Jared Moore


I am a Strange Dataset: Metalinguistic Tests for Language Models
Tristan Thrush | Jared Moore | Miguel Monares | Christopher Potts | Douwe Kiela
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Statements involving metalinguistic self-reference (“This paper has six sections.”) are prevalent in many domains. Can large language models (LLMs) handle such language? In this paper, we present “I am a Strange Dataset”, a new dataset for addressing this question. There are two subtasks: generation and verification. In generation, models continue statements like “The penultimate word in this sentence is” (where a correct continuation is “is”). In verification, models judge the truth of statements like “The penultimate word in this sentence is sentence.” (false). We also provide minimally different metalinguistic non-self-reference examples to complement the main dataset by probing for whether models can handle metalinguistic language at all. The dataset is hand-crafted by experts and validated by non-expert annotators. We test a variety of open-source LLMs (7B to 70B parameters) as well as closed-source LLMs through APIs. All models perform close to chance across both subtasks and even on the non-self-referential metalinguistic control data, though we find some steady improvement with model scale. GPT 4 is the only model to consistently do significantly better than chance, and it is still only in the 60% range, while our untrained human annotators score well in the 89-93% range. The dataset and evaluation toolkit are available at https://github.com/TristanThrush/i-am-a-strange-dataset


Language Models Understand Us, Poorly
Jared Moore
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2022

Some claim language models understand us. Others won’t hear it. To clarify, I investigate three views of human language understanding: as-mapping, as-reliability and as-representation. I argue that while behavioral reliability is necessary for understanding, internal representations are sufficient; they climb the right hill. I review state-of-the-art language and multi-modal models: they are pragmatically challenged by under-specification of form. I question the Scaling Paradigm: limits on resources may prohibit scaled-up models from approaching understanding. Last, I describe how as-representation advances a science of understanding. We need work which probes model internals, adds more of human language, and measures what models can learn.