Danqing Luo


Unveiling the Achilles’ Heel of NLG Evaluators: A Unified Adversarial Framework Driven by Large Language Models
Yiming Chen | Chen Zhang | Danqing Luo | Luis Fernando D’Haro | Robby Tan | Haizhou Li
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

The automatic evaluation of natural language generation (NLG) systems presents a long-lasting challenge. Recent studies have highlighted various neural metrics that align well with human evaluations. Yet, the robustness of these evaluators against adversarial perturbations remains largely under-explored due to the unique challenges in obtaining adversarial data for different NLG evaluation tasks. To address the problem, we introduce AdvEval, a novel black-box adversarial framework against NLG evaluators. AdvEval is specially tailored to generate data that yield strong disagreements between human and victim evaluators. Specifically, inspired by the recent success of large language models (LLMs) in text generation and evaluation, we adopt strong LLMs as both the data generator and gold evaluator. Adversarial data are automatically optimized with feedback from the gold and victim evaluator. We conduct experiments on 12 victim evaluators and 11 NLG datasets, spanning tasks including dialogue, summarization, and question evaluation. The results show that AdvEval can lead to significant performance degradation of various victim metrics, thereby validating its efficacy.

CrossTune: Black-Box Few-Shot Classification with Label Enhancement
Danqing Luo | Chen Zhang | Yan Zhang | Haizhou Li
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Training or finetuning large-scale language models (LLMs) requires substantial computation resources, motivating recent efforts to explore parameter-efficient adaptation to downstream tasks. One approach is to treat these models as black boxes and use forward passes (Inference APIs) to interact with them. Current research focuses on adapting these black-box models to downstream tasks using gradient-free prompt optimization, but this often involves an expensive process of searching task-specific prompts. Therefore, we are motivated to study black-box language model adaptation without prompt search. Specifically, we introduce a label-enhanced cross-attention network called CrossTune, which models the semantic relatedness between the input text sequence and task-specific label descriptions. Its effectiveness is examined in the context of few-shot text classification. To improve the generalization of CrossTune, we utilize ChatGPT to generate additional training data through in-context learning. A switch mechanism is implemented to exclude low-quality ChatGPT-generated data. Through extensive experiments on seven benchmark text classification datasets, we demonstrate that our proposed approach outperforms the previous state-of-the-art gradient-free black-box tuning method by 5.7% on average. Even without using ChatGPT-augmented data, CrossTune performs better or comparably than previous black-box tuning methods, suggesting the effectiveness of our approach.