scope intent detection is of practical importance in task-oriented dialogue systems. Since the distribution of outlier utterances is arbitrary and unknown in the training stage, existing methods commonly rely on strong assumptions on data distribution such as mixture of Gaussians to make inference, resulting in either complex multi-step training procedures or hand-crafted rules such as confidence threshold selection for outlier detection. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective method to train an out-of-scope intent classifier in a fully end-to-end manner by simulating the test scenario in training, which requires no assumption on data distribution and no additional post-processing or threshold setting. Specifically, we construct a set of pseudo outliers in the training stage, by generating synthetic outliers using inliner features via self-supervision and sampling out-of-scope sentences from easily available open-domain datasets. The pseudo outliers are used to train a discriminative classifier that can be directly applied to and generalize well on the test task. We evaluate our method extensively on four benchmark dialogue datasets and observe significant improvements over state-of-the-art approaches. Our code has been released at

Effectiveness of Pre-training for Few-shot Intent Classification
Haode Zhang | Yuwei Zhang | Li-Ming Zhan | Jiaxin Chen | Guangyuan Shi | Xiao-Ming Wu | Albert Y.S. Lam
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2021

This paper investigates the effectiveness of pre-training for few-shot intent classification. While existing paradigms commonly further pre-train language models such as BERT on a vast amount of unlabeled corpus, we find it highly effective and efficient to simply fine-tune BERT with a small set of labeled utterances from public datasets. Specifically, fine-tuning BERT with roughly 1,000 labeled data yields a pre-trained model – IntentBERT, which can easily surpass the performance of existing pre-trained models for few-shot intent classification on novel domains with very different semantics. The high effectiveness of IntentBERT confirms the feasibility and practicality of few-shot intent detection, and its high generalization ability across different domains suggests that intent classification tasks may share a similar underlying structure, which can be efficiently learned from a small set of labeled data. The source code can be found at