Daniel Acuna


MISTI: Metadata-Informed Scientific Text and Image Representation through Contrastive Learning
Pawin Taechoyotin | Daniel Acuna
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Scholarly Document Processing (SDP 2024)

In scientific publications, automatic representations of figures and their captions can be used in NLP, computer vision, and information retrieval tasks. Contrastive learning has proven effective for creating such joint representations for natural scenes, but its application to scientific imagery and descriptions remains under-explored. Recent open-access publication datasets provide an opportunity to understand the effectiveness of this technique as well as evaluate the usefulness of additional metadata, which are available only in the scientific context. Here, we introduce MISTI, a novel model that uses contrastive learning to simultaneously learn the representation of figures, captions, and metadata, such as a paper’s title, sections, and curated concepts from the PubMed Open Access Subset. We evaluate our model on multiple information retrieval tasks, showing substantial improvements over baseline models. Notably, incorporating metadata doubled retrieval performance, achieving a Recall@1 of 30% on a 70K-item caption retrieval task. We qualitatively explore how metadata can be used to strategically retrieve distinctive representations of the same concept but for different sections, such as introduction and results. Additionally, we show that our model seamlessly handles out-of-domain tasks related to image segmentation. We share our dataset and methods (https://github.com/Khempawin/scientific-image-caption-pair/tree/section-attr) and outline future research directions.

A First Step towards Measuring Interdisciplinary Engagement in Scientific Publications: A Case Study on NLP + CSS Research
Alexandria Leto | Shamik Roy | Alexander Hoyle | Daniel Acuna | Maria Leonor Pacheco
Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Computational Social Science (NLP+CSS 2024)

With the rise in the prevalence of cross-disciplinary research, there is a need to develop methods to characterize its practices. Current computational methods to evaluate interdisciplinary engagement—such as affiliation diversity, keywords, and citation patterns—are insufficient to model the degree of engagement between disciplines, as well as the way in which the complementary expertise of co-authors is harnessed. In this paper, we propose an automated framework to address some of these issues on a large scale. Our framework tracks interdisciplinary citations in scientific articles and models: 1) the section and position in which they appear, and 2) the argumentative role that they play in the writing. To showcase our framework, we perform a preliminary analysis of interdisciplinary engagement in published work at the intersection of natural language processing and computational social science in the last decade.