Gary Lee


Autoregressive Score Generation for Multi-trait Essay Scoring
Heejin Do | Yunsu Kim | Gary Lee
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EACL 2024

Recently, encoder-only pre-trained models such as BERT have been successfully applied in automated essay scoring (AES) to predict a single overall score. However, studies have yet to explore these models in multi-trait AES, possibly due to the inefficiency of replicating BERT-based models for each trait. Breaking away from the existing sole use of *encoder*, we propose an autoregressive prediction of multi-trait scores (ArTS), incorporating a *decoding* process by leveraging the pre-trained T5. Unlike prior regression or classification methods, we redefine AES as a score-generation task, allowing a single model to predict multiple scores. During decoding, the subsequent trait prediction can benefit by conditioning on the preceding trait scores. Experimental results proved the efficacy of ArTS, showing over 5% average improvements in both prompts and traits.

Adversarial DPO: Harnessing Harmful Data for Reducing Toxicity with Minimal Impact on Coherence and Evasiveness in Dialogue Agents
San Kim | Gary Lee
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: NAACL 2024

Recent advancements in open-domain dialogue systems have been propelled by the emergence of high-quality large language models (LLMs) and various effective training methodologies. Nevertheless, the presence of toxicity within these models presents a significant challenge that can potentially diminish the user experience. In this study, we introduce an innovative training algorithm, an improvement upon direct preference optimization (DPO), called adversarial DPO (ADPO). The ADPO algorithm is designed to train models to assign higher probability distributions to preferred responses and lower distributions to unsafe responses, which are self-generated using the toxic control token. We demonstrate that ADPO enhances the model’s resilience against harmful conversations while minimizing performance degradation. Furthermore, we illustrate that ADPO offers a more stable training procedure compared to the traditional DPO. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first adaptation of the DPO algorithm that directly incorporates harmful data into the generative model, thereby reducing the need to artificially create safe dialogue data.

Multi-Level Attention Aggregation for Language-Agnostic Speaker Replication
Yejin Jeon | Gary Lee
Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)

This paper explores the task of language-agnostic speaker replication, a novel endeavor that seeks to replicate a speaker’s voice irrespective of the language they are speaking. Towards this end, we introduce a multi-level attention aggregation approach that systematically probes and amplifies various speaker-specific attributes in a hierarchical manner. Through rigorous evaluations across a wide range of scenarios including seen and unseen speakers conversing in seen and unseen lingua, we establish that our proposed model is able to achieve substantial speaker similarity, and is able to generalize to out-of-domain (OOD) cases.

Multi-Dimensional Optimization for Text Summarization via Reinforcement Learning
Sangwon Ryu | Heejin Do | Yunsu Kim | Gary Lee | Jungseul Ok
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

The evaluation of summary quality encompasses diverse dimensions such as consistency, coherence, relevance, and fluency. However, existing summarization methods often target a specific dimension, facing challenges in generating well-balanced summaries across multiple dimensions. In this paper, we propose multi-objective reinforcement learning tailored to generate balanced summaries across all four dimensions. We introduce two multi-dimensional optimization (MDO) strategies for adaptive learning: 1) MDO_min, rewarding the current lowest dimension score, and 2) MDO_pro, optimizing multiple dimensions similar to multi-task learning, resolves conflicting gradients across dimensions through gradient projection. Unlike prior ROUGE-based rewards relying on reference summaries, we use a QA-based reward model that aligns with human preferences. Further, we discover the capability to regulate the length of summaries by adjusting the discount factor, seeking the generation of concise yet informative summaries that encapsulate crucial points. Our approach achieved substantial performance gains compared to baseline models on representative summarization datasets, particularly in the overlooked dimensions.