Daniil Gavrilov


Linear Transformers with Learnable Kernel Functions are Better In-Context Models
Yaroslav Aksenov | Nikita Balagansky | Sofia Lo Cicero Vaina | Boris Shaposhnikov | Alexey Gorbatovski | Daniil Gavrilov
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Advancing the frontier of subquadratic architectures for Language Models (LMs) is crucial in the rapidly evolving field of natural language processing. Current innovations, including State Space Models, were initially celebrated for surpassing Transformer performance on language modeling tasks. However, these models have revealed deficiencies in essential In-Context Learning capabilities – a domain where the Transformer traditionally shines. The Based model emerged as a hybrid solution, blending a Linear Transformer with a kernel inspired by the Taylor expansion of exponential functions, augmented by convolutional networks. Mirroring the Transformer’s in-context adeptness, it became a strong contender in the field. In our work, we present a singular, elegant alteration to the Based kernel that amplifies its In-Context Learning abilities evaluated with the Multi-Query Associative Recall task and overall language modeling process, as demonstrated on the Pile dataset.


Implicit Unlikelihood Training: Improving Neural Text Generation with Reinforcement Learning
Evgeny Lagutin | Daniil Gavrilov | Pavel Kalaidin
Proceedings of the 16th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Main Volume

Likelihood training and maximization-based decoding result in dull and repetitive generated texts even when using powerful language models (Holtzman et al., 2019). Adding a loss function for regularization was shown to improve text generation output by helping avoid unwanted properties, such as contradiction or repetition (Li at al., 2020). In this work, we propose fine-tuning a language model by using policy gradient reinforcement learning, directly optimizing for better generation. We apply this approach to minimizing repetition in generated text, and show that, when combined with unlikelihood training (Welleck et al., 2020), our method further reduces repetition without impacting the language model quality. We also evaluate other methods for improving generation at training and decoding time, and compare them using various metrics aimed at control for better text generation output.