João Almeida


BIT@UA at #SMM4H 2024 Tasks 1 and 5: finding adverse drug events and children’s medical disorders in English tweets
Luis Afonso | João Almeida | Rui Antunes | José Oliveira
Proceedings of The 9th Social Media Mining for Health Research and Applications (SMM4H 2024) Workshop and Shared Tasks

In this paper we present our proposed systems, for Tasks 1 and 5 of the #SMM4H-2024 shared task (Social Media Mining for Health), responsible for identifying health-related aspects in English social media text. Task 1 consisted of identifying text spans mentioning adverse drug events and linking them to unique identifiers from the medical terminology MedDRA, whereas in Task 5 the aim was to distinguish tweets that report a user having a child with a medical disorder from tweets that merely mention a disorder.For Task 1, our system, composed of a pre-trained RoBERTa model and a random forest classifier, achieved 0.397 and 0.295 entity recognition and normalization F1-scores respectively. In Task 5, we obtained a 0.840 F1-score using a pre-trained BERT model.