Carl Kruse


TafsirExtractor: Text Preprocessing Pipeline preparing Classical Arabic Literature for Machine Learning Applications
Carl Kruse | Sajawel Ahmed
Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Open-Source Arabic Corpora and Processing Tools (OSACT) with Shared Tasks on Arabic LLMs Hallucination and Dialect to MSA Machine Translation @ LREC-COLING 2024

In this paper, we present a comprehensive tool of preprocessing Classical Arabic (CA) literature in the field of historical exegetical studies for machine learning (ML) evaluations. Most recent ML models require the training data to be in a specific format (e.g. XML, TEI, CoNLL) to use it afterwards for ML applications such as Named Entity Recognition (NER) or Topic Modeling (TM). We report on how our method works and can be applied by other researchers with similar endeavors. Thereby, the importance of this comprehensive tool of preprocessing is demonstrated, as this novel approach has no predecessors for CA yet. We achieve results that enable the training of current ML models leading to state-of-the art performance for NER and TM on CA literature. We make our tool along its source code and data freely available for the Natural Language Processing (NLP) research community.


Tafsir Dataset: A Novel Multi-Task Benchmark for Named Entity Recognition and Topic Modeling in Classical Arabic Literature
Sajawel Ahmed | Rob van der Goot | Misbahur Rehman | Carl Kruse | Ömer Özsoy | Alexander Mehler | Gemma Roig
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Various historical languages, which used to be lingua franca of science and arts, deserve the attention of current NLP research. In this work, we take the first data-driven steps towards this research line for Classical Arabic (CA) by addressing named entity recognition (NER) and topic modeling (TM) on the example of CA literature. We manually annotate the encyclopedic work of Tafsir Al-Tabari with span-based NEs, sentence-based topics, and span-based subtopics, thus creating the Tafsir Dataset with over 51,000 sentences, the first large-scale multi-task benchmark for CA. Next, we analyze our newly generated dataset, which we make open-source available, with current language models (lightweight BiLSTM, transformer-based MaChAmP) along a novel script compression method, thereby achieving state-of-the-art performance for our target task CA-NER. We also show that CA-TM from the perspective of historical topic models, which are central to Arabic studies, is very challenging. With this interdisciplinary work, we lay the foundations for future research on automatic analysis of CA literature.