Lai Jiang


From Role-Play to Drama-Interaction: An LLM Solution
Weiqi Wu | Hongqiu Wu | Lai Jiang | Xingyuan Liu | Hai Zhao | Min Zhang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Drama is a form of storytelling inspired by human creativity, proceeding with a predefined storyline, carrying emotions and thoughts.This paper introduces LLM-based interactive drama, which endows traditional drama with an unprecedented immersion, where a person is allowed to walk into it and interact with the characters and scenes.We define this new artistic genre by 6 essential elements—plot, character, thought, diction, spectacle and interaction—and study the entire pipeline to forge a backbone drama LLM to drive the playing process, which is challenged by limited drama resources, uncontrollable narrative development, and complicated instruction following.We propose Narrative Chain to offer finer control over the narrative progression during interaction with players;Auto-Drama to synthesize drama scripts given arbitrary stories;Sparse Instruction Tuning to allow the model to follow sophisticated instructions.We manually craft 3 scripts, Detective Conan, Harry Potter, Romeo and Juliet, and design a 5-dimension principle to evaluate the drama LLM comprehensively.

Chinese Spelling Corrector Is Just a Language Learner
Lai Jiang | Hongqiu Wu | Hai Zhao | Min Zhang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

This paper emphasizes Chinese spelling correction by means of self-supervised learning, which means there are no annotated errors within the training data. Our intuition is that humans are naturally good correctors with exposure to error-free sentences, which contrasts with current unsupervised methods that strongly rely on the usage of confusion sets to produce parallel sentences. In this paper, we demonstrate that learning a spelling correction model is identical to learning a language model from error-free data alone, with decoding it in a greater search space. We propose Denoising Decoding Correction (D2C), which selectively imposes noise upon the source sentence to determine the underlying correct characters. Our method is largely inspired by the ability of language models to perform correction, including both BERT-based models and large language models (LLMs). We show that the self-supervised learning manner generally outperforms the confusion set in specific domains because it bypasses the need to introduce error characters to the training data which can impair the error patterns not included in the introduced error characters.