Elozino Egonmwan


Transformer-based Model for Single Documents Neural Summarization
Elozino Egonmwan | Yllias Chali
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Neural Generation and Translation

We propose a system that improves performance on single document summarization task using the CNN/DailyMail and Newsroom datasets. It follows the popular encoder-decoder paradigm, but with an extra focus on the encoder. The intuition is that the probability of correctly decoding an information significantly lies in the pattern and correctness of the encoder. Hence we introduce, encode –encode – decode. A framework that encodes the source text first with a transformer, then a sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) model. We find that the transformer and seq2seq model complement themselves adequately, making for a richer encoded vector representation. We also find that paying more attention to the vocabulary of target words during abstraction improves performance. We experiment our hypothesis and framework on the task of extractive and abstractive single document summarization and evaluate using the standard CNN/DailyMail dataset and the recently released Newsroom dataset.

Transformer and seq2seq model for Paraphrase Generation
Elozino Egonmwan | Yllias Chali
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Neural Generation and Translation

Paraphrase generation aims to improve the clarity of a sentence by using different wording that convey similar meaning. For better quality of generated paraphrases, we propose a framework that combines the effectiveness of two models – transformer and sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq). We design a two-layer stack of encoders. The first layer is a transformer model containing 6 stacked identical layers with multi-head self attention, while the second-layer is a seq2seq model with gated recurrent units (GRU-RNN). The transformer encoder layer learns to capture long-term dependencies, together with syntactic and semantic properties of the input sentence. This rich vector representation learned by the transformer serves as input to the GRU-RNN encoder responsible for producing the state vector for decoding. Experimental results on two datasets-QUORA and MSCOCO using our framework, produces a new benchmark for paraphrase generation.

Cross-Task Knowledge Transfer for Query-Based Text Summarization
Elozino Egonmwan | Vittorio Castelli | Md Arafat Sultan
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Machine Reading for Question Answering

We demonstrate the viability of knowledge transfer between two related tasks: machine reading comprehension (MRC) and query-based text summarization. Using an MRC model trained on the SQuAD1.1 dataset as a core system component, we first build an extractive query-based summarizer. For better precision, this summarizer also compresses the output of the MRC model using a novel sentence compression technique. We further leverage pre-trained machine translation systems to abstract our extracted summaries. Our models achieve state-of-the-art results on the publicly available CNN/Daily Mail and Debatepedia datasets, and can serve as simple yet powerful baselines for future systems. We also hope that these results will encourage research on transfer learning from large MRC corpora to query-based summarization.