Ge Zhang


MusiLingo: Bridging Music and Text with Pre-trained Language Models for Music Captioning and Query Response
Zihao Deng | Yinghao Ma | Yudong Liu | Rongchen Guo | Ge Zhang | Wenhu Chen | Wenhao Huang | Emmanouil Benetos
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: NAACL 2024

Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown immense potential in multimodal applications, yet the convergence of textual and musical domains remains not well-explored. To address this gap, we present MusiLingo, a novel system for music caption generation and music-related query responses. MusiLingo employs a single projection layer to align music representations from the pre-trained frozen music audio model MERT (CITATION) with a frozen LLM, bridging the gap between music audio and textual contexts. We train it on an extensive music caption dataset and fine-tune it with instructional data. Due to the scarcity of high-quality music Q&A datasets, we created the MusicInstruct (MI) dataset from captions in the MusicCaps datasets, tailored for open-ended music inquiries. Empirical evaluations demonstrate its competitive performance in generating music captions and composing music-related Q&A pairs. Our introduced dataset enables notable advancements beyond previous ones.

E2-LLM: Efficient and Extreme Length Extension of Large Language Models
Jiaheng Liu | ZhiqiBai ZhiqiBai | Yuanxing Zhang | Chenchen Zhang | YuangZh YuangZh | Ge Zhang | JiakaiWang JiakaiWang | Haoran Que | Yukang Chen | Wenbo Su | Tiezheng Ge | Jie Fu | Wenhu Chen | Bo Zheng
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Training Large Language Models (LLMs) to process extensive context lengths incurs prohibitive computational costs. Prevailing techniques for extending context capabilities in LLMs typically require not only additional training procedures but also access to datasets with long context (e.g., sequences of 32K tokens), presupposing substantial GPU expenditures. To address the aforementioned issues, we introduce a novel solution named Efficient and Extreme length extension for Large Language Models (E2-LLM). E2-LLM entails a singular training process over considerably short sequences (e.g., 4K tokens), which greatly mitigates the cost of continual-pretraining or fine-tuning. Within the training phase, we incorporate a dual augmentation strategy with Rotary Position Embeddings (RoPE) that adjusts the scale and position indices across distinct training samples. E 2 -LLM is meticulously designed to enhance the model’s robustness to diverse relative positions. The experimental results on multiple benchmark datasets demonstrate the superior performance of E 2 -LLM on demanding tasks of processing long contexts.

ChatMusician: Understanding and Generating Music Intrinsically with LLM
Ruibin Yuan | Hanfeng Lin | Yi Wang | Zeyue Tian | Shangda Wu | Tianhao Shen | Ge Zhang | Yuhang Wu | Cong Liu | Ziya Zhou | Liumeng Xue | Ziyang Ma | Qin Liu | Tianyu Zheng | Yizhi Li | Yinghao Ma | Yiming Liang | Xiaowei Chi | Ruibo Liu | Zili Wang | Chenghua Lin | Qifeng Liu | Tao Jiang | Wenhao Huang | Wenhu Chen | Jie Fu | Emmanouil Benetos | Gus Xia | Roger Dannenberg | Wei Xue | Shiyin Kang | Yike Guo
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

While LLMs demonstrate impressive capabilities in musical knowledge, we find that music reasoning is still an unsolved task.We introduce ChatMusician, an open-source large language model (LLM) that integrates intrinsic musical abilities. It is based on continual pre-training and finetuning LLaMA2 on a text-compatible music representation, ABC notation, and the music is treated as a second language.ChatMusician can understand and generate music with a pure text tokenizer without external multi-modal neural structures or tokenizers. Interestingly, endowing musical abilities does not harm language abilities, even achieving a slightly higher MMLU score.ChatMusician is capable of composing well-structured, full-length music, condition on texts, chords, melodies, motifs, musical forms, etc.On our meticulously curated college-level music understanding benchmark, MusicTheoryBench, ChatMusician surpasses LLaMA2 and GPT-3.5 by a noticeable margin. We show that ChatMusician preserves or even surpasses the original LLaMA2 7B’s language abilities by evaluating on MMLU benchmark.Our work reveals that LLMs can be an excellent compressor for music, which can be seen as humanity’s creative language, but there remains significant territory to be conquered.We release our 5B token music-language corpora MusicPiles, the collected MusicTheoryBench, code, model and demo.

CIF-Bench: A Chinese Instruction-Following Benchmark for Evaluating the Generalizability of Large Language Models
Yizhi Li | Ge Zhang | Xingwei Qu | Jiali Li | Zhaoqun Li | Noah Wang | Hao Li | Ruibin Yuan | Yinghao Ma | Kai Zhang | Wangchunshu Zhou | Yiming Liang | Lei Zhang | Lei Ma | Jiajun Zhang | Zuowen Li | Wenhao Huang | Chenghua Lin | Jie Fu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

The advancement of large language models (LLMs) has enhanced the ability to generalize across a wide range of unseen natural language processing (NLP) tasks through instruction-following.Yet, their effectiveness often diminishes in low-resource languages like Chinese, exacerbated by biased evaluations from data leakage, casting doubt on their true generalizability to new linguistic territories. In response, we introduce the Chinese Instruction-Following Benchmark (**CIF-Bench**), designed to evaluate the zero-shot generalizability of LLMs to the Chinese language. CIF-Bench comprises 150 tasks and 15,000 input-output pairs, developed by native speakers to test complex reasoning and Chinese cultural nuances across 20 categories. To mitigate data contamination, we release only half of the dataset publicly, with the remainder kept private, and introduce diversified instructions to minimize score variance, totaling 45,000 data instances.Our evaluation of 28 selected LLMs reveals a noticeable performance gap, with the best model scoring only 52.9%, highlighting the limitations of LLMs in less familiar language and task contexts.This work not only uncovers the current limitations of LLMs in handling Chinese language tasks but also sets a new standard for future LLM generalizability research, pushing towards the development of more adaptable, culturally informed, and linguistically diverse models.

SciMMIR: Benchmarking Scientific Multi-modal Information Retrieval
Siwei Wu | Yizhi Li | Kang Zhu | Ge Zhang | Yiming Liang | Kaijing Ma | Chenghao Xiao | Haoran Zhang | Bohao Yang | Wenhu Chen | Wenhao Huang | Noura Al Moubayed | Jie Fu | Chenghua Lin
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Multi-modal information retrieval (MMIR) is a rapidly evolving field where significant progress has been made through advanced representation learning and cross-modality alignment research, particularly in image-text pairing.However, current benchmarks for evaluating MMIR performance on image-text pairings overlook the scientific domain, which has a notable gap with the generic data since the caption of scientific charts and tables usually describes the analysis of experimental results or scientific principles in contrast to human activity or scenery depicted in generic images.To bridge this gap, we develop a scientific domain-specific MMIR benchmark (SciMMIR) by leveraging open-access research paper corpora to extract data relevant to the scientific domain. This benchmark comprises 530K meticulously curated image-text pairs, extracted from figures and tables with detailed captions from scientific documents.We further annotate the image-text pairs with a two-level subset-subcategory hierarchy to facilitate a more comprehensive evaluation of the baselines. We conduct zero-shot and fine-tuned evaluations on prominent multi-modal image-captioning and visual language models, such as CLIP, BLIP, and BLIP-2.Our findings offer critical insights for MMIR in the scientific domain, including the impact of pre-training and fine-tuning settings and the effects of different visual and textual encoders.

OpenCodeInterpreter: Integrating Code Generation with Execution and Refinement
Tianyu Zheng | Ge Zhang | Tianhao Shen | Xueling Liu | Bill Yuchen Lin | Jie Fu | Wenhu Chen | Xiang Yue
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

The introduction of large language models has significantly advanced code generation. However, open-source models often lack the execution capabilities and iterative refinement of advanced systems like the GPT-4 Code Interpreter. To address this, we introduce OpenCodeInterpreter, a family of open-source code systems designed for generating, executing, and iteratively refining code. Supported by Code Feedback, a dataset featuring 68K multi-turn interactions, OpenCodeInterpreter integrates execution and human feedback for dynamic code refinement. Our comprehensive evaluation of OpenCodeInterpreter across key benchmarks such as HumanEval, MBPP, and their enhanced versions from EvalPlus reveals its exceptional performance. Notably, OpenCodeInterpreter-33B achieves an accuracy of 83.2 (76.4) on the average (and plus versions) of HumanEval and MBPP, closely rivaling GPT-4’s 84.2 (76.2) and further elevates to 91.6 (84.6) with synthesized human feedback from GPT-4. OpenCodeInterpreterbrings the gap between open-source code generation models and proprietary systems like GPT-4 Code Interpreter.

CMDAG: A Chinese Metaphor Dataset with Annotated Grounds as CoT for Boosting Metaphor Generation
Yujie Shao | Xinrong Yao | Xingwei Qu | Chenghua Lin | Shi Wang | Wenhao Huang | Ge Zhang | Jie Fu
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Metaphor is a prominent linguistic device in human language and literature, as they add color, imagery, and emphasis to enhance effective communication. This paper introduces a large-scale high quality annotated Chinese Metaphor Corpus, which comprises around 28K sentences drawn from a diverse range of Chinese literary sources, such as poems, prose, song lyrics, etc. To ensure the accuracy and consistency of our annotations, we introduce a comprehensive set of guidelines. These guidelines address the facets of metaphor annotation, including identifying tenors, vehicles, and grounds to handling the complexities of similes, personifications, juxtapositions, and hyperboles. Breaking tradition, our approach to metaphor generation emphasizes tenors and their distinct features rather than the conventional combination of tenors and vehicles. By integrating “ground” as a CoT (Chain of Thoughts) input, we are able to generate metaphors that resonate more with real-world intuition. We test generative models such as Belle, Baichuan, and Chinese-alpaca-33B using our annotated corpus. These models are able to generate creative and fluent metaphor sentences more frequently induced by selected samples from our dataset, demonstrating the value of our corpus for Chinese metaphor research.

MORE-3S:Multimodal-based Offline Reinforcement Learning with Shared Semantic Spaces
Tianyu Zheng | Ge Zhang | Xingwei Qu | Ming Kuang | Wenhao Huang | Zhaofeng He
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Drawing upon the intuition that aligning different modalities to the same semantic embedding space would allow models to understand states and actions more easily, we propose a new perspective to the offline reinforcement learning (RL) challenge. More concretely, we transform it into a supervised learning task by integrating multimodal and pre-trained language models. Our approach incorporates state information derived from images and action-related data obtained from text, thereby bolstering RL training performance and promoting long-term strategic thinking. We emphasize the contextual understanding of language and demonstrate how decision-making in RL can benefit from aligning states’ and actions’ representation with languages’ representation. Our method significantly outperforms current baselines as evidenced by evaluations conducted on Atari and OpenAI Gym environments. This contributes to advancing offline RL performance and efficiency while providing a novel perspective on offline RL.

AnyGPT: Unified Multimodal LLM with Discrete Sequence Modeling
Jun Zhan | Junqi Dai | Jiasheng Ye | Yunhua Zhou | Dong Zhang | Zhigeng Liu | Xin Zhang | Ruibin Yuan | Ge Zhang | Linyang Li | Hang Yan | Jie Fu | Tao Gui | Tianxiang Sun | Yu-Gang Jiang | Xipeng Qiu
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

We introduce AnyGPT, an any-to-any multimodal language model that utilizes discrete representations for the unified processing of various modalities, including speech, text, images, and music. AnyGPT can be trained stably without any alterations to the current large language model (LLM) architecture or training paradigms. Instead, it relies exclusively on data-level preprocessing, facilitating the seamless integration of new modalities into LLMs, akin to the incorporation of new languages.We build a multimodal text-centric dataset for multimodal alignment pre-training. Utilizing generative models, we synthesize the first large-scale any-to-any multimodal instruction dataset. It consists of 108k samples of multi-turn conversations that intricately interweave various modalities, thus equipping the model to handle arbitrary combinations of multimodal inputs and outputs.Experimental results demonstrate that AnyGPT is capable of facilitating any-to-any multimodal conversation while achieving performance comparable to specialized models across all modalities, proving that discrete representations can effectively and conveniently unify multiple modalities within a language model. Demos are shown in


1Cademy @ Causal News Corpus 2022: Leveraging Self-Training in Causality Classification of Socio-Political Event Data
Adam Nik | Ge Zhang | Xingran Chen | Mingyu Li | Jie Fu
Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Challenges and Applications of Automated Extraction of Socio-political Events from Text (CASE)

This paper details our participation in the Challenges and Applications of Automated Extraction of Socio-political Events from Text (CASE) workshop @ EMNLP 2022, where we take part in Subtask 1 of Shared Task 3 (CITATION). We approach the given task of event causality detection by proposing a self-training pipeline that follows a teacher-student classifier method. More specifically, we initially train a teacher model on the true, original task data, and use that teacher model to self-label data to be used in the training of a separate student model for the final task prediction. We test how restricting the number of positive or negative self-labeled examples in the self-training process affects classification performance. Our final results show that using self-training produces a comprehensive performance improvement across all models and self-labeled training sets tested within the task of event causality sequence classification. On top of that, we find that self-training performance did not diminish even when restricting either positive/negative examples used in training. Our code is be publicly available at

1Cademy @ Causal News Corpus 2022: Enhance Causal Span Detection via Beam-Search-based Position Selector
Xingran Chen | Ge Zhang | Adam Nik | Mingyu Li | Jie Fu
Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Challenges and Applications of Automated Extraction of Socio-political Events from Text (CASE)

In this paper, we present our approach and empirical observations for Cause-Effect Signal Span Detection—Subtask 2 of Shared task 3 at CASE 2022. The shared task aims to extract the cause, effect, and signal spans from a given causal sentence. We model the task as a reading comprehension (RC) problem and apply a token-level RC-based span prediction paradigm to the task as the baseline. We explore different training objectives to fine-tune the model, as well as data augmentation (DA) tricks based on the language model (LM) for performance improvement. Additionally, we propose an efficient beam-search post-processing strategy to due with the drawbacks of span detection to obtain a further performance gain. Our approach achieves an average F1 score of 54.15 and ranks 1ˆst in the CASE competition. Our code is available at

Aligning Generative Language Models with Human Values
Ruibo Liu | Ge Zhang | Xinyu Feng | Soroush Vosoughi
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: NAACL 2022

Although current large-scale generative language models (LMs) can show impressive insights about factual knowledge, they do not exhibit similar success with respect to human values judgements (e.g., whether or not the generations of an LM are moral). Existing methods learn human values either by directly mimicking the behavior of human data, or rigidly constraining the generation space to human-chosen tokens. These methods are inherently limited in that they do not consider the contextual and abstract nature of human values and as a result often fail when dealing with out-of-domain context or sophisticated and abstract human values. This paper proposes SENSEI, a new reinforcement learning based method that can embed human values judgements into each step of language generation. SENSEI deploys an Actor-Critic framework, where the Critic is a reward distributor that simulates the reward assignment procedure of humans, while the Actor guides the generation towards the maximum reward direction. Compared with five existing methods in three human values alignment datasets, SENSEI not only achieves higher alignment performance in terms of both automatic and human evaluations, but also shows improvements on robustness and transfer learning on unseen human values.

HERB: Measuring Hierarchical Regional Bias in Pre-trained Language Models
Yizhi Li | Ge Zhang | Bohao Yang | Chenghua Lin | Anton Ragni | Shi Wang | Jie Fu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: AACL-IJCNLP 2022

Fairness has become a trending topic in natural language processing (NLP) and covers biases targeting certain social groups such as genders and religions. Yet regional bias, another long-standing global discrimination problem, remains unexplored still. Consequently, we intend to provide a study to analyse the regional bias learned by the pre-trained language models (LMs) that are broadly used in NLP tasks. While verifying the existence of regional bias in LMs, we find that the biases on regional groups can be largely affected by the corresponding geographical clustering. We accordingly propose a hierarchical regional bias evaluation method (HERB) utilising the information from the sub-region clusters to quantify the bias in the pre-trained LMs. Experiments show that our hierarchical metric can effectively evaluate the regional bias with regard to comprehensive topics and measure the potential regional bias that can be propagated to downstream tasks. Our codes are available at

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1Cademy at Semeval-2022 Task 1: Investigating the Effectiveness of Multilingual, Multitask, and Language-Agnostic Tricks for the Reverse Dictionary Task
Zhiyong Wang | Ge Zhang | Nineli Lashkarashvili
Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2022)

This paper describes our system for the Se- mEval2022 task of matching dictionary glosses to word embeddings. We focus on the Reverse Dictionary Track of the competition, which maps multilingual glosses to reconstructed vector representations. More specifically, models convert the input of sentences to three types of embeddings: SGNS, Char, and Electra. We pro- pose several experiments for applying neural network cells, general multilingual and multi-task structures, and language-agnostic tricks to the task. We also provide comparisons over different types of word embeddings and ablation studies to suggest helpful strategies. Our initial transformer-based model achieves relatively low performance. However, trials on different retokenization methodologies indicate improved performance. Our proposed Elmo- based monolingual model achieves the highest outcome, and its multitask, and multilingual varieties show competitive results as well.