Jiří Milička
Also published as: Jiri Milicka
Length of non-projective sentences: A pilot study using a Czech UD treebank
Jan Macutek
Radek Cech
Jiri Milicka
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Quantitative Syntax (Quasy, SyntaxFest 2019)
Menzerath-Altmann Law in Syntactic Dependency Structure
Ján Mačutek
Radek Čech
Jiří Milička
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Dependency Linguistics (Depling 2017)
Quotations, Relevance and Time Depth: Medieval Arabic Literature in Grids and Networks
Petr Zemánek
Jiří Milička
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Literature (CLFL)