Bo Ren


Leveraging Key Information Modeling to Improve Less-Data Constrained News Headline Generation via Duality Fine-Tuning
Zhuoxuan Jiang | Lingfeng Qiao | Di Yin | Shanshan Feng | Bo Ren
Proceedings of the 2nd Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 12th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Recent language generative models are mostly trained on large-scale datasets, while in some real scenarios, the training datasets are often expensive to obtain and would be small-scale. In this paper we investigate the challenging task of less-data constrained generation, especially when the generated news headlines are short yet expected by readers to keep readable and informative simultaneously. We highlight the key information modeling task and propose a novel duality fine-tuning method by formally defining the probabilistic duality constraints between key information prediction and headline generation tasks. The proposed method can capture more information from limited data, build connections between separate tasks, and is suitable for less-data constrained generation tasks. Furthermore, the method can leverage various pre-trained generative regimes, e.g., autoregressive and encoder-decoder models. We conduct extensive experiments to demonstrate that our method is effective and efficient to achieve improved performance in terms of language modeling metric and informativeness correctness metric on two public datasets.

CoCGAN: Contrastive Learning for Adversarial Category Text Generation
Xin Sheng | Linli Xu | Yinlong Xu | Changcun Bao | Huang Chen | Bo Ren
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

The task of generating texts of different categories has attracted more and more attention in the area of natural language generation recently. Meanwhile, generative adversarial net (GAN) has demonstrated its effectiveness on text generation, and is further applied to category text generation in later works. Different from existing methods, which mainly consider the pairwise relations between the text embedding and the corresponding fixed one-hot class label (data-to-class relations), this paper proposes a novel Contrastive Category Generative Adversarial Net (CoCGAN) to incorporate contrastive learning into adversarial category text generation, considering more flexible data-to-class relations as well as relations between the multiple text embeddings in the same batch (data-to-data relations). The discriminator of CoCGAN discriminates the authenticity of given samples and optimizes a contrastive learning objective to capture both more flexible data-to-class relations and data-to-data relations among training samples. Accordingly, the generator tries to produce more realistic samples which can confuse the discriminator. Experimental results on both synthetic and real category text generation datasets demonstrate that CoCGAN can achieve significant improvements over the baseline category text generation models.

Semantic-Preserving Abstractive Text Summarization with Siamese Generative Adversarial Net
Xin Sheng | Linli Xu | Yinlong Xu | Deqiang Jiang | Bo Ren
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: NAACL 2022

We propose a novel siamese generative adversarial net for abstractive text summarization (SSPGAN), which can preserve the main semantics of the source text. Different from previous generative adversarial net based methods, SSPGAN is equipped with a siamese semantic-preserving discriminator, which can not only be trained to discriminate the machine-generated summaries from the human-summarized ones, but also ensure the semantic consistency between the source text and target summary. As a consequence of the min-max game between the generator and the siamese semantic-preserving discriminator, the generator can generate a summary that conveys the key content of the source text more accurately. Extensive experiments on several text summarization benchmarks in different languages demonstrate that the proposed model can achieve significant improvements over the state-of-the-art methods.

GMN: Generative Multi-modal Network for Practical Document Information Extraction
Haoyu Cao | Jiefeng Ma | Antai Guo | Yiqing Hu | Hao Liu | Deqiang Jiang | Yinsong Liu | Bo Ren
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

Document Information Extraction (DIE) has attracted increasing attention due to its various advanced applications in the real world. Although recent literature has already achieved competitive results, these approaches usually fail when dealing with complex documents with noisy OCR results or mutative layouts. This paper proposes Generative Multi-modal Network (GMN) for real-world scenarios to address these problems, which is a robust multi-modal generation method without predefined label categories. With the carefully designed spatial encoder and modal-aware mask module, GMN can deal with complex documents that are hard to serialized into sequential order. Moreover, GMN tolerates errors in OCR results and requires no character-level annotation, which is vital because fine-grained annotation of numerous documents is laborious and even requires annotators with specialized domain knowledge. Extensive experiments show that GMN achieves new state-of-the-art performance on several public DIE datasets and surpasses other methods by a large margin, especially in realistic scenes.

RAAT: Relation-Augmented Attention Transformer for Relation Modeling in Document-Level Event Extraction
Yuan Liang | Zhuoxuan Jiang | Di Yin | Bo Ren
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

In document-level event extraction (DEE) task, event arguments always scatter across sentences (across-sentence issue) and multipleevents may lie in one document (multi-event issue). In this paper, we argue that the relation information of event arguments is of greatsignificance for addressing the above two issues, and propose a new DEE framework which can model the relation dependencies, calledRelation-augmented Document-level Event Extraction (ReDEE). More specifically, this framework features a novel and tailored transformer,named as Relation-augmented Attention Transformer (RAAT). RAAT is scalable to capture multi-scale and multi-amount argument relations. To further leverage relation information, we introduce a separate event relation prediction task and adopt multi-task learning method to explicitly enhance event extraction performance. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method, which can achieve state-of-the-art performance on two public datasets. Our code is available at

Grafting Pre-trained Models for Multimodal Headline Generation
Lingfeng Qiao | Chen Wu | Ye Liu | Haoyuan Peng | Di Yin | Bo Ren
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: Industry Track

Multimodal headline utilizes both video frames and transcripts to generate the natural language title of the videos. Due to a lack of large-scale, manually annotated data, the task of annotating grounded headlines for video is labor intensive and impractical. Previous researches on pre-trained language models and video-language models have achieved significant progress in related downstream tasks. However, none of them can be directly applied to multimodal headline architecture where we need both multimodal encoder and sentence decoder. A major challenge in simply gluing language model and video-language model is the modality balance, which is aimed at combining visual-language complementary abilities. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to graft the video encoder from the pre-trained video-language model on the generative pre-trained language model. We also present a consensus fusion mechanism for the integration of different components, via inter/intra modality relation. Empirically, experiments show that the grafted model achieves strong results on a brand-new dataset collected from real-world applications.


Hierarchical Multi-label Text Classification with Horizontal and Vertical Category Correlations
Linli Xu | Sijie Teng | Ruoyu Zhao | Junliang Guo | Chi Xiao | Deqiang Jiang | Bo Ren
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Hierarchical multi-label text classification (HMTC) deals with the challenging task where an instance can be assigned to multiple hierarchically structured categories at the same time. The majority of prior studies either focus on reducing the HMTC task into a flat multi-label problem ignoring the vertical category correlations or exploiting the dependencies across different hierarchical levels without considering the horizontal correlations among categories at the same level, which inevitably leads to fundamental information loss. In this paper, we propose a novel HMTC framework that considers both vertical and horizontal category correlations. Specifically, we first design a loosely coupled graph convolutional neural network as the representation extractor to obtain representations for words, documents, and, more importantly, level-wise representations for categories, which are not considered in previous works. Then, the learned category representations are adopted to capture the vertical dependencies among levels of category hierarchy and model the horizontal correlations. Finally, based on the document embeddings and category embeddings, we design a hybrid algorithm to predict the categories of the entire hierarchical structure. Extensive experiments conducted on real-world HMTC datasets validate the effectiveness of the proposed framework with significant improvements over the baselines.