Li Jin


Event Causality Extraction via Implicit Cause-Effect Interactions
Jintao Liu | Zequn Zhang | Kaiwen Wei | Zhi Guo | Xian Sun | Li Jin | Xiaoyu Li
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Event Causality Extraction (ECE) aims to extract the cause-effect event pairs from the given text, which requires the model to possess a strong reasoning ability to capture event causalities. However, existing works have not adequately exploited the interactions between the cause and effect event that could provide crucial clues for causality reasoning. To this end, we propose an Implicit Cause-Effect interaction (ICE) framework, which formulates ECE as a template-based conditional generation problem. The proposed method captures the implicit intra- and inter-event interactions by incorporating the privileged information (ground truth event types and arguments) for reasoning, and a knowledge distillation mechanism is introduced to alleviate the unavailability of privileged information in the test stage. Furthermore, to facilitate knowledge transfer from teacher to student, we design an event-level alignment strategy named Cause-Effect Optimal Transport (CEOT) to strengthen the semantic interactions of cause-effect event types and arguments. Experimental results indicate that ICE achieves state-of-the-art performance on the ECE-CCKS dataset.

Narrative Order Aware Story Generation via Bidirectional Pretraining Model with Optimal Transport Reward
Zhicong Lu | Li Jin | Guangluan Xu | Linmei Hu | Nayu Liu | Xiaoyu Li | Xian Sun | Zequn Zhang | Kaiwen Wei
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

To create a captivating story, a writer often plans a sequence of logically coherent events and ingeniously manipulates the narrative order to generate flashback in place. However, existing storytelling systems suffer from both insufficient understanding of event correlations and inadequate awareness of event temporal order (e.g., go to hospital <after> get ill), making it challenging to generate high-quality events that balance the logic and narrative order of story. In this paper, we propose a narrative order aware framework BPOT (Bidirectional Pretraining Model with Optimal Transport Reward) for story generation, which presents a bidirectional pretrained model to encode event correlations and pairwise event order. We also design a reinforcement learning algorithm with novel optimal transport reward to further improve the quality of generated events in the fine-tuning stage. Specifically, a narrative order aware event sequence model is pretrained with the joint learning objectives of event blank infilling and pairwise order prediction. Then, reinforcement learning with novel optimal transport reward is designed to further improve the generated event quality in the fine-tuning stage. The novel optimal transport reward captures the mappings between the generated events and the sentences in the story, effectively measuring the quality of generated events. Both automatic and manual evaluation results demonstrate the superiority of our framework in generating logically coherent stories with flashbacks.

Guide the Many-to-One Assignment: Open Information Extraction via IoU-aware Optimal Transport
Kaiwen Wei | Yiran Yang | Li Jin | Xian Sun | Zequn Zhang | Jingyuan Zhang | Xiao Li | Linhao Zhang | Jintao Liu | Guo Zhi
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Open Information Extraction (OIE) seeks to extract structured information from raw text without the limitations of close ontology. Recently, the detection-based OIE methods have received great attention from the community due to their parallelism. However, as the essential step of those models, how to assign ground truth labels to the parallelly generated tuple proposals remains under-exploited. The commonly utilized Hungarian algorithm for this procedure is restricted to handling one-to-one assignment among the desired tuples and tuple proposals, which ignores the correlation between proposals and affects the recall of the models. To solve this problem, we propose a dynamic many-to-one label assignment strategy named IOT. Concretely, the label assignment process in OIE is formulated as an Optimal Transport (OT) problem. We leverage the intersection-over-union (IoU) as the assignment quality measurement, and convert the problem of finding the best assignment solution to the one of solving the optimal transport plan by maximizing the IoU values. To further utilize the knowledge from the assignment, we design an Assignment-guided Multi-granularity loss (AM) by simultaneously considering word-level and tuple-level information. Experiment results show the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art models on three benchmarks.


Assist Non-native Viewers: Multimodal Cross-Lingual Summarization for How2 Videos
Nayu Liu | Kaiwen Wei | Xian Sun | Hongfeng Yu | Fanglong Yao | Li Jin | Guo Zhi | Guangluan Xu
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Multimodal summarization for videos aims to generate summaries from multi-source information (videos, audio transcripts), which has achieved promising progress. However, existing works are restricted to monolingual video scenarios, ignoring the demands of non-native video viewers to understand the cross-language videos in practical applications. It stimulates us to propose a new task, named Multimodal Cross-Lingual Summarization for videos (MCLS), which aims to generate cross-lingual summaries from multimodal inputs of videos. First, to make it applicable to MCLS scenarios, we conduct a Video-guided Dual Fusion network (VDF) that integrates multimodal and cross-lingual information via diverse fusion strategies at both encoder and decoder. Moreover, to alleviate the problem of high annotation costs and limited resources in MCLS, we propose a triple-stage training framework to assist MCLS by transferring the knowledge from monolingual multimodal summarization data, which includes: 1) multimodal summarization on sufficient prevalent language videos with a VDF model; 2) knowledge distillation (KD) guided adjustment on bilingual transcripts; 3) multimodal summarization for cross-lingual videos with a KD induced VDF model. Experiment results on the reorganized How2 dataset show that the VDF model alone outperforms previous methods for multimodal summarization, and the performance further improves by a large margin via the proposed triple-stage training framework.


Trigger is Not Sufficient: Exploiting Frame-aware Knowledge for Implicit Event Argument Extraction
Kaiwen Wei | Xian Sun | Zequn Zhang | Jingyuan Zhang | Guo Zhi | Li Jin
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Implicit Event Argument Extraction seeks to identify arguments that play direct or implicit roles in a given event. However, most prior works focus on capturing direct relations between arguments and the event trigger. The lack of reasoning ability brings many challenges to the extraction of implicit arguments. In this work, we present a Frame-aware Event Argument Extraction (FEAE) learning framework to tackle this issue through reasoning in event frame-level scope. The proposed method leverages related arguments of the expected one as clues to guide the reasoning process. To bridge the gap between oracle knowledge used in the training phase and the imperfect related arguments in the test stage, we further introduce a curriculum knowledge distillation strategy to drive a final model that could operate without extra inputs through mimicking the behavior of a well-informed teacher model. Experimental results demonstrate FEAE obtains new state-of-the-art performance on the RAMS dataset.