Fuwen Luo


CODIS: Benchmarking Context-dependent Visual Comprehension for Multimodal Large Language Models
Fuwen Luo | Chi Chen | Zihao Wan | Zhaolu Kang | Qidong Yan | Yingjie Li | Xiaolong Wang | Siyu Wang | Ziyue Wang | Xiaoyue Mi | Peng Li | Ning Ma | Maosong Sun | Yang Liu
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Multimodal large language models (MLLMs) have demonstrated promising results in a variety of tasks that combine vision and language. As these models become more integral to research and applications, conducting comprehensive evaluations of their capabilities has grown increasingly important. However, most existing benchmarks fail to consider that, in certain situations, images need to be interpreted within a broader context. In this work, we introduce a new benchmark, named as CODIS, designed to assess the ability of models to use context provided in free-form text to enhance visual comprehension. Our findings indicate that MLLMs consistently fall short of human performance on this benchmark. Further analysis confirms that these models struggle to effectively extract and utilize contextual information to improve their understanding of images. This underscores the pressing need to enhance the ability of MLLMs to comprehend visuals in a context-dependent manner.

Browse and Concentrate: Comprehending Multimodal Content via Prior-LLM Context Fusion
Ziyue Wang | Chi Chen | Yiqi Zhu | Fuwen Luo | Peng Li | Ming Yan | Ji Zhang | Fei Huang | Maosong Sun | Yang Liu
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

With the bloom of Large Language Models (LLMs), Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) that incorporate LLMs with pre-trained vision models have recently demonstrated impressive performance across diverse vision-language tasks. However, they fall short to comprehend context involving multiple images. A primary reason for this shortcoming is that the visual features for each images are encoded individually by frozen encoders before feeding into the LLM backbone, lacking awareness of other images and the multimodal instructions. We term this issue as prior-LLM modality isolation and propose a two phase paradigm, browse-and-concentrate, to enable in-depth multimodal context fusion prior to feeding the features into LLMs. This paradigm initially “browses” through the inputs for essential insights, and then revisits the inputs to “concentrate” on crucial details, guided by these insights, to achieve a more comprehensive understanding of the multimodal inputs. Additionally, we develop training strategies specifically to enhance the understanding of multi-image inputs. Our method markedly boosts the performance on 7 multi-image scenarios, contributing to increments on average accuracy by 2.13% and 7.60% against strong MLLMs baselines with 3B and 11B LLMs, respectively.

Model Composition for Multimodal Large Language Models
Chi Chen | Yiyang Du | Zheng Fang | Ziyue Wang | Fuwen Luo | Peng Li | Ming Yan | Ji Zhang | Fei Huang | Maosong Sun | Yang Liu
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Recent developments in Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) have shown rapid progress, moving towards the goal of creating versatile MLLMs that understand inputs from various modalities. However, existing methods typically rely on joint training with paired multimodal instruction data, which is resource-intensive and challenging to extend to new modalities. In this paper, we propose a new paradigm through the model composition of existing MLLMs to create a new model that retains the modal understanding capabilities of each original model. Our basic implementation, NaiveMC, demonstrates the effectiveness of this paradigm by reusing modality encoders and merging LLM parameters. Furthermore, we introduce DAMC to address parameter interference and mismatch issues during the merging process, thereby enhancing the model performance. To facilitate research in this area, we propose MCUB, a benchmark for assessing ability of MLLMs to understand inputs from diverse modalities. Experiments on this benchmark and four other multimodal understanding tasks show significant improvements over baselines, proving that model composition can create a versatile model capable of processing inputs from multiple modalities.