Dalton Simancek


LHS712_ADENotGood at #SMM4H 2024 Task 1: Deep-LLMADEminer: A deep learning and LLM pharmacovigilance pipeline for extraction and normalization of adverse drug event mentions on Twitter
Yifan Zheng | Jun Gong | Shushun Ren | Dalton Simancek | V.G.Vinod Vydiswaran
Proceedings of The 9th Social Media Mining for Health Research and Applications (SMM4H 2024) Workshop and Shared Tasks

Adverse drug events (ADEs) pose major public health risks, with traditional reporting systems often failing to capture them. Our proposed pipeline, called Deep-LLMADEminer, used natural language processing approaches to tackle this issue for #SMM4H 2024 shared task 1. Using annotated tweets, we built a three part pipeline: RoBERTa for classification, GPT-4-turbo for span extraction, and BioBERT for normalization. Our models achieved F1-scores of 0.838, 0.306, and 0.354, respectively, offering a novel system for Task 1 and similar pharmacovigilance tasks.

LHS712NV at #SMM4H 2024 Task 4: Using BERT to classify Reddit posts on non-medical substance use
Valeria Fraga | Neha Nair | Dalton Simancek | V.G.Vinod Vydiswaran
Proceedings of The 9th Social Media Mining for Health Research and Applications (SMM4H 2024) Workshop and Shared Tasks

This paper summarizes our participation in the Shared Task 4 of #SMM4H 2024. Task 4 was a named entity recognition (NER) task identifying clinical and social impacts of non-medical substance use in English Reddit posts. We employed the Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) model to complete this task. Our team achieved an F1-score of 0.892 on a validation set and a relaxed F1-score of 0.191 on the test set.

712forTask7 at #SMM4H 2024 Task 7: Classifying Spanish Tweets Annotated by Humans versus Machines with BETO Models
Hafizh Yusuf | David Belmonte | Dalton Simancek | V.G.Vinod Vydiswaran
Proceedings of The 9th Social Media Mining for Health Research and Applications (SMM4H 2024) Workshop and Shared Tasks

The goal of Social Media Mining for Health (#SMM4H) 2024 Task 7 was to train a machine learning model that is able to distinguish between annotations made by humans and those made by a Large Language Model (LLM). The dataset consisted of tweets originating from #SMM4H 2023 Task 3, wherein the objective was to extract COVID-19 symptoms in Latin-American Spanish tweets. Due to the lack of additional annotated tweets for classification, we reframed the task using the available tweets and their corresponding human or machine annotator labels to explore differences between the two subsets of tweets. We conducted an exploratory data analysis and trained a BERT-based classifier to identify sampling biases between the two subsets. The exploratory data analysis found no significant differences between the samples and our best classifier achieved a precision of 0.52 and a recall of 0.51, indicating near-random performance. This confirms the lack of sampling biases between the two sets of tweets and is thus a valid dataset for a task designed to assess the authorship of annotations by humans versus machines.

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Handling Name Errors of a BERT-Based De-Identification System: Insights from Stratified Sampling and Markov-based Pseudonymization
Dalton Simancek | VG Vinod Vydiswaran
Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Approaches to Language Data Pseudonymization (CALD-pseudo 2024)

Missed recognition of named entities while de-identifying clinical narratives poses a critical challenge in protecting patient-sensitive health information. Mitigating name recognition errors is essential to minimize risk of patient re-identification. In this paper, we emphasize the need for stratified sampling and enhanced contextual considerations concerning Name Tokens using a fine-tuned Longformer BERT model for clinical text de-identifcation. We introduce a Hidden in Plain Sight (HIPS) Markov-based replacement technique for names to mask name recognition misses, revealing a significant reduction in name leakage rates. Our experimental results underscore the impact on addressing name recognition challenges in BERT-based de-identification systems for heightened privacy protection in electronic health records.